What Are Geometric Symbols. What Geometric Symbols Are Used In Magic - Alternative View

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What Are Geometric Symbols. What Geometric Symbols Are Used In Magic - Alternative View
What Are Geometric Symbols. What Geometric Symbols Are Used In Magic - Alternative View

Video: What Are Geometric Symbols. What Geometric Symbols Are Used In Magic - Alternative View

Video: What Are Geometric Symbols. What Geometric Symbols Are Used In Magic - Alternative View
Video: Geometry symbols | Symbols | Symbols meaning | Maths Symbols | 2024, October

Geometric symbols are all kinds of lines (straight, curved, broken and combined), geometric shapes (circle, cross, triangle, etc.) and bodies (ball, cube, pyramid, etc.), which in two-dimensional space acquire kind of figures.

Geometric symbols represented the structure of outer space, as well as the structure of ritual space (temple, tomb) and forms of sacred objects. With the help of geometric symbols, the structure and structure of a social society, as well as spiritual (ethical) space (love, faith, hope, fortitude, etc.) were depicted. Let us examine in more detail the most popular geometric symbols used both in magic and in science.

The most common geometric symbols are:


Most often in magic, straight lines, broken (zigzag) lines, spirals and volts are used, which correspond to thunder, water, earth, a snake, etc. Also, as a magic symbol, they can use a continuous, broken at a right angle, a line otherwise called a meander. This line symbolized the absence of beginning and end - eternity. In Ancient Greece, the meander was compared with a labyrinth, and in Ancient China - with reincarnation.


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The spiral is a rather ambiguous symbol. The spiral as a magic symbol was used even in Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, China, Europe, Japan, Oceania, pre-Columbian America, Scandinavian countries and Crete. The spiral is a symbol of solar and lunar energy, thunder, lightning, vortex and creative forces.


The shape of this geometric figure also determines its symbolism. The triangle symbolizes the number 3, as well as the trinity in all its combinations: birth-life-death, body-mind-soul, father-mother-children, heaven-earth-underworld.

Among other things, the triangle is a symbol of the fertility of the earth, marriage, flame, mountain, pyramid, physical stability, the head of God.

If you connect three triangles, you get the Pythagorean symbol of health. Also, this symbol is the emblem of the Massons.

The swastika inside the triangle is a symbol of cosmic harmony.

A triangle placed within the borders of a square is a symbol of the combination of everything divine and human, heavenly and earthly, spiritual and bodily.

The triangle inside the circle is a symbol of trinity in a single whole, and two intersecting triangles are divinity, the combination of fire and water, the victory of spirit over matter.

Star of David

The six-pointed star of David, or otherwise the hexagram according to legend, was the coat of arms of the Israeli king David in the tenth century BC. It was this fact that served as the basis for the name of this symbol. Also, this symbol was depicted on the amulet of the Babylonian king Kurigalsu, a contemporary of the biblical Moses and on the seal of King Solomon.


The pentagram (five-pointed star) is a symbol of the microcosm as well as the human figure. The pentagram designates five mysterious centers of power, five human senses, five elements in nature, five limbs of the human body. With the help of the pentagram, a person can control low creatures and demand help from high creatures.


The square is a symbol of stability and constancy, as well as the perfect form of the closed and mystical union of the four elements.


The Pentagon is a regular pentagon in the shape of a star. It is a symbol of eternity, perfection and the Universe. Also, the pentagon can serve as an amulet of health. If this symbol is inscribed on the doors, then it will drive away witches and evil entities. The Pentagon is used in various magical conspiracies and rituals.


Hexagon - a regular hexagon - is a symbol of beauty and harmony. He is also an image of a man - two arms, two legs, head and torso. Due to the fact that on one side the hexagon has corners, and on the other, it is close to the shape of a circle, in mystical rites it is associated with the idea of energy and peace, as well as with the Sun.

A circle

The circle is a universal symbol of integrity, harmony and perfection. The round shape has been considered sacred since ancient times, as it was the most natural shape in nature. The circle symbolized what in the modern world is called - the space-time continuum, as well as what lies outside of time and space. The circle has no beginning, no end, no top and no bottom.

A circle with a dot in the center is a symbol for a complete time cycle. In astrology, the circle is a symbol of the Sun, and in alchemy it is a symbol of the Sun and the Moon.

The two concentric circles represent the Sun and the Moon. Three concentrated circles - symbolize - past, present and future; three spheres are a symbol of heaven, earth and hell.

The circle with the cross inside - denotes Paradise and its four rivers flowing from the center, as well as the Tree of Life.


The appearance of the cross symbol dates back to the Neolithic era. The cross is one of the most common religious symbols of the highest sacred values. Unlike the circle and the square, the main symbolic idea of which is to distinguish between the inner and the outer, the cross emphasizes the idea of the center and the main directions leading from it. In fact, the cross is the center of the world and the connection point between heaven and earth is the cosmic axis.

The cross has often served as a model of a person or an anthropomorphic deity. At the same time, the cross also moderates the spiritual aspect, the ability to endless and harmonious stretching in the vertical and horizontal directions.

In the vertical direction, this is the ascent of the spirit, striving towards God, eternity: stellar, intellectual, positive, active, masculine strength.

In the horizontal direction, it is an earthly, rational, passive, negative, feminine force. In general, the cross forms an androgyne (an individual of one sex, which has signs of the other sex), and also reflects the dualism in nature and the union of opposites. The cross represents the spiritual union and integrity of the human spirit in vertical-horizontal aspects, which is necessary for the fullness of life. In other words, the cross is the figure of a man with outstretched arms, as well as a symbol of the descent of spirit into matter.

Various forms of the cross are known. The cross with a loop at the top was understood as the key that opens the gates to divine knowledge. The T-shaped part of the symbol referred to wisdom - a drop-shaped circle - to the eternal, beginning.

T-shaped cross - tau cross. Among the ancient Egyptians, this symbol denoted the location of the horns of a bull or a ram - the vertical part is the animal's muzzle. For the ancient Jews, this is a symbol of the expected messiah. In ancient Rome - on such a cross criminals were crucified - it was used as an instrument of execution.

Later, in various religious trends and political unions, they invented their own, certain forms, crosses: Burgundy, Maltese, Andreev, etc.


The swastika is a cross with equal-sized loops, the ends of which are bent in the form of the Greek letter gamma - a religious Hindu symbol. In Asia and Europe, the swastika was considered a secret magic sign. This is the sun, the source of life and fertility, and at the same time - a symbol of thunder and heavenly fire.