Where In The World The Most Incredible Mirages Await You - Alternative View

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Where In The World The Most Incredible Mirages Await You - Alternative View
Where In The World The Most Incredible Mirages Await You - Alternative View

Video: Where In The World The Most Incredible Mirages Await You - Alternative View

Video: Where In The World The Most Incredible Mirages Await You - Alternative View
Video: The Cardigans - Erase / Rewind “Director's Cut” 2024, October

Scientists still cannot fully explain the nature of this fascinating and frightening phenomenon

One day, French soldiers were walking through the desert and saw a flock of flamingos, which, upon closer inspection, transformed into riders in white robes. Scientists consider mirages to be an optical natural illusion - a play of light in layers of air of different density and temperature.

Researchers have even managed to classify unique and unpredictable phenomena. There are lower mirages that can be observed over the flat surface of the water, the road. The upper ones are projected above the horizon line. The side ones, the rarest ones, are reflected from the heated walls of buildings. And the most difficult one is Fata Morgana, which fantastically distorts objects.

Greece: bloody battle

On the southern coast of Crete, near the walls of the castle of Franco-Kastelo, the same mirage has been periodically repeated since the Second World War: the scene of a large-scale battle battle. Usually it can be seen in the morning, when the fog has not cleared yet. Above the waves of the sea, two armies of soldiers in antique outfit collide in a tough battle. Eyewitnesses claim that the picture of the battle is accompanied by sound: the ringing of weapons and shouts are heard. After what time the moving mirage seems to break against the castle walls and disappear.

wikipedia / Jerzy Strzelecki
wikipedia / Jerzy Strzelecki

wikipedia / Jerzy Strzelecki

Historians remember the bloody battle between the Greeks and Turks over 150 years ago. Scientists attribute this phenomenon to the so-called chrono-mirage. True, they cannot find an explanation. Researchers suggest that time is joking this way, demonstrating its brightest episodes stored in a single information field of the Universe.

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China: a ghost town

In 2006, after heavy rains, the city of Penglai was covered with thick fog, and then a colorful and clear mirage appeared. For four hours, amazed residents gazed at the city with high-rise buildings, wide avenues filled with people and cars, and even saw glowing lanterns.


In July 2010, the sailors of the patrol ships of the Chinese Navy, standing in the roadstead near the city of Sanya, saw skyscrapers hanging between the sky and the Yellow Sea. Many managed to photograph the metropolis and report the strange picture to the commander. However, after half an hour, the mirage dissipated. In May 2011, the ghost town reappeared over the bay of Haikou City. In October 2015, a gigantic metropolis appeared in Foshan again. Local scientists are sure that these are "guests" from parallel worlds.

Russia: silent train and convicts

Lake Baikal is fraught with many mysteries and does not skimp on pictures of mirages. Once, near the village of Bolshoye Goloustnoye in the Irkutsk Region, a scientist saw a train rushing past him noiselessly in the air. He managed to see the lighted windows, and behind them the silhouettes of passengers. Suddenly, the "air" transport slowed down and started again, and then disappeared into the night. As it turned out, it was a mirage of a real train that stopped at Boyarskaya station. However, there is a long distance from her to the place of his appearance.

Sometimes a "hologram" of the uprising of the Polish convicts against the tsarist army that took place in these places in 1863 appears at the lake. Then the prisoners staged a riot and planned to flee to their homeland through Mongolia. Their ghosts appear in the sky.

Australia: the dancing lights of Min-Min

In the Australian city of Chanel Country, the so-called Min-Min lights are observed with enviable regularity. Luminous objects in the form of a round disk hover over the horizon, and sometimes they fly into houses of local residents and seem to stick to them, moving after a person's gaze. They believed that these are the souls of the dead or UFOs. And a professor from Cleveland, who studied this phenomenon, came to the conclusion that the Ming-Ming lights are a mirage, reflected from small light sources located a hundred kilometers from the place of their appearance. On a hot day, the scientist conducted an experiment: he drove 10 kilometers from the city and turned on the headlights of his car. At this moment in Chanel Country, six observers immediately noticed the dancing Min-Ming lights above the horizon.

Alaska: an iceberg in the sky

The world record holder for mirages is Alaska. The colder it is here, the clearer you can see the mountain ranges rising from the ocean surface. Icebergs, as if soaring in the sky, and sometimes high towers with spiers, temples and skyscrapers of nonexistent cities or the most real ones, which cannot be reached in a week. It even created a society for the study of unique optical phenomena.

