The Second Coming Of Christ - Alternative View

The Second Coming Of Christ - Alternative View
The Second Coming Of Christ - Alternative View

Video: The Second Coming Of Christ - Alternative View

Video: The Second Coming Of Christ - Alternative View
Video: Before the Second Coming of Christ, These 4 Signs Will Take Place 2024, July

SECOND COMING - in the Christian doctrine, the second appearance of Christ (Savior) on Earth at the "end of the world" (end of the world) after the end of the earthly existence of mankind. The promise of the coming is one of the powerful arguments in the educational influence of the church on the flock (believers), for together with the second coming, the Last Judgment over sinners is expected.

The expectation of the next appearance of the Savior in 2 thousand years gave rise to many unfulfilled predictions, disappointments in prophecies and prophets.

Will Christ return a second time? Christ himself was the first to answer this question (of course, positively). Later, not a single mortal (except for the notorious blasphemers and ordinary atheists) doubted the second coming. The terms of which were always called different, and each time they were quite close.


None of the many true predictions came true with the only proviso that all mental hospitals were inundated with false Jesus. However, we must admit - if the real Christ appeared now, alas, but in a world steeped in sin, he with his “non-modern views” would also greatly risk getting into a mental hospital.

In 1917, knowledge of the place of the second coming was established in the Catholic Church immediately after the appearance in front of a crowd of thousands of witnesses of the Mother of God in the village of Fatima, near Lisbon in Portugal. This phenomenon is called "the third secret of Fatima." The only girl (of three children) who lived longer than her friends was forever imprisoned in the dungeons of the monastery, without the right to communicate with journalists.

What was the secret of Fatima has not yet been publicly disclosed (a deliberate leak of information allegedly read: there was "a command from above that Russia be converted to Catholicism"). Rumors also claim that the Catholic Church allegedly hides the time of the Second Coming reported in 1917. Whether this is true or not is unknown.


Promotional video:

August 11, 1999 (the day when many predicted the end of the world), according to the astrologer N. N. Glazkova, most likely, a certain great person was to be born. She explains her guess by the fact that the planets of the solar system lined up in a cross - just as it was at the birth of Alexander the Great: Earth and Mercury “on top of the cross”, Jupiter and Saturn “on the right”, Uranus and Neptune “below”, Pluto and Mars left.

The themes of Christ and the dates of his appearance have remained popular throughout the Christian world for two thousand years. And at different times, clairvoyants pointed to such dates for the appearance of Christ.

In the 1st-11th centuries A. D.; in 1042; October 19, 1814 (I. Southcott) 1928 [Atlantis 1995, No. 1, p. 3]; May and June 1990; early 1991; 1992; October 28, 1992; 1993; November 24, 1993 ("White Brotherhood"); 1994 (F. Bonjean); March 31, 1996; 1998 (reincarnation of God according to X. Chen); 1999; August 11, 1999 (N. Glazkova); November 12, 1999 (R. Jeffries); 2000; end of 2000 (cloning of Christ); 2001; and other years.

Where will the Savior appear? There were a lot of predictions for the year of the end of the 20th century. Many Russian clairvoyants almost unanimously asserted that "He will appear, of course, in Russia." Hollywood films invariably put Jesus in San Francisco, the French in Paris, and so on in almost every Christian country. The Americans claimed that "one of the new messiahs is already living in London." Only a few, however, recalled Jerusalem, the place of Christ's execution.

In the texts of the Bible, Jesus Christ himself and the apostles not only do not indicate definitely the day and hour of the second coming, but even directly speak of the impossibility for a person to know this (Matt. 24:36; Acts. 1: 6-7; 2 Pet. 3:10 and etc.). However, they indicated some signs of this time, such as: the appearance of many false Christs (Matt. 24: 5; 1 John 2:18), the spread of the gospel preaching throughout the world, to all nations (Matt. 24:14), the impoverishment of faith and love in people (Matthew 24:12; Luke 18: 8), fear of calamities that should overtake the Earth (Luke 21:26) and the appearance of the wicked (Greek ὁ ἄνομος) (2 Thess. 2: 8), then there is an antichrist.

In the parable of the fig tree (Matt. 24: 32-33; Luke 21: 29-31), Jesus Christ indicated the way of determining the approach of the Day of the Lord: when the trees are blooming, that summer is near. When the “coming of the Son of Man” is “at the door,” the disciples will be able to recognize this (Matt. 24:33). Christ asks the disciples to see the approach of the Kingdom of God and to be lifted up (Luke 21:28; Luke 21:31).

As in the prophecies of the Old Testament, the prophecies of the New Testament say that the second coming will be preceded by many cataclysms (earthquakes) and signs in the sky (darkening of the sun and moon, falling stars from the sky).

“And suddenly, after the sorrow of those days, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of heaven will be shaken; then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven; and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn and see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory

(Matthew 24: 29,30)"

According to the texts of the New Testament, the Second Coming of Christ for the judgment of the world will be visible to all people on Earth.

Luke. 21: 26,27 - "people will groan with fear and expectation [of calamities] coming to the universe, for the powers of heaven will be shaken, and then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory."

The following historical events by some 19th century theologians (Joseph Wolff, Edward Irving, William Miller, Joseph Smith, Leonard Kelber, Mason, Winthrop) were considered as a possible beginning of the fulfillment of the prophecy of Jesus Christ about his second coming:

Currently, the following people claim or have previously stated that they are the second coming Jesus Christ, and are trusted by a number of followers (the country and the year of the declaration of themselves as the second coming are indicated in parentheses):

And at the end, the freshest prediction about the second coming.

Rabbi Yosef Berger claims that 2022 will be the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. The Great Coming of Jesus Christ will take place in 2022 and this will be preceded by the birth of a new star announced by scientists.


In 2022, a new star will flash in the night sky. Its occurrence is the result of the collision of two other celestial bodies. For six months, this star will be the brightest in the sky - to the naked eye.

If we consider that this is the first time when people will be able to observe such a moment without resorting to complex techniques, then this is an important event in human history in itself, however, it may turn out that it is even more important than we think.

The rabbi claims that the new star points directly to the coming of the Messiah. He suggested that this star will be the fulfillment of the Bible prophecy from the Book of Numbers, according to which the star precedes the emergence of a strong military leader.