Lake And Alien Island Found In Argentina ?! - Alternative View

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Lake And Alien Island Found In Argentina ?! - Alternative View
Lake And Alien Island Found In Argentina ?! - Alternative View

Video: Lake And Alien Island Found In Argentina ?! - Alternative View

Video: Lake And Alien Island Found In Argentina ?! - Alternative View
Video: Ancient Aliens: SECRET UNDERWATER ALIEN BASE FOUND (Season 6) | History 2024, July

Aliens are quietly building something for themselves on our planet?!

Sometimes the secret becomes apparent quite by accident … In the south of Argentina, a helicopter pilot flying in this area without any ulterior motive found an incredible, perfectly round lake, in which the same round, but smaller island floats. The diameter of the unusual lake is more than 118 meters (130 yards). Everything would be fine … but there are no such ideal forms in nature!

The enthusiasts went by plane to the coordinates of the location of the lake and found out: it really exists not only on satellite photos! From a bird's eye view, the strange lake does not seem to be a crescent.

On the surface of a perfectly round reservoir, the same round island floats, which, judging by archival photographs in Google Maps (34 ° 15'07.8 "S 58 ° 49'47.4" W), every year changes its position and is located at one or another at the other end of the coast, in close contact with it.

It is worth noting that the anomalous lake is located in a very difficult and impassable area. There are no settlements nearby and that is why the lake has remained unknown for so many years. It was discovered not even with the help of satellite images, but by an incredible accident, when an unusual lake was noticed by a helicopter pilot flying in the area.

It is curious that this pilot reported his discovery to local journalists, but for some incredible reason they were not interested in this anomaly and the news remained just local news about which they talked and … forgotten. So much for the "shark pen"! Toothless and forgetful, it turns out …

A local team of researchers of unusual places found out about the strange lake and after checking the coordinates indicated by the pilot using satellite images, they really found that very incredible lake there. Now these enthusiasts have created a project on Kickstarter, where they are trying to raise money to send a scientific expedition to the lake for its detailed research. The expedition requires 50 thousand dollars, but so far only four thousand have been collected.

How was this incredible lake formed, how the island retains its ideal shape and its shores and the floating part are not destroyed, what is under the surface of the water, what is the depth there? Continuous questions, but no answers yet. But it is already clear that much hints that such an incredible structure is artificial, but was created by a civilization whose capabilities clearly exceed modern earthly ones … Moreover, it is there, in the south of Argentina, that so-called UFOs are often observed and recorded. ! Probably, the lake and the island are the work of aliens (or something else, but also skilled) …

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