Are Aliens Trying To Get In Touch With Humans? - Alternative View

Are Aliens Trying To Get In Touch With Humans? - Alternative View
Are Aliens Trying To Get In Touch With Humans? - Alternative View

Video: Are Aliens Trying To Get In Touch With Humans? - Alternative View

Video: Are Aliens Trying To Get In Touch With Humans? - Alternative View
Video: Alien Contact: What Happens Next? 2024, October

According to Lieutenant General Alexei Savin, who headed the secret Expert and Analytical Directorate for Unusual Human Opportunities and Special Types of Weapons, military psychics met aliens who wanted to get in touch with people.

The head of the established in the late 80s. of the last century, a secret organization, encrypted as "military unit No. 10003", said that it included the best psychics in the country. As he noted, the Office was created in order to analyze the programs of the so-called psi-wars (they differ from other types of wars by using extrasensory perception as a weapon).

Alexey Savin recalls that once they had to meet newcomers in the sands of Uzbekistan at the direction of Gorbachev.

"The well-known psychic Mark Milhiker wrote to the Secretary General that on a specific June day in 1991, aliens will land in the Kyzylkum desert, seeking contact with earthly civilization," the military is quoted as saying by Komsomolskaya Pravda.

The lieutenant general noted that he, together with the commander-in-chief of the air defense forces and military psychics, went to the indicated place. However, they did not manage to meet with representatives of extraterrestrial civilization.

Are aliens trying to get in touch with humans?

“We waited, waited at the fire at night … the UFO never showed up,” Savin added with regret….