A Doll With A Human Face Should You Be Afraid Of Realistic Toys? - Alternative View

A Doll With A Human Face Should You Be Afraid Of Realistic Toys? - Alternative View
A Doll With A Human Face Should You Be Afraid Of Realistic Toys? - Alternative View

Video: A Doll With A Human Face Should You Be Afraid Of Realistic Toys? - Alternative View

Video: A Doll With A Human Face Should You Be Afraid Of Realistic Toys? - Alternative View
Video: What's inside FACEBANK? 2024, July

Lovely babies with chubby cheeks, sophisticated ladies in elegant, expensive outfits, whimsical fairy elves, noble knights in medieval armor … The incredible and delightful world of dolls amazes and enchants people of all ages with a magnificent palette of colors and images. For many centuries, these beautiful creatures delight children and adults all over the world, become faithful companions of childhood or an original decoration of a rich interior. However, few people remember that before the doll turned into a cute children's toy or became an interior decoration, it played a completely different role and had a completely different purpose.

Dolls originated in antiquity and carried a deep sacred meaning. They were created for special rituals and ceremonies that required work with human energy. Transferring his image to a clay or rag figurine, a priest or a sorcerer was able to control and change the biofield of a living person. Pupae were also created for protective purposes, they served as a reliable amulet and talisman for pregnant women, sick old people, newborn children. Sometimes one doll could protect and protect an entire family or even a clan from misfortune.

Realizing how powerful a ritual doll can have, how dangerous it can become if dark forces take possession of it, people have found a way to protect themselves by refusing to depict faces on ritual toys. It is believed that demons and evil spirits can take possession of a human figure if they find a portal in it, which, according to many esotericists and psychics, is precisely the eyes, even if they are drawn.

It is no coincidence that, looking at the ancient traditional dolls-amulets of our Slavic ancestors, it is impossible to find a figurine with facial features depicted on it. From generation to generation, dolls with faces as white as snow were created. It is impossible to find a doll with a painted face in the Amish communities. These religious communities try to maintain their identity and purity, without coming into contact with representatives of modern society. Living according to the strict rules of the community and sacredly honoring the Laws of God, the Amish are more than anything in the world afraid of the intrigues of the Devil, believing that he can enter their world through the achievements of the modern world or through a recreated human image (doll). That is why toys of children in Amish communities are primitive and simple, it is impossible to find a figurine of a person with eyes in them.

Be that as it may, few remember the original purpose of the doll and the danger that it can carry in itself. Therefore, having originated in antiquity, this toy is constantly changing and transforming. Master puppeteers at all costs strive to bring their creations closer to perfection, achieving maximum resemblance to a living person. It is with such dolls that, as a rule, the most mystical and mysterious cases are associated, which sometimes even the most notorious skeptics cannot find a rational explanation for.

By the way, for several decades, many mystics and journalists have been attracted by the eerie and chilling story of the Annabelle doll. This case is so mysterious and inexplicable from a logical point of view that it received wide publicity and even attracted the attention of filmmakers. The legend associated with the toy Annabelle was filmed several times, and each time this frightening story attracted many viewers.

According to the legend, which became the basis of the plot of the films, Annabelle is a textile doll from the "Rag Annie" series. These toys were created based on one of the children's books and were in great demand among children in 1920-1930. One woman, determined to give an original present to her twenty-eight-year-old daughter, walks into a small antique shop, where her attention is drawn to a charming vintage doll. Without thinking twice, the lady buys the specified toy and gives it to her daughter Donna. After that, strange and inexplicable things begin to happen in the house of the latter: incomprehensible rustles and sounds at night, electrical appliances turn on and off, doors slam, and the Annie doll (aka Annabelle) mysteriously ends up in different places in the apartment. Donna's girlfriend, who lives with her in the house, notes the same oddities. A chain of mysterious and eerie events makes the girls believe that the rag doll is possessed, and they turn to paranormal researchers Ed Warren and his wife Lorraine for help. Experienced researchers confirm the presence of dark forces in Annie's doll and, with the help of a priest, conduct an exorcism rite. After the ritual, they take the doll to their "Warren Occult Museum", where it is to this day, protected from tactile contacts by a glass box.where she is to this day, protected from tactile contacts by a glass box.where she is to this day, protected from tactile contacts by a glass box.

The history of the Annabelle doll is indicative, however, one should not think that every old beautiful toy carries evil and is possessed by the restless soul of the previous owner. It often happens that the fear and negative emotions that a doll can generate in a person are caused not by her paranormal activity, but by a special mental disorder called glenophobia.

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Glenophobia is a form of pediophobia (doll fear) that is considered one of the most difficult and difficult to treat fears. In fact, a person is afraid not so much of a doll as of her gaze, so at first he may not even feel dislike for the toy, and only over time his fears and distrust of the doll grow, accumulate and lead to severe phobia. People with glenophobia often think that the doll does not take its eyes off them, turns its head in their direction, its facial expressions change and it is she who is to blame for all life's failures and problems. Glenophobia sufferers often argue that the doll in their house carries evil and negative energy.

Many skeptics are sure that it is people with various forms of pediophobia that give rise to numerous stories and legends associated with ominous dolls; supporters of the rational argue that in fact most of the stories associated with the paranormal activity of toys, still have a completely logical explanation. However, whether to believe in the possibility of the doll's obsession or to listen to the voice of the rational, as usual, let everyone decide for himself.