What's In My Name For You - Alternative View

What's In My Name For You - Alternative View
What's In My Name For You - Alternative View

Video: What's In My Name For You - Alternative View

Video: What's In My Name For You - Alternative View
Video: DO NOT SAY 'I think...' - say THIS instead - 21 more advanced alternative phrases 2024, July

Esotericists believe that the name of a person has no less influence on his fate than the family in which he was born, the social environment or a set of genetic factors. You can relate to this statement in different ways, and consider this opinion the same "invention" as the influence on the fate of the personality of the planets.

Supporters of materialism can give quite adequate arguments. For example, the most common sounds something like this: if a name has an impact on the fate and character of a person, then people with the same names should have the same fate! We have something to object to such a statement, and it is not necessary to resort to mystical explanations, it is enough to remind the opponent that there are other factors influencing the personality.

Mystics talk about the sacred meaning hidden in the name of a person, about what kind of secret it carries, about what qualities people possessed, after whom children are called today.

Our ancestors, pagan Slavs, believed that the name influences the future fate of a person. This tradition is still adhered to by followers of some eastern religions. But with the adoption of Christianity, the attitude towards the name has changed somewhat. However, Christianity, despite the belief in one God and the denial of polytheism, inherited a lot from paganism. For example, how do you explain the “middle name” given to a person at baptism? Is this not an echo of ancient pagan traditions, according to which the real name of a person was always kept secret. According to the first, he was "called, called", and the second - knew only the closest people. The situation is the same with the baptismal name - the person himself, his blood parents and godmother and father must know it. Why do pagans and Christians also hide the middle name? Because, knowingas the person is actually called, it can be influenced, including using magic. It is the "second" name that bears that magical and scalable load, which is responsible for a person's life, his fate, deeds or misdeeds.

The Slavs named their children depending on what character traits the child showed from the moment of his birth, or on how much he was expected in the family. Now these names seem ridiculous and even ridiculous to us. “Zhdan” is a very long-awaited child. "Lubomyr" or "Lubomyra" is the one who loves the world and will be loved by this world. Let us recall the famous fairytale princess "Nesmeyana". This is now her name has become a household name. And earlier it was completely own, and denoted the character of its owner. The Slavs gave their children beautiful names in the hope that their children would be happy with them: Zarevlasta, Branevolk and other sonorous "nicknames" determined the future character, temperament or other qualities of a person. Not so many original Slavic names have survived to this day. Among them, such as Yaroslav, Svyatoslav, Svetlana and others. With time,these names were included in the church calendar, and they were officially given at baptism.

The Scandinavian (Varangian) names also took root in Russia. Such popular names as Olga, Oleg, Igor - we owe our Varangian guests who came to Russia "princes". But who were these people who bore such proud and sonorous "nicknames"? After all, they were remembered and entered into the church calendar precisely because of their deeds. Suffice it to recall the famous princess Olga. Yes, she was a courageous and courageous woman. But for some reason, few people think about the fate of the unfortunate Drevlyans, whom the cruel princess sophisticatedly avenged for the death of her husband. This means that this name will not so positively influence the fate of the girl who will be given. Who knows, maybe she will grow up as harsh as her "heavenly patroness". After all, this woman dispassionately watched how the dwellings of ordinary people burned, children and old people die. She got her revengebut at what cost?

But at the same time, esotericists say that one should not forget about the diminutive-affectionate form that every name has. It is this form of addressing a child that will "soften" his character traits and neutralize the negative influence of the name on fate.

With the widespread spread of Christianity in Russia, children began to be given names in honor of various saints. And the life of these people was not always joyful. To get into the host of saints, one had to endure terrible torments, or "stand out" in some other way. For example, being a holy fool, blind or crippled. Suffice it to recall the famous Vera, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia. These women entered the church canons because they were martyred. Sophia saw her daughters being bullied and tortured, but she never renounced her faith. She herself, too, shared the fate of her innocent daughters. On the one hand, one can admire the fortitude of the first Christians, on the other, it becomes a little scary for the fate of those who are called by their names.

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From later examples, one can cite the biography of Blessed Xenia of Petersburg. This woman became a widow at a very young age. The death of her husband so shocked Xenia that she changed into a man's dress and went to the streets of the city in this form. She ordered herself to be named after her deceased husband. Blessed Xenia, as befits a holy fool, acquired a certain gift that allowed her to see what other people did not see, but, you must admit, she paid too much for it. By the way, this name is translated from Greek into two interpretations. The first is the "stranger", the second is the "guest". Both meanings indicate that a woman with that name is likely to experience difficulties in socializing and communicating with other people. And if we also take into account the karmic ties and problems of the Family,then the life of a woman with that name may not be easy at all.

For the same reason, esotericists and parapsychologists do not recommend naming their children after relatives or close people, especially if their life was not very successful. A little person with that name will take on part of the unfortunate fate of his grandfather or grandmother. Therefore, it will be better if the newborn gets a "neutral" name, one that will not be followed by the negative energy trail of the entire Clan.

Often a person himself feels that the name given to him at birth “does not suit him”. He does not feel himself to be its bearer and intuitively tries to find a new "sound" for himself. Such people usually take pseudonyms, or, upon reaching a certain age, change their name in the passport to the one that they like best. But it is not necessary to change your name officially, esotericists say, it is enough to introduce yourself to people the way you want it. Thus, we create our new image and create our own reality.

When Marina was born, her father firmly insisted that she be named that way. The girl grew up, but she categorically did not like her name. Over time, she turned into an angular, awkward teenager, and her tall stature also became the subject of ridicule by her classmates. Then the thought came to her mind that she needed to change her name. She didn’t want to be the awkward "big guy" Marina. She wanted to become a mysterious Marya or Miriam. Since then, the girl introduced herself to all new acquaintances - Marya or Miriam.

Much later, already in adulthood, one of her colleagues at work, who was fond of esotericism, said that this name "suits a woman very much." After all, that was the name of one of the seven Jewish prophetesses, and Marya has strong psychic abilities and she has the gift of clairvoyance. Masha confirmed that since she began to call herself Miriam as a teenager, this gift manifested itself in her.

The woman was lucky, she trusted her intuition, which told her what to do to change her life and develop her gift. The story of Marya (Marina) is a vivid example of the fact that our names are not just a set of sounds or a way of identifying ourselves in society. It is also a direct connection with the Higher Forces, which help us to find ourselves.