About Images On Mirror Surfaces - Alternative View

About Images On Mirror Surfaces - Alternative View
About Images On Mirror Surfaces - Alternative View

Video: About Images On Mirror Surfaces - Alternative View

Video: About Images On Mirror Surfaces - Alternative View
Video: Spherical Mirrors 2024, October

Since ancient times, people who still have the ability of figurative communication have noticed that if you gaze intently at a certain time at some shiny surface - a mirror, the waters of a river or lake, crystals and crystal balls - then images of pictures of the past, future or events taking place at a great distance. But what is the reason for this phenomenon?

In the book "100 Great Secrets of Consciousness" edited by A. Bernatsky, we can read the following about this phenomenon:

But scientists are only half right. The fact is that such abilities of clairvoyance and distant vision come off in people during the achievement of altered states of consciousness. Mirror and reflective surfaces are a kind of "tuning tool" of our consciousness, which make it easier for us to achieve the appropriate states when our consciousness gets the opportunity to connect to energy-information fields (Akashic Chronicles).

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Basically, this gift manifests itself spontaneously, but if you train your connections to information fields, then you can eventually learn to quite consciously find the necessary information in them, just like we find it on the Internet. Therefore, it is not at all accidental that some modern researchers call the information fields not only the Akasha Chronicles, but also the Universal Internet. And the peculiarity of this "Internet" is the fact that it contains only reliable information, including that which is carefully hidden from us by certain forces and their servants who have seized control over humanity.

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