A Radio Signal From The Constellation Aries Sends A UFO: What Are The Aliens Trying To Warn Us About? - Alternative View

A Radio Signal From The Constellation Aries Sends A UFO: What Are The Aliens Trying To Warn Us About? - Alternative View
A Radio Signal From The Constellation Aries Sends A UFO: What Are The Aliens Trying To Warn Us About? - Alternative View

Video: A Radio Signal From The Constellation Aries Sends A UFO: What Are The Aliens Trying To Warn Us About? - Alternative View

Video: A Radio Signal From The Constellation Aries Sends A UFO: What Are The Aliens Trying To Warn Us About? - Alternative View
Video: Radio signal sparks alien life speculation 2024, October

Scientists are wondering who is sending the mysterious radio signal.

People have been striving to find extraterrestrial life for a long time. Moreover, this fascinating activity is of great interest not only for specialists, but also for amateurs. They track different signals from space and try to unravel them. In turn, radio signals are also sent from the Earth and are waiting to see if there will be a response. To date, several hundred signals have already been recorded coming from different ends of the Universe, although in none of these cases the sources sending them have been confirmed. Which allows us to assume their natural origin. Radio telescopes, which are improving every year, help to catch signals. The matter is complicated by the fact that signals are also sent by various celestial bodies, for example, planets, stars and even comets.


The WOW signal, 72 seconds long, was captured in 1977 by a telescope called the Big Ear in Ohio. Initially, scientists also assumed that it was sent by aliens, but upon closer examination, astronomer Antonio Paris concluded that the signal was emitted by a comet. Although this version is also not final, because this radio telescope is not intended to record such long signals. And, although comets actually emit signals at the same frequency, they are too far from the Earth, so the signal is difficult to pick up. With the help of mathematical modeling, it was proved that the "Big Ear" could record a signal coming from a comet if it did not exceed a minute. When receiving a signal, the telescope was aimed at a group of stars in the constellation Sagittarius. Antonio Paris provedthat at the moment the signal appeared, two comets were just at a distance from each other: 266P / Christensen and 335P / Gibbs. These celestial objects are capable of creating huge (several million kilometers) clouds of hydrogen around them. And since the signal frequency was equal to 1420 MHz, at a wavelength of 21 cm, it just coincides with the radio frequency of the emission line of neutral hydrogen. It is the most powerful and unusual radio signal recorded to date. It is the most powerful and unusual radio signal recorded to date. It is the most powerful and unusual radio signal recorded to date.

The most unusual of the received signals is considered to be received in 2003 by the Arecibo laboratory. At the moment, it is of the greatest interest to the scientific world. It comes from a still unknown point located between the constellations of Pisces and Aries. Initially, it was assumed that it was sent by a UFO, but scientists have not yet undertaken to confirm this with certainty. Astronomers note that there is not a single star nearby for a thousand light years, therefore, the version that the source of the signal is inanimate does not seem so likely. Who knows what this mysterious signal is emitting - a crashed starship or a quasar unnoticed by telescopes. It is possible that in the near future, science will step up to a level that will allow us to decipher the essence of the signal and find out who is sending it.


For more than two years now, Australian scientists have been receiving the signal under the symbol FRB150215. But, using many telescopes and spending a lot of time, they could not establish the nature of the strange signal. Scientists around the globe did not succeed either, who, with the help of 11 telescopes, from different points caught the signal, but never found its original source. The signal was received on February 15, 2015 in Australia. But until now, almost nothing is known about it, except that it is short and repetitive. According to the hypothesis, its source is located in distant cosmic depths, beyond the borders of the Milky Way. Which speaks of the great strength of the signal, because otherwise it would not have been able to overcome such a huge distance full of obstacles.

By the way, scientists have been fixing signals of this kind for ten years already, 22 of them were caught. Californian scientists who studied them suggest that such outbreaks may be signs of the vital activity of an alien race. But this does not exclude the version of natural processes occurring in the Universe, from which these signals emanate.

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Astronomers believe that such discoveries are much more solid confirmation of the existence of extraterrestrial intelligent civilizations than eyewitness accounts of the so-called "green" or "silvery" men. The existence of life in Space, in itself, is quite likely, the question is, when will it "get" to the Earth.

Although there are finds that indicate that civilizations have already taken place in the solar system that did not live on our planet. In America, on a TV channel created by UFO seekers, not so long ago, a video was shown with sensational satellite images of the lunar surface. On them, according to the authors of the video, an object that looks like a tank is clearly visible. This confirms the theory of Canadian ufologists about the presence of a highly intelligent, intelligent race on the Moon. And this is not the only artifact found on an Earth satellite.


To search for signals of extraterrestrial life, the Phoenix Project was created, it uses 3 of the largest telescopes: the largest in the world, from the Arecibo laboratory, with a diameter of 300 meters and two more "modest" ones - 40 meters from West Virginia and 64 meters from Parks Observatory. The goal of the project is, of course, an active search for extraterrestrial intelligence. Scientists hope that such an ambitious program will certainly provide an opportunity for new discoveries.

Anna Voronina