10 Most Interesting Conspiracy Theories - Alternative View

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10 Most Interesting Conspiracy Theories - Alternative View
10 Most Interesting Conspiracy Theories - Alternative View

Video: 10 Most Interesting Conspiracy Theories - Alternative View

Video: 10 Most Interesting Conspiracy Theories - Alternative View
Video: Another Top 10 Conspiracy Theories of All Time 2024, July

The solar system is not a limited soap bubble, and there are many interesting and unexpected things lurking outside of it. But how much? There were many different hoaxes in the world, and any poorly explainable event was invariably overgrown with speculation. Thus, giving rise to the assumption that "the authorities are hiding the truth." Are there aliens? What is dark matter? Are travels faster than the speed of light?

The answers to these questions have not yet been found. But many people believe that the authorities are hiding the real truth, and who is behind this - the Illuminati, Freemasons, Jews or the Lord himself - we will never know. This is where the conspiracy theory begins. Here are ten of the most exciting conspiracy theories of all time.

Let's start.

Dead astronaut

In the 1960s, the Soviet Union and the United States embarked on a race to conquer outer space as quickly as possible. The leader, of course, will claim technological superiority over the other. The Soviet Union was the first to start: in 1957, Sputnik, the first man-made orbiting satellite, was launched. In 1961, the Union struck another blow: Yuri Gagarin became the first man in space. However, the Yudica-Cordilla brothers from Italy believed that Gagarin was not the first.


The brothers set up a listening station in Italy to intercept data transmitted between ground bases and spaceships, both American and Soviet missions. A few weeks before Gagarin's successful flight, the brothers claimed to have discovered and recorded radio signals from an astronaut slowly dying on Earth's orbit. The Soviet Union denied the brothers' claims. Supporters of this theory believe that the Soviet government deliberately hid the fact of the deceased astronaut in order to preserve the country's reputation as a leader in space exploration. The truth remains shrouded in mystery, but the recordings are available on the Internet if you are interested and if you search.

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There is another conspiracy theory about outer space.

Pole shift

Some believe that the North and South Poles of the Earth were not always where they are now. Proponents of the theory believe that once the earth's axis shifted. Others say that the Earth always rotates on the polar axis, but the Earth's crust moves in such a way that the landscape below each of the poles changes. Climate change, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are a direct consequence of the pole shift. Some argue that the Earth will soon face another tragic pole shift, as a result of which entire continents will be under water, while others will rise from the depths of the sea.


The pole shift hypothesis is on the list of worldwide conspiracy theories that many believe are hidden from the public by government and knowledgeable people. This is done in order not to cause panic among the population. Skeptics just shrug their shoulders, arguing that there is no scientific basis for the pole shift.

The true poles of the Earth do not coincide with the magnetic poles, which, in turn, are uniquely shifted. The magnetic north pole is slowly moving from the northwest towards Canada. This means that if you travel to the North Pole using a compass for ten years, you will come to a different place each time.

2012 and the end of the world

The Maya are to blame. They created a long calendar that bore spiritual significance to an entire culture. The calendar was divided into several cycles, the last of which ended in December 2012. Some people believed that the Maya knew that after 2012, the world was doomed to ragnarok.


There are tons of theories about how this could be. Some believed there would be a pole shift in 2012 (see above). Others - after 2012, the Earth will face a new era of terrible destruction, followed by a new century of peace and enlightenment. Third, in 2012, the secret government will achieve its goals and gain world domination. What really happened? We joyfully announced: disasters, destruction, apocalypse … today is 2013. Things are good.

Illuminati and Majestic 12

Secret governments are the main core of conspiracy theory. According to UFOlogist William L. Moore, Majestic-12 was the code name for a secret section of the US government led by President Harry Truman. The purpose of the department: the fight against alien beings. Skeptics say the documents Moore cites as evidence are forgeries and there is no secret department.


But the Illuminati is another secret organization that has access to the secrets of the universe. There are dozens of theories about the Illuminati and their activities, some of which say it is an organization that dominates all secret organizations. Separate theories say that the Illuminati are the common descendants of humans and an extraterrestrial civilization of reptiles. According to this evidence, hybrid descendants are now at the top of power in all countries of the world. And they sharpen their teeth, that is, claws.

The goals of the Illuminati are quite broad: from simple world domination to preparing the Earth for the colonization of other planets. Skeptics point out that there is no evidence to support the existence of the Illuminati, but conspiracy theorists say the lack of evidence only confirms the existence of the group. The Illuminati, they say, work so effectively that they erase almost all traces of their existence.

Speaking of aliens? How about Roswell and Site-51?

Roswell and Area-51

Conspiracy theories are also discussed in the Roswell incident. In July 1947, Rancher Mac Brazel discovered several strange objects northwest of Roswell. Brazel was unable to identify the debris, and a nearby military base posted conflicting information regarding the nature of the find. Several rags picked up the gossip. At that time, people just considered the incident unusual, but after several decades, conspiracy theories about aliens added fuel to the fire. Back then, dozens of enthusiasts published books about the Roswell incident. The main version of the incident was the crash of a spacecraft, and of course, with subsequent encryption from the US government. The military also confiscated space debris.


According to reports, the authorities transported the wreckage to the Air Force base in Roswell. Others say they were taken to Area 51, a secret military base in Nevada, where the government was studying an experimentally dropped saucer. The press leaked stories from officials about the autopsy of the bodies of aliens. Some said that anyone who dared to investigate the case on their own was visited by "men in black" - the relevant vigilante authorities. The official version of the incident is as follows: on the territory of Roswell crashed a balloon with the code name "Project Mogul", which was part of the secret tests of the military. No aliens.

Planet X

Is there a giant unnamed planet in our solar system? In Planet X theory, yes. Not so long ago, we considered a hypothetical situation: what happens if a black hole appears in the solar system? Now let's recall the basic details of the conspiracy theory about the unknown planet.


So, in our solar system there is a tenth planet (if, of course, you classify Pluto as a planet, otherwise - nine). The planet is very unusual and follows a path that will soon bring it closer to Earth. Proponents of the theory cite the growing number of earthquakes and weather changes as evidence of the approach of this mystical plant. They also argue that the government is forcing the observatory to stop monitoring it, so as not to cause panic among the population. Astronomers say there is no evidence of the presence of "Planet X" and that if it existed, we would see it without a telescope.

Spy satellite USA 193

On December 14, 2006, Vandenberg Air Force Base launched a rocket carrying a satellite called USA 193. It was part of the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) intelligence program. In short, a spy. The satellite had problems in orbit, and at the end of 2007 the US Air Force discovered that the "baby" would soon fall to Earth. In January 2008, the US government announced that it intended to shoot down a satellite with a rocket.


Why shoot down a satellite? The states said the satellite's fuel tank was full of hydrazine, which was poisonous. If the fuel tank survives the return to Earth, it could land on a populated area. On February 20, 2008, the United States shot down the USA 193 satellite by a rocket. But this explanation seemed insufficient to some, which means “the authorities are hiding”. The explanations are different: some believe that the United States was afraid to "drop" the satellite on the territory of another country, others - the United States wanted to show that it could shoot down the satellite with a missile. In 2007, China destroyed another meteorological satellite, calling it a "test." But this "test" has put other satellites flying around the Earth at risk, threatening to turn them into space debris. Satellite USA 193 was shot down in low orbit, which did not threaten other satellites in any way. Could the US response be directed at China? Quite. According to some.

Is the Earth really round? Is there evidence of an ancient civilization on Mars? Did the States Fake the Moon Landing? Read on.

Flat Earth Society

In 1956, Samuel Shelton founded the flat-earth society. The theory was based on Shelton's common sense and his own observations. He argued that the scientific evidence for a dogmatic earthly "ball" has no hard evidence. When people later showed him pictures of the Earth taken from orbit, Shelton said the pictures were fake. Together with members of the community, he found new supporters of the flat earth theory and what the "authorities are hiding" until he died.


In 1971, the leadership passed to Charles Johnson. He led the society until his death in 2001. Without a leader, it fell apart. Critics of the Flat Earth Society say that members of the society simply denied any evidence that conflicted with their worldview, without offering real alternative hypotheses.

Face on mars

In the 1970s, NASA launched two spacecraft called Viking 1 and Viking 2 to Mars. Both photographed the surface of Mars and sent the images to NASA. In one of the photographs, the hill on the surface of the red planet looked like a face. Conspiracy author and theorist Richard Hoegland went further and stated that this is not just a face on Mars, it is actually a face. Hoegland suggested that an alien civilization colonized Mars, and the face only confirms the existence of an alien city in the Cydonia sector. When other satellites began photographing the surface of Mars, images of Cydonia showed that the face was just a manifestation of soil erosion. In response, Högland stated that the equipment used by NASA for subsequent images was not as accurate as that which the Vikings filmed. In addition, the space agency has edited the images,making the face on them less like a face.


Americans did not land on the moon

The granddaddy of all conspiracy theories is the moon landing hoax. Those who for the fact that the States did not land on the moon believe that they lacked the technology to transport people to the moon and back. Allegedly, NASA made a fake landing in order for people to believe that President John F. Kennedy kept his promise: to land a man on the moon before 1970.

What is the evidence? First, the moon landing video does not show any stars in the sky. NASA argued that the surface of the moon and astronaut suits strongly reflected light, and the camera caught them in the first place, and not faintly shining stars. Secondly, when the American flag is hoisted into the lunar soil, a wave appears on the canvas. In the absence of air in space, this is impossible. NASA claims that the astronauts turned the flag axis at the moment of action, so it turned around. The rotation of the axis made the flag move.

According to NASA, there is ample evidence that humans have been on the moon. Photos, videos and reviews of dozens of astronauts who have visited the surface of the Earth's satellite. Samples of soil and rocks. The most stubborn conspiracy theorists believe that everything is fake and "the authorities are hiding."

The authorities are hiding what do you think?