How Psychics Bury Living Children - Alternative View

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How Psychics Bury Living Children - Alternative View
How Psychics Bury Living Children - Alternative View

Video: How Psychics Bury Living Children - Alternative View

Video: How Psychics Bury Living Children - Alternative View
Video: Find Out How Many Lives You Have Lived Based On Your Birthday 2024, October

Thousands of volunteers of the Liza Alert search unit, known throughout Russia, help in the search for the missing people. This powerful and highly effective organization, with impressive results, helps find old people and children who might otherwise die. But the impeccable reputation of the Liza Alert detachment was privatized by psychics. Sorcerers, healers and other astrologers not only stole the brand of the search organization, but also mock the relatives of the missing people, arranging real dances on bones and “killing” living children in their hallucinations and fantasies. Life understood a detailed business scheme based on the theft of a good name and the most dense human delusions.

The village of Krasnoe, Tarnogsky District, Vologda Region, is a remote place. Everyone knows each other, there is only a river and a dense forest around. On September 4, the mother of a two-year-old girl, Vasilisa, left the child in the sandbox to play with her young sisters, and she herself went to her neighbor's house to breastfeed the baby. When she returned, she did not find Vasilisa in the sandbox.

Photo of the missing girl on September 4
Photo of the missing girl on September 4

Photo of the missing girl on September 4.

At first, the mother tried to find her daughter on her own and only four hours later she called the police. Search events were organized, where more than four hundred people took part. The whole world was looking for both criminologists and volunteers.

The village of Krasnoye is a rather remote place. The search did not lead to anything, and the UK opened a case on the grounds of murder. Accusations also fell on the mother of five, who had previously attracted the attention of social services due to improper parenting. Life found out that all five children in this family had different fathers. In general, not the most exemplary mother with many children …

And while the whole world was looking for the missing girl, the real sabbath began on social networks …

Search for the missing girl … in her own hallucinations

Promotional video:

Several years ago, a public with the self-explanatory name "Astro Alert" appeared on the social network, in which "practicing" lovers of astrology and other esoteric "sciences" gather. The owners of the public publish a link about the missing person from the Liza Alert website, starting a discussion in the comments where sorcerers and magicians share their guesses and hallucinations.


The creators of the group, probably realizing the dubiousness of the content being created, published a special disclaimer: "We do not urge us to believe." Say, sorcerers and astrologers gathered separately from everyone, so as not to interfere with anyone. However, the content generated by "magicians" is freely available and can not only interfere with real searches, but also injure, for example, the relatives of the missing.

The group was named "Astro Alert" - probably in order to earn points on the high reputation of the Lisa Alert search party. Not every user will understand where the legs grow from, and the name seems to be on the ear. For fortune-tellers, sorcerers and psychics themselves, this group is something like an outlet or home-grown "Battle of psychics". You can measure your chakras, open your "third eye" to each other …

Unfortunately, she is cold …

Pseudo searches in hallucinations and esoteric delusions of really lost people have been turned not only into mockery of the relatives and friends of the missing, but also, for example, into inciting ethnic hatred.

“The girl was taken away by a woman associated with gypsies. Wants to sell them. The girl is located north of the place from where she disappeared in the next block. The house is typical, a small two-story building with a couple of entrances, shabby yellow. Dark staircase. A bright woman led away. The girl is sometimes beaten or treated rudely. She cries, annoys. Until they took him out of the city. She is alive,”writes a certain Irina Alyokhina,“a kabbalist and esotericist,”about the same two-year-old Vasilisa who was lost in the Vologda region.

And then esotericists and sorcerers come to a consensus - Vasilisa is already dead! At that moment it seemed logical: the village is deaf - only four hundred people live. Around the forest, a river. If they have been looking for a long time and cannot find, the worst happened, not otherwise. Accusations are pouring in the comments. Sorcerers directly hint - "shake your mother."

Hypotheses of * experts * from the * Astra alert * group. Photo: LIFE, alert
Hypotheses of * experts * from the * Astra alert * group. Photo: LIFE, alert

Hypotheses of * experts * from the * Astra alert * group. Photo: LIFE,

“The girl is most likely dead. By her date of birth, one can read the danger from water, it could be a river,”- another version of the death of a child. And not the last one:

“I would like to believe in the best. But I don’t think she’s alive. Looks like drowning, accident, overlooked."

The sorcerers * buried * the missing girl. Photo: LIFE, alert
The sorcerers * buried * the missing girl. Photo: LIFE, alert

The sorcerers * buried * the missing girl. Photo: LIFE,

“Something the mother does not say. The child was not in another place himself, he was taken there. But you can't see it, water is somewhere nearby, but that's not it. Perhaps the well or the pit is really big. There is no feeling that the child is alive,”- fortune-telling is getting worse.

Photo: LIFE, alert
Photo: LIFE, alert

Photo: LIFE,

At the time of this writing, sorcerers and sorcerers continued to scoff in the comments under the post about the missing girl.

Counting more on their "third eye" than on a search in Yandex, magicians and psychics did not notice in the astral fields that the girl had already been found, albeit not quite healthy, but alive. She was found in reality, five hundred meters from the place of loss, and in serious condition was taken to the Vologda regional hospital. For two nights in the forest, the child's body underwent dehydration and hypothermia.

Who benefits from esoteric dances on bones?

A natural question arises: who benefits from obscurantism in the Astro Alert group, which has about fifty thousand subscribers? Or is it just an outlet for people with a mobile psyche who have seen enough esoteric shows on TV?

In the Astro Alert group, there seems to be no word about money or paid services, but the main information block contains a link to another astrological group, where such services are already offered and advertised in a variety of forms. It is clear that the groups are connected and the parent "search" group is just a sales funnel, as marketers say, for a commercial site. And there, some healer and astrologer Katerina Dyatlova is already waiting for the user, advertising paid consultations and courses.

Typical astrologer in clothes with stars. Photo: vk / Katerina Dyatlova
Typical astrologer in clothes with stars. Photo: vk / Katerina Dyatlova

Typical astrologer in clothes with stars. Photo: vk / Katerina Dyatlova.

We do not undertake to argue about the practical or scientific value of astrological services in social networks and do not shout the medieval "burn the witch!" However, the activities of home-grown psychics and healers easily fall under some articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, not to mention the fact that it is unlikely that sorcerers register in a tax individual entrepreneur or LLC with a prescribed activity to draw up a map of Chiron in Taurus.

And in any case, esoteric speculation on the loss of children looks disgusting.

Stanislav Senkin