Stardust: UFO Waste Or Extraterrestrial Life Forms - Alternative View

Stardust: UFO Waste Or Extraterrestrial Life Forms - Alternative View
Stardust: UFO Waste Or Extraterrestrial Life Forms - Alternative View

Video: Stardust: UFO Waste Or Extraterrestrial Life Forms - Alternative View

Video: Stardust: UFO Waste Or Extraterrestrial Life Forms - Alternative View
Video: PROOF ALIENS EXIST? | First, it was UFOs, but could extraterrestrial life be next? | 7NEWS 2024, October

People are well aware of the composition of meteorites, but they know almost nothing about their helium-shaped counterparts. Although earlier ancestors often saw a gelatinous mass falling from the heavens, which they called stellar rot, but it really is UFO waste or extraterrestrial life forms.

The Russians call this phenomenon a star jelly, the Germans compared it to jelly, and to the British it resembles rotten food, and the Mexicans unflatteringly christened objects with lunar feces. British folklore often described their appearance along with meteorites, after which Walter Scott in the novel "Talisman" wrote about the search for a fallen star, instead of which a vile mass is visible on the ground, which can only momentarily ignite in the sky during flight. The peasants considered the substance to be fallen clouds, having different shades and rapidly decaying. Scientists managed to make analyzes of the star gift, after which they were amazed to find bird droppings, blue-green algae or a rare species of mushrooms there.


After that, opinions were expressed about the earthly nature of rot related to airborne waste, but in 1910 a testimony of a man from Massachusetts was published in the pages of an American scientific journal, observing the flight of a bright star hitting the ground. But at the scene there was a jelly-like mass, spreading an intolerable stench around itself. Also, a Ukrainian from the Rivne region told the media how his grandfather in 1914 noticed strange objects in the shape of a cigar near the railway, which rushed at great speed in the sky. Then in the evening near one house a substance fell into the courtyard, which after a while disappeared without a trace.


In the 50s, American police from Philadelphia also witnessed the fall of a large luminous object, after which they noticed how it pulsed on the field and began to extinguish. One employee even decided to touch it with his hand, after which he noted that the mass resembled odorless gelatin, and when he took the piece in his hand, it melted and evaporated into the air. Then an American from Miami, together with his wife, examined the star rot in the courtyard of the house, resembling a flattened soccer ball in its shape. It was transparent and consisted of many cells in which there was life. He also failed to show this find to scientists due to a sudden disappearance along the way.


The most recent case was recorded in the British Reserve of Somerset County. Then the world was vigorously discussing the fall of the Chelyabinsk meteorite, and the staff noticed its analog rushing over the territory. The found quagmire was urgently transferred to the laboratory, but the specialists were disappointed. They were unable to fully investigate the composition of the mysterious substance due to soil contamination, which left bacteria and worm DNA there. But the mucus itself has become a real mystery for scientists, which they have not yet been able to solve.

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In Soviet times and before, she was found during strange circumstances, as the woman's story eloquently testifies after a conversation with her relative, who saw such a terrible sight in 1908. Then the little girl played with her comrades on the streets of Minsk, but suddenly the sky darkened and began to split into pieces, and fire appeared from the crack. People on the streets began to cry and talk about the end of the world, after which the believers fell to their knees and began to read prayers. Then the baby also thought that a huge male figure was rising in the sky, but then the vision disappeared, and the people saw a fallen piece of a cloud, shaking like a jellied meat. The object continued to emit such movements during attempts to touch it with its hands, and then no one could understand where such a large mass could evaporate.


Readers, of course, want to know what stellar rot really is, because many hypotheses about its origin have already appeared. Petersburg ufologists consider it a waste of a UFO during the collision of an alien ship with the atmospheric layers of our planet. Therefore, matter is not interconnected with fireballs, but is thrown out of flying saucers, similar to distant shining celestial stars. Scientists at Moscow State University also made their own conclusions regarding the release of a mucous mass from the clouds after the multiplication of the bacterium along with algae that rise here along with the air currents. Further, the formation of a whole structure begins, with tangles and nets of microorganisms interconnected, and then the whole mass flies down, absorbing moisture along the way, where an unpleasant smell of rot arises in the process of decomposition of components.


In the writings of the researcher of paranormal phenomena Nikolai Nepomniachtchi, cases were described when clots could crawl on the grass or climb onto poles. The culprit of such events was a slime mold, which has a complex structure during different periods of life. Individuals form slime colonies with the abilities of collective mind animals. Perhaps, hypotheses about cloudy creatures, which are energy clots in a thin shell, are based on such principles. Now various guesses have not come to a consensus regarding the appearance of stellar mucus, and the question remained open for scientists.

Author: Irina Reshetnikova