Accidents Are Not Accidental? - Alternative View

Accidents Are Not Accidental? - Alternative View
Accidents Are Not Accidental? - Alternative View

Video: Accidents Are Not Accidental? - Alternative View

Video: Accidents Are Not Accidental? - Alternative View
Video: How is Fault Proven in Truck Accidents 2024, July

Have you ever wondered if accidents happen in your life? After all, if you look closely, then everyone will find at least one example when one insignificant detail might not lead to a valuable acquaintance or decision, and from this the whole future life would have gone completely differently. And if you look even more closely, it turns out that a whole chain of events led to that insignificant detail, which, it would seem, are not connected in any way. But, nevertheless, at the moment you have what you have, and everything could be much worse.

For example, you did not get enough sleep because of a bad mood, a bad mood was because a friend made you angry, a friend made you angry because another acquaintance offended him, and he offended because a passerby smiled at him on the street and he decided to joke, but the joke turned out unsuccessful. Due to the fact that you did not get enough sleep, you were a little late for work, for which your boss yelled at you. The whole day went awry because of this, you were worse at your job, and therefore had to be delayed for several hours. But because of this, you were not attacked by a drunken company that left your yard ten minutes before you approached the house. And the next day you decided to fix your reputation, for which you worked hard and acquired a very important acquaintance at work, which will further contribute to your promotion.

And this is just a small excerpt from the chain of events. Upon careful analysis, you yourself will notice that every day your fate is literally in the balance of collapse. Nevertheless, everything is going the way it should go.

As for your participation in your destiny, then you are always faced with a choice. As a joke, you can say that this is a choice between "shoot himself" and "hang himself", but even a minor choice launches the next chain, in which you also find yourself in front of a choice. All this confusing combination of cause and effect can lead you to the pinnacle of success, or to the bottom. So you still remain the master of your destiny, and you can change it, the main thing is to set the desired course, and the chain will go in accordance with it.

All this happens in order to develop you, and here everyone has a very individual approach. During your earthly life, you acquire the necessary skills and knowledge: someone through hard experience, someone through creation, someone through voluntary and conscious development. Therefore, the world is perfect and ideal, everything is precisely verified. There is no bad or good, no good or evil, this is all an educational game. She has tons of opportunities for how to educate you, and she will still break down all the walls that you build to protect yourself and separate from the rest of the world. You will never be fully prepared for the lessons that are in store for you. The best option is to look for the roots of what is happening in yourself, events around you are 99% of the projection of your inner state, no matter what game you play and whoever you consider yourself to be. Experiment:start looking for the cause of the events, what they could teach you and what to point out (more often to the shortcomings), and learn, correct what is needed. Then the learning problems will begin to resolve themselves.