Why Did Your Cat Come To You - Alternative View

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Why Did Your Cat Come To You - Alternative View
Why Did Your Cat Come To You - Alternative View

Video: Why Did Your Cat Come To You - Alternative View

Video: Why Did Your Cat Come To You - Alternative View
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The dog is considered the recognized protector of man. The cat does not bark at passers-by, does not rush. But it is she who keeps the house from the intrusion of real evil - negativity from the Subtle World, uninvited guests who you just can't see.

The dog is considered the recognized protector of man. The cat does not bark at passers-by, does not rush. But it is she who keeps the house from the intrusion of real evil - negativity from the Subtle World, uninvited guests who you just can't see.

It only seems to us that the decision to have a cat is taken by us ourselves. But in fact, cats, for some reason, chose us and appointed their owners.

So why did the kitten come to you?

Astrology will help to define its “goals and objectives”: depending on the month in which the cat appeared in the house, one can say from what it is trying to protect the owners of the home.

If a murka settled with you in the month of Aries, then one of the family members needed energy support. In addition, a cat that comes at this time will make you open to the outside world.

True, the "ram" kitty will bring a lot of anxiety: she is capable of running away in the middle of the night, scratching at the door at any time of the day, and demanding increased attention. In search of your favorite pet, you will run through the streets or climb trees to remove the unfortunate animal from the branch. But this is for your own good: your house and you are too closed.

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In the month of Taurus, the cat will bring protection from energy losses, from thieves, from the loss of material values, from negative emotions. If a cat appeared at this time, it means that someone wants to rob you or damage your property. All this applies not only to apartments and houses, but also to institutions and offices. By the way, if you are worried about money, a “calf” cat is quite capable of “charging” your wallet, passbook or credit card. Pet the kitty with these symbols of material success, let him rub his back against them, pat his paws.

A cat that appeared in the month of Gemini will save the owners from bad connections and unnecessary people in the house. In addition, she perfectly knows how to relieve headaches and is able to improve the memory of the owners: this is exactly what the four-legged healer does, purring under your ear. Pupils and students "twin" cat will help prepare for tests and exams. If the learning process is not going well, pay more attention to the kitty, play with her. The positive charge received through the hands will have a positive effect on intellectual ability.

In the month of Cancer, just like in the month of Taurus, the cat will help deal with the negativity associated with property. If the animal endowed you with its company at this particular time, it means that a lot of things have accumulated in the house, saturated with negative or stagnant energy. Feel free to throw everything out of the cabinets directly on the floor - let the cat lie on stale skirts and blouses. And at the same time you yourself will figure out what is worth leaving, and what makes sense to get rid of.

In the month of Leo, cats come to the owners' sweets from unnecessary spending and from the invasion of dark forces. In especially dangerous cases, not one, but several cats can settle in the house in order to protect you and your children from destructive emotions and destructive addictions.

In the month of Virgo, cats come to the home of seriously ill patients, as well as to places where major repairs are required. They are the best fighters against the dominance of any evil spirits - both ordinary and astral: mice, cockroaches, all kinds of reels. Such cats do not stay in the house for a long time: they are “crisis workers”. They show up, do their job and go home.

In the month of Libra, a cat will appear to keep your home and family from falling apart. It will help to cope with negative and induced damage, slander on personal life, on property - especially if someone is going to sue you for it. If the cat has settled with you at this time, we advise you to insure the house in any case against all possible damages. And the animal that came to you at this time indicates a possible change of housing, and not without judicial intervention: forced sale, exchange.

In the month of Scorpio, a cat comes to purposefully fight black magic, which is now especially strong. The appearance of a four-legged magician directly indicates a strong dark influence, most often directed at one of the spouses (all kinds of love spells).

In the month of Sagittarius, a cat rarely comes to the house, but if this happens, consider this a serious warning: negative energy from the authorities or any pseudo-religious sects is directed at your house.

In the month of Capricorn, the cat with its arrival will note that you are too closed and it is time to let someone else into the house. If at this time a single woman becomes the owner of a cat, be aware that in the near future she cannot get married or make friends. Do not take a cat - it is better to try to part with loneliness as quickly as possible, transform yourself and your home.

In the month of Aquarius, the cat brings the wind of freedom and change into your life. She is literally ready to kick you out of the house, if you do not stop being reclusive, do not expand your social circle. This month, the cat is ready to breed a cat kindergarten in your home, just to fill the space with fresh energy. With all her might she shows that your home lacks warmth, love and friendship.

In the month of Pisces, a cat will be nailed to your hearth if a pungent smell of loneliness emanates from it, if your house has a magical sign of widowhood or a “crown of celibacy”. This month, cats also come to the homes of magicians and sorcerers, helping them to do their magical work …!