Hitler's Missile Weapons Designers - Alternative View

Hitler's Missile Weapons Designers - Alternative View
Hitler's Missile Weapons Designers - Alternative View

Video: Hitler's Missile Weapons Designers - Alternative View

Video: Hitler's Missile Weapons Designers - Alternative View
Video: The Nazi Engineer Who Created the First Ballistic Missile 2024, July

Hitler's missile weapons designers are now again releasing weapons of mass destruction in the United States. Our photo shows former SS officer Werner von Braun (second from right), designer of the fascist FAU-1 rocket 1st Robert Lusser (far right) and American Brigadier General H. N. Toftoy (standing left) in Fort Benning in a close friendly circle, the American missile manufacturing center.

In 1990, the press reported a "super-sensation": in April 1990, after a 47-year absence, a squad of cosmonauts returned to Earth. " !

These three were selected to break into outer space on the personal orders of Adolf Hitler. The rocket was launched from a secret research center on the island of Peenemünde in the Baltic Sea, in northern Germany.

According to reports, the spacecraft that the astronauts returned to Earth was an advanced FAU-2 rocket. During the Second World War, fascist Germany created similar missiles to deliver a strategic strike against the enemy. Their chief designer was Wernher von Braun.

In the same year, the media reported another surprising fact. A former resident of the GDR, who served in the Luftwaffe during the Second World War and emigrated to the Federal Republic of Germany, made a statement that he was the first person to make a breakthrough into outer space. According to him, he had been there on a rocket back … in 1943.

Could this really be? Let's turn to history. During the war, Germany created the FAU-1 and FAU-2 unmanned missiles. In September 1944, a systematic bombardment of FAU-2 missiles began, they flew in hundreds to London and European cities - Antwerp, Brussels, The Hague and Liege. Werner von Braun assessed these raids: “September 7, 1944, the long-awaited moment came. Our toys have become weapons of destruction *

It should be noted that the development of these missiles under the leadership of von Braun has been carried out since 1937, and the first successful launch of the FAU-2 was carried out only at the end of 1E42. In the summer of 1942, work began in full at Peenemünde related to the launch of missiles from submarines. For the mass production of the FAU-2, an underground plant was created near Nordhausen at a depth of 70 meters, where 30 thousand death row prisoners from concentration camps worked. Was the scientific and technical supervision of the work of this underground plant carried out by Zerne? von Braun.

For exceptional merits in the design, manufacture and use of missiles in 1944 he was awarded one of the highest orders of the Third Reich.

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In addition to these missiles, the Germans had others: the Renbote, a solid-propellant surface-to-ground missile with a range of 150 km; Wasserfall, an anti-aircraft guided surface-to-air missile; the Reintochter was under development. "And" Schmetterling ". A purely military rocket A-4 was also developed. It is known that in 1943 of 18 A ~ 4 missiles, 16 exploded in the air. But already in 1944, factories in Nordhausen were producing 25-30 FAU-2 missiles per day …

Until recently, the existence of the FAU-Z rocket was questioned. Many military experts considered it a myth. However, the discovered new archival documents impassively testify that not only such a rocket was created, but also attempts were made to use it in practice.

By 1943, the project of a powerful rocket system "A9 / A10" was already ready, capable of launching a person into space. Later, the rocket was named FAU-Z. Meanwhile, in Peenemünde, in parallel with the development of the FAU-3 in an atmosphere of high secrecy, under the leadership and with the participation of Dr. W. Tim and Professor G. Obert, under the personal control of the general rocket designer W. von Braun, the America A9 / A10 rocket was manufactured to shell New York and Washington.

This two-stage rocket-colossus weighed 100 tons with a length of 29 m, a maximum diameter of 3.5 mi of tail with a total area of 12 m. In 35 minutes. flight, she was supposed to bring 350 kg of explosives to New York. To this end, on the night of November 30, 1944, Operation Elster (Magpie) began: a German submarine landed a landing group near the American coast. The special group was supposed to install a radio beacon on one of the New York skyscrapers, along which the pilot controlling the rocket would be guided.

The Coast Guard served excellently: the enemy did not pass, but in his luggage, in addition to silent pistols, ampoules with potassium cyanide and diamonds for a significant amount, a radio beacon with a radius of over a thousand km was discovered. After that, the US Coast Guard began to serve in an enhanced mode.

Meanwhile, at the main base of the Germans in Peenemünde, an unmanned rocket of the A-4 class was being prepared for a test flight to Greenland. Its task was to induce panic among the Americans. The test ended in failure whose: after the start, the rocket exploded in the air at a low altitude.

This launch was observed not only by the creators of the rocket, but also by the alleged suicide astronauts. A group of such pilots began training in the "Detachment of Military Cosmonauts" of the main saboteur of Germany Otto Skorzeny back in 1943. According to various sources, this squad numbered from 100 to 500 people and was intended for piloting military equipment. One of the candidates for the “American” flight, Sturmbannführer of the SB Rudolf Magnus Schroeder, who came to Hitler's space squad from the Luftwaffe, observed the launch of the Greenland rocket. After the rocket accident, which left the most depressing impression, he wrote in his diary: “This is terrible. And happiness is in one thing - he flew without a warhead."

Schroeder himself soon fell into this hell. He needed to pilot a combat missile with 3-) 0 kg of nitroglycerin explosives to New York blindly, since the Germans did not manage to deliver the guidance beacon to the USA. When approaching the American coast, he was to be ejected into the sea, where a submarine would pick him up.

And so, on January 24, 1945, Rudolf Schroeder took his place in the tiny capsule of the America A9 / A10 rocket and successfully launched from Cape Peenemünde. However, after 10 seconds of flight, his scream was heard in the microphone: "It will burn" Oh, it will burn! My Fuhrer, I am dying '…”No word was heard from him again. Apparently, his nerves lost and he bit through the ampoule with potassium cyanide? this was foreseen in the event of a fire in the spacecraft so that the pilot would not experience long torments … Then, after all, no one knew yet what the first cosmonaut would experience, what overloads he would have to endure. The crash with the previous rocket that Schroeder had seen might have led him to believe that he was about to explode.

Meanwhile, the rocket continued its flight. She went into the nearest space and developed the speed necessary for crossing the Atlantic. However, in unmanned mode America A9 / A10 deviated from the desired course and did not reach the American coast. It is assumed that it sank in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean without exploding: the pilot had to activate the detonating device, and without this 350 kg of explosives turned into a dead weight.

If the pilot had not committed suicide, the consequences of this flight would have been unpredictable. Many archival data on this topic have not yet been disclosed. If the launch of astronauts in those years was carried out, reliable information about this, perhaps, will someday become public. In the meantime, Rudolf Schroeder can be considered the first person in the history of astronautics to go into space.

It is known that after his failed flight on February 14, 1945, the last test of the FAU-Z took place on the island. Usedom, which completed the history of Peenemünde. But not the story of the rocket baron Wernher von Braun.

In February 1945, he met with representatives of American intelligence, who helped him hide from retaliation. In November 1945, when a military tribunal tried war criminals in Nuremberg, von Braun and his team mounted the FAU-2 on American soil. Moreover, to the victory of the Second World War, the English Society for Interplanetary Flight added its gold medal to the von Braun Nazi order …

Since 1950, Wernher von Braun has been working on various missiles for the US Armed Forces at the Redstone Arsenal / Huntsville, Alabama /. In response to the launch of the first Soviet space satellite, he began a series of speeches about the need for new missile weapons for the United States for defense purposes. In 1957, he received the highest civilian order of the American army for the development of missiles. He was the undisputed "rocket king".

After Yuri Gagarin's space flight, US President John F. Kennedy announced in May 1961 that a US citizen would enter the lunar surface in the current decade. So the Apollo program was born, and von Braun could lend his space age. 1960 to 1970 he was one of the leaders of this project. After the completion of the lunar program in July 1972, Wernher von Braun, before reaching retirement age, left NASA, his star went down. However, even after that he worked for the Firm, which performed an intermediary role in programs for the use of space and the results of space research in industry, communications, ecology, navigation and other national economic interests. Wernher von Braun died in 1977 in Alexandria, Louisiana.

He left without revealing a single cosmic secret to which, in all likelihood, he had a direct relationship.

The fact is that before the launch of Apollo-class rockets, American cosmonauts flew under the Mercury program / from 1961 to 1963 / and the Gemini program / from 1365 to 1E66 / on ships of the same name.

The first of a series of Gemini vehicles was officially registered as Gemini-Z with astronauts W. Griss and D. Young. On March 23, 1965, he performed maneuvers in orbit. The fate of the ships Gemini 1 and Gemini 2 is not known. This would not have raised questions if an extraordinary event had not happened.

On March 26, 1991, an American naval unit picked up a Gemini capsule with an astronaut on board in the ocean, receiving a radiogram from him.

Officially, NASA left this event without comment: not a word about the ship's commander Charles Ginson, his disappearance and miraculous return. Where was he? What did you do?

Private individuals at NASA suggest that we are dealing with something inexplicable here.

“We lost contact with Commander Ginson 3 hours 58 minutes after launch,” said a NASA spokesman. - Since the mission was secret, we could not say about it publicly. In our documents, Charles Ginson appears as a person who has burst without a trace.

“Physically, he is doing well,” a NASA employee told American correspondents, “but completely disoriented. Doesn't give an account of his absence on Earth for 23 years! The astronaut's mental state is poor. His words and cannot be linked into one whole. When asked where he was, whether he communicated with the inhabitants of space or with other supernatural forces, Ginson invariably replies: "Never again!.. You must understand … These are our enemies." Further questions cause hysterics.

How could a person live 38 years with a supply of fuel, food and water for 6 months? Without the participation of "extraterrestrial forces" it would be impossible!

While Commander Ginson was quarantined at Edward Air Force Base in California, 12 reporters were constantly staying near the base, counting on sensational material. A specially formed group of psychoanalysts tried to get information from Ginson about his fantastic adventure. The famous Polish magician Krzysztof Bullyszko announced through the media that the astronaut would soon speak and what he said would shake the world.

Could the rocket king Berne have reported no less startling information about this? von Braun. In 1976, the magazine "Esotera" published his statement about the incomprehensible deviation of the rocket "JUNO-2" from its trajectory to the moon: "There are extraterrestrial forces, the location of which we still do not know and which are much stronger than we previously thought … I have no right to say anything more about it. In the not too distant future, we will be able to clarify something when we enter into a closer connection with these forces."

However, we will hear nothing more from Wernher von Braun, and the military, as you know, know how to keep secrets.

Lyudmila Osokina