Research Project Rainbow. Nikola Tesla - Alternative View

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Research Project Rainbow. Nikola Tesla - Alternative View
Research Project Rainbow. Nikola Tesla - Alternative View

Video: Research Project Rainbow. Nikola Tesla - Alternative View

Video: Research Project Rainbow. Nikola Tesla - Alternative View
Video: The truth behind the creepy Philadelphia Experiment conspiracy theory 2024, July

Nikola Tesla in the project "Rainbow"

Project "Rainbow" says little to the uninitiated person. But if we add that the theoretical justification of the project is largely based on the developments of Nikola Tesla, it becomes clear that we are talking about something unusual. Most people do not suspect that there is a secret science hidden from the public, the results of which seem fantastic to an uninitiated person. These results are: reading a person's thoughts and manipulating consciousness, control over the weather and climate weapons, anti-gravity and even time travel. Naturally, it is very difficult to believe in the existence of such technologies, given that some of this information is either fiction or outright disinformation. In addition, in view of the extreme secrecy of the issue under consideration, it is irrefutable to provethat such studies have been or are being carried out is very difficult. However, the existence of a number of convincing evidence and facts, at least indirectly confirms the existence of secret science and secret technologies and experiments. An example is the so-called Montauk project, the end result of which, according to the American engineer Preston Nichols, was the implementation of time travel. As fantastic as it sounds, this information is still worth getting to know.was the implementation of time travel. As fantastic as it sounds, this information is still worth getting to know.was the implementation of time travel. As fantastic as it sounds, this information is still worth getting to know.

So, according to Preston Nichols, who participated in the secret experiment Montauk, its foundation was laid back in 1943, when they tried to solve the problem of invisibility for radars aboard the American destroyer Eldridge. Since the Eldridge was based at the Navy base in Philadelphia, the events associated with this ship began to be called the Philadelphia experiment. The most famous scientists of their time participated in the experiment, but the main calculations obviously belong to Tesla. According to eyewitnesses, it was his generators that were used to create an electromagnetic field. Unfortunately, shortly before the start of the Rainbow project, the famous scientist died, which, of course, affected the results. In the course of the experiment, difficulties arose, the consequences of which, except Tesla, apparently, then no one could overcome. However, the experiment took place and has been the subject of discussion and controversy for many years, providing the plot for several exciting books and films.

Project Rainbow - Philadelphia Experiment

Project Rainbow has an alternative name known as the Philadelphia Experiment. The idea behind this project was originally to create a means to make a radical change in the course of the Second World War. As part of the Philadelphia experiment, which also became the basis for modern technology "Stells" (low visibility), a number of experiments were carried out in order to ensure the invisibility of ships to enemy radars. For this purpose, an "electromagnetic bubble" was created - a special "cocoon" of the electromagnetic field, which would divert radar radiation past the ship. The Electromagnetic Bubble altered the electromagnetic field around the Eldridge. Although the practical task was only to make the ship invisible to radars, an unforeseen side effect appeared. He made the ship invisible to the naked eye and literally ripped it out of the space-time continuum. As a result, the ship suddenly appeared in Norfolk, Virginia, hundreds of miles from Philadelphia.

The project turned out to be very successful technically, but for the people involved it was a complete disaster. While the ship was "moving" from the Philadelphia naval base to Norfolk and back, the members of his crew suffered a terrible effect of the strongest electromagnetic fields, which killed some, fused others with the structures of the ship, and made others mad. Only a few survived, and they had to go through a long period of rehabilitation, after which they were dismissed as "mentally unbalanced." Naturally, with such a diagnosis, no one took the team's testimony seriously. Yet research in the Philadelphia experiment was suspended because it was too risky to continue at that point. The famous scientist John von Neumann, who headed the Rainbow project at this stage,recruited to work on the Manhattan Atomic Bomb Project. However, research on Project Rainbow was resumed in the late 1940s and was carried on continuously, culminating in 1983, when Montauk succeeded in creating a tunnel in the space-time continuum …