Thief - Brownie - Alternative View

Thief - Brownie - Alternative View
Thief - Brownie - Alternative View

Video: Thief - Brownie - Alternative View

Video: Thief - Brownie - Alternative View
Video: Thief - Bored Ep 92 | Viva La Dirt League (VLDL) 2024, July

We got a brownie. He was gone for so many years (or did not make himself felt), and here you are, please. We didn’t see him, as you know, brownies know how not to be seen, but we noticed tricks. I will tell you three cases in which I was personally involved.

Once in winter, my friends and I were going to the cinema. I was ironing a dress, then my father came into my room and threw some money for expenses. I was delighted, I think we will drop by somewhere else after the movie. She thanked dad, put the money on the ironing board and continued to work on the dress.

When everything was ready, she turned off the iron and began to dress. I pulled on a dress, I saw - but there was no money. She ransacked the whole room, emptied out the bag, turned out all the pockets, turned the table over - you never know, maybe I shifted it and forgot. No money!

On March 8th they gave me a scallop. Such as I wanted: wooden, painted, semi-antique. Mom tried, looked somewhere. Satisfied, I gave him a place of honor on the shelf. And she began to comb only with them. I'll take it, comb it and put it back on the shelf.

And then one day it was not on the shelf. Lost. Searched the room - no. I searched the bathroom - no. I even examined the living room with the kitchen - there is no scallop. I asked my parents - they did not see it. My gift has sunk into the water. I had to go back to regular brushes. It's a shame, but what can you do.

With my frantic rhythm of life, I got used to collecting my hair in a ponytail so as not to interfere. In the morning I will tie my tail and then go until the evening, not remembering about them. Holds on. The main thing in this business is a good rubber band.

I always wore it with me so as not to lose it. At night under the pillow, in the morning on the arm, and all day on the head. And then I had free time, and I decided to go to the shower in the morning, and not in the evening, as usual. She removed the rubber band from her hand and placed it on the edge of the tub. I bathed, I get out, but there is no gum.

Oh, and I was angry! All day I was in a bad mood - I had to go to work with my hair down. The brownie seemed to mock me - he carried my favorite things.

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And now the year has come to an end. As is usual with us, we started a general cleaning. Everyone was moving and cleaning the dust. Room by room. The turn came to the living room. And there we have a wall in which a battery is hiding. And the closet will be moved to this wall.

We moved it … - and guess what we found? All family losses. I - my money, an elastic band and a comb, my brother - a battery, my mother - a ring and a nail file, my father - glasses. Each brownie stole something important and necessary. What did he want to tell us by this? I do not know. Or maybe he just collected a collection?

We have not lost anything else yet.

Varvara SOLOMON, Chelyabinsk