Think About It, People! - Alternative View

Think About It, People! - Alternative View
Think About It, People! - Alternative View

Video: Think About It, People! - Alternative View

Video: Think About It, People! - Alternative View
Video: Top 10 Pieces Of Evidence That Prove We Live In A Simulation 2024, July

Who runs the show in our country? Do the main orders now come from the Kremlin? Isn't it time for us to create our own government consisting of Russians and other indigenous peoples? After all, there are more than 80% of Russians in Russia. Are there no talented people who could deal with all the obscurantism that is happening? There is! Nobody simply lets them into power. A meeting was organized there. And the people turned into an economically disadvantageous population.

The current government not only fails to manage, it destroys all living things: land, water, natural resources … Only emissions and landfills are growing. Forests burn out and are cut down, but the area of forest plantations is negligible! Not a single reservoir has been cleaned! It is simply not beneficial for the ruling structures. They want to quickly get the maximum profit, and what will happen next, they apparently do not care at all.

For example, now the authorities of the Russian Federation are actively feeding the church, although it is necessary to stop promoting religion and move on to universal human eco-civilization. It has been proven that religion is a management tool. How many religious wars have there been in history? They are coming now. It is worth seeing the example of Iceland, which did the right thing by banning religion at the state level, declaring that all religions should be qualified as weapons of mass destruction. The appeal of the parliament says that Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism and Buddhism belong to the same category as nuclear weapons, mustard gas and chemical warfare agents …

Wars are an effective tool for population reduction. According to official figures, about 126 million people have died in wars in the last 100 years alone. And how many died after the wars from their consequences? How many lives were mutilated? People are losing their homes, relatives, the economy, infrastructure, nature suffer … How many are wounded, crippled? But the ruling class considers wars to be economically beneficial. Wars are business. They bring profit and power, which is more important than money. But is it beneficial for the people, for nature?

It turns out that the “rulers” estimate the human life extremely cheaply. Man has become a resource, and a cheap resource. And the life of wild animals is not taken into account at all. How many animals and not only wild ones died at the hands of man? How many trees and other plants died? How many insects? The earth is destroyed, the soil that has been forming for millennia, the water is poisoned …

If we look at what percentage of the budget is spent on creation, on saving the planet, and what percentage on its destruction, we will see that creation is significantly inferior to destruction! What is being done creatively? Almost nothing! But people could spend military budgets on their home, on the future of the planet, if they felt personally responsible for this future.

Where is the market economy taking us? In pursuit of profit, people destroy everything, down to the last drop of water. Do you want to live in the desert? But if there is only one desert, we will have nothing to eat and drink. Cutting down and burning forests, we are deprived of air and water! And this means that all living things, including man, will perish. And those who consider themselves the masters of the planet, don't they understand this? Most likely they do. This means that they are leading to this purpose. Destroy everything!

How long will this destruction last? As long as people are scattered. Huge scattered masses are easily controlled by even small groups of so-called elites. They will not be able to govern a single people. The people unite only in 2 cases: either with the onset of a common misfortune (war), or with a common desire for something bright. The trouble is already on the nose! But we are still inactive. For example, the Chinese in the Far East and Siberia have occupied the territory, they are already in charge there. And we let them do it! It's time to unite into a single whole. Become one strong family!

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On earth now dominates one line of cut: the beggar-rich. While some are competing who lives more beautifully, others have to make ends meet and die slowly, surviving with difficulty. Only officially, there are 20 million beggars in Russia! But even in this situation, people prefer to go to work for a penny, rather than somehow try to improve their lives. Europeans believe that the salary is below 760 euros, or in our money, 60 thousand rubles is just slave labor. But if you exclude the very top of the pyramid, then 80-90 percent of the population does not receive that kind of money. And if they did, we just would have even more trash. Only a few people who live on their own land and people who adhere to minimalism can now boast of an environmentally friendly thinking.

But over the people there is a "overseer", a hidden, secret, conceptual power that controls this carnival. The guards are smart enough, for they made the whole world dance to their tune. But they are also stupid, because they did not understand that even if they manage to deceive all people (and they did it), they will not deceive nature. Now they must rush about in horror at the thought that they will have to perish along with those whom they made slaves, perish from an ecological catastrophe. The task of the "overseers" is to leave several million morons and use them as servants, as labor. They don't need intellectuals, they don't need healthy people, they just need slaves! The fate of the North American Indians is prepared for the Russians.

People don't resist. And those who resist are imprisoned under a political clause … Instead of real opposition to the regime, the illusion of opposition is now being created. The people with open mouths are watching what is happening. The principle is observed: “bread and circuses”. "The slave does not seek freedom, the slave compares the masters." The owners are organized - the people are not.

Russians still have a slavish mentality: we believe that a savior will appear from somewhere above and will save everyone. But everything will change only when each person himself begins to actively act. Not a president, not a god, not a superhero, not a boss. Only you yourself. The key word here is responsibility! “The Planet has no hands but yours” …

Think about it, people! We're dying! The Earth is running out of resources, oxygen is becoming less and more carbon dioxide, the climate is broken, water is leaving, famine is imminent, since we use the resources of the planet very unwisely and with huge overruns. We consume many times more than we need. Society now suffers from schizophrenia, which is even sadder, many are proud of their mental disabilities, shows, parades are organized …

This is not intimidation, this is a warning! In contrast to the abstract fear that is present in many religions, here are the facts.

If we do not change our minds, do not make care for nature our main task, we, people, will very soon disappear from the face of the Earth!

Author: Alexander Krasheninnikov