I Saw The Brownie - Alternative View

I Saw The Brownie - Alternative View
I Saw The Brownie - Alternative View

Video: I Saw The Brownie - Alternative View

Video: I Saw The Brownie - Alternative View

Vladimir I. was always firmly convinced that there are no miracles in life. He stood and still stands on an atheistic point of view. But after getting married at 40 (second marriage) miracles began in all three apartments, which he and his wife changed in four years. In the middle of the night, a knock is heard in the nightstand. They take her out to another room - she falls silent. Quiet minutes for ten minutes, then a knock on another bedside table. Vladimir was powerless to do anything, and his wife laughed, since it turns out that she was familiar with all this from the age of fifteen. The glasses were vibrated. From under the floor (the basement was not there) there was a heartbreaking creak and squeal, as if someone had difficulty opening a heavy door with rusty hinges or an old chest. The wife said that "he" kicks them out. For all the time of life together - and years have passed - "he" did not leave his spouses. Most often, the knocking came from a wooden clock. And if they were carried out,then "he" climbed into any furniture.

Once Vladimir saw "him" with his own eyes and believes that he miraculously survived. Vladimir is a normal healthy person. He is engaged in gymnastics, cycling, scuba diving, does not smoke or drink, does not suffer from hallucinations. But the meeting shocked him. They saw each other for about thirty seconds. "His" look is paralyzing. It is impossible to breathe, to move. There was only one defense left - who would reconsider whom. His eyes are piercing, furious, burning. "He" melted away, hurriedly backing to the wall, went into it, and the eyes disappeared last.

Vladimir managed to see him well - to the waist. Growth about one and a half meters. The face is oblong, lean, the eyes are small, the nose is thin, oblong, probably eight to ten centimeters long. The ears are round, regular, the shoulder width is about 30 centimeters. All covered with brown hair. But, despite the coat, the contours of the nose, lips and ears are clearly visible.

In the last year of marriage "he" knocked furiously. The wife told Vladimir that nothing good should be expected. They soon parted ways, hating each other.

Then, when Vladimir was already living without his wife, "he" came once - for a week. I knocked on the clock for a week. Vladimir stopped them, and the knocking stopped.

Miracles disappeared with my wife …

From the book: "SECRETS OF THE TWENTY CENTURY". I. I. Mosin