What Is Area 51 Hiding? - Alternative View

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What Is Area 51 Hiding? - Alternative View
What Is Area 51 Hiding? - Alternative View

Video: What Is Area 51 Hiding? - Alternative View

Video: What Is Area 51 Hiding? - Alternative View
Video: Area 51 secrets revealed 2024, October

Anyone who reads space fiction, watches videos like "The X-Files", no doubt heard of the legendary "Zone 51". But, it turns out, many people consider it to be an invention of writers and directors, such as The Terminator, The Lost World, Stargate, and the action movie Blacksight: Zone 51. In fact, there is a startlingly interesting truth behind the myths often created by intelligence agencies to misinform

What made Lazar go to a multi-million television audience and publicly tell all this? First of all, he says, fear for your life. It began with the fact that he decided to show his wife and his friends, at least from a distance, flying saucers.

Three times at night he brought "sightseers" from Las Vegas to the area of "Area 51" until they were caught red-handed. Although Lazar and his friends did not formally violate anything, they dealt with them quickly. The scientist was instantly dismissed from his job, interrogated with a pistol at his temple, threatened with jail, intimidated by shooting at his car … And Lazar considered that disclosing the information he had was the only way to avoid physical violence.

“After his speech on television, the authorities said they knew nothing about Lazar. And in fact, journalists were struck by the almost complete lack of documents confirming that Lazar, at any time, existed. People remembered him, but all official authorities unanimously asserted: no, he was not born, did not study, did not work, did not marry. Lazar was "resurrected" only after an old telephone directory with his office telephone was found in Los Alamos. Moreover, by a miracle, a sacred for Americans and a very serious document was preserved - a receipt for the payment of taxes. It followed that in 1989 Robert Lazar did indeed receive a salary in the US Navy's intelligence department. And not just in the Navy, but in the state of Nevada, at the military facility E-6722 with the code "MAJ" (short for Majestic ")."

restricted area

In the middle of the Nevada Desert, far from prying eyes, is a secret US Air Force facility. This property has many codenames: Paradise Ranch, Watertown Site, Area 51, Dreamland, and Groom Lake. This is perhaps the most secret real-life place on Earth, which has been seen only by a select circle of people from US officials. In "Zone-51", according to many ufologists and scientists, there are wreckage of alien aircraft and their bodies. In addition, research and testing of ultra-modern aircraft and weapons using alien technology are carried out here.

Until recently, this base was the biggest secret of the American government. The road leading to it is always quiet and deserted. For more than a hundred kilometers, a person will not meet a city, or a settlement, or a single signpost. Only near the base begin to catch the eye of huge shields warning "uninvited guests" from further advancement, because ahead is a restricted area.

It is almost impossible to penetrate into "Zone-51" unnoticed. On the approaches to it there are many camouflaged security cameras, motion and heat detectors. Black helicopters with unmarked searchlights patrol the area at night. Ufologists learned that the main building of the secret base has 14 underground levels, but they can only guess what work is being done underground. According to the researchers, in addition to the US Air Force aviation ranges, there are top-secret underground bases in this place, where new types of aircraft are being developed using UFO technologies. No matter how fantastic these words may sound, there are numerous witnesses who have seen strange objects in these places that performed maneuvers and aerobatics completely inaccessible to earthly technology.

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Secrets of "Zone-51"

"Zone-51" was created in 1955. The Lockheed aircraft concern has chosen this site to test its top-secret brainchild - the legendary U-2 spy plane. The place was perfect for such works: a lifeless "lunar" landscape at an altitude of 1500 meters, an absolutely smooth five-kilometer bed of a dried-up lake, cut off from the outside world by high mountain ranges. Civilian flights have been banned due to nuclear testing in the area, and the complete absence of the local population is an ideal place to keep secrets.

At the beginning of 1977, here, ten years before the official publication, the F-117A stealth attack aircraft, developed using the Stealth technology, was first taken into the air. Some of the developers - participants in the Stealth program - claim that the ideas of this technology, like some others used in the B-2 and F-117A aircraft, were, so to speak, borrowed from crashed UFOs. Thus, a computer specialist D. Tagliani stated directly that he and his colleagues knew about the extraterrestrial origin of a number of materials used.

The evidence available today about the mysterious "Zone-51" allows you to get a general idea of the highly secret work carried out there. For example, during the Red Flag exercise in 1977, tactical squadron officer Colonel Stevens, trying to attack an "enemy" airfield, flew into the northern part of the forbidden Zone 51 without permission. Suddenly he saw a strange disk about 20 meters in diameter. Immediately he was ordered to abort the flight and land at Nellis airfield. After landing, the pilot was escorted to the bunker, where for two days he was subjected to senseless and exhausting interrogations. They released it only after receiving a subscription not to disclose what they saw. The colonel was immediately transferred to another unit, and he risked telling reporters about what had happened only a few years later.

Some time ago, an American physicist, Bob Lazar, who had worked at the base for several years, spoke about the secrets of Zone 51. “From December 1988 to April 1989,” the scientist said, “I worked on a project that was destined to be the most secret project in history. The place of my work was a laboratory located in "Zone-51". The object I was working on was inside a mountain. It was hidden by nine hangar gates, located at a slope of 60 degrees. The gates had a camouflage covering the color of sand, so that the texture of the mountain smoothly turned into the texture of desert soil. While I was being briefed on the matter, I worked in a small room with a chair and a table on which were about 120 documents in blue folders. These documents contained information mainly related to aliens and alien technology. In addition to documents, there were black-and-white photographs of the dead aliens, as well as medical reports on their autopsy."

In "Zone 51" Lazar dealt with the issue of the physical principles of the UFO engines. The flying saucer's propulsion system creates various gravitational waves that alter the gravitational field. A change in the gravitational field does not mean only a change in the forces of attraction-repulsion. First of all, there is a curvature of space. Such observed UFO phenomena, such as instantaneous disappearance, turns at almost impossible angles, changes in shape and color, are caused precisely by a change in the characteristics of the space around the UFO. Lazar came to the conclusion that the 115th element of the periodic table is used as a source of energy for the UFO. However, the very mechanism of how this element sets the "plate" in motion is not completely clear for scientists. On Earth, this superheavy element does not exist in its pure form,and science cannot yet get it. Elements with three-digit numbers are created artificially in accelerators, but they are extremely unstable and live for a split second. However, the calculations of scientists have shown that there must be a so-called "transuranic island of stability", to which the 114th and 115th elements can be attributed. This means that they can exist without decaying for a relatively long time.

The projects in which Lazar participated were part of a program that began in 1979. In that year, a conflict broke out between the administration of the base and the aliens. Under the agreement, the aliens occupied a certain part of the base, conducting joint research with scientists and transferring their technologies to them. One day, despite warnings from the aliens, the guards pulled their ring too tightly around the research site. They were all killed. The arrival of reinforcements suffered the same fate. A total of 44 people died. The aliens also killed the scientist they were training and left the base. Before leaving, they said that they would return and announced the date of their return. The date looks like this - "1625 xx". The last two numbers are unknown, and Lazar has no idea what this could mean.

The equipment and technologies of aliens remained at the base, which scientists have since researched independently, trying to understand and recreate them in terrestrial conditions. Some results were achieved, they formed the basis of revolutionary scientific and technological achievements, especially in the military field.

"Resurrection" of Lazarus

Robert Lazar told about all this and many other things from the TV screens, after which dozens of new witnesses who did not only in detail they confirmed the story of the young physicist, but also supplemented it.

What made Lazar go to a multi-million television audience and publicly tell all this? First of all, he says, fear for your life. It began with the fact that he decided to show his wife and his friends, at least from a distance, flying saucers. Three times at night he brought "sightseers" from Las Vegas to the area of "Area 51" until they were caught red-handed. Although Lazar and his friends did not formally violate anything, they dealt with them quickly. The scientist was instantly dismissed from his job, interrogated with a pistol at his temple, threatened with jail, intimidated by shooting at his car … And Lazar considered that disclosing the information he had was the only way to avoid physical violence.

“After his speech on television, the authorities said they knew nothing about Lazar. And in fact, journalists were struck by the almost complete lack of documents confirming that Lazar, at any time, existed. People remembered him, but all official authorities unanimously asserted: no, he was not born, did not study, did not work, did not marry. Lazar was "resurrected" only after an old telephone directory with his office telephone was found in Los Alamos. Moreover, by a miracle, a sacred for Americans and a very serious document was preserved - a receipt for the payment of taxes. It followed that in 1989 Robert Lazar did indeed receive a salary in the US Navy's intelligence department. And not just in the Navy, but in the state of Nevada, at the military facility E-6722 with the code "MAJ" (short for Majestic ")."

The truth is out there somewhere …

The "strange" story of Robert Lazar became completely understandable after a statement made shortly before his death by David Rose, a high-ranking official who had worked for the CIA for almost his entire life. Here is what he said: “There is no point in hiding the fact that in the late 40s, aliens landed on the planet, and we had established contacts with them. I believe that since the early 50s, the US government has been preparing the public, trying to figure out how it will react to aliens and all alien issues in general. The government believes that if such information is “released” gradually, the public will perceive it more calmly than if it were disclosed all at once. As far as I know, an agreement was concluded between the highest echelons of the United States and the aliens about the following:we keep the secret of your presence, you promise not to interfere in the affairs of the earthly community, and, in addition, you are given freedom of action in a designated area in the United States. This area is known as "Zone-51", or "Dreamland" in the state of Nevada.

In March 1955, a coordination and planning group ("Majestic 12") was created, whose task was to coordinate all secret actions related to the alien problem. The group was headed by Nelson Rockefeller, who simultaneously served as a special adviser to the president on Cold War strategy. The main reason for the creation of this group was the violation by aliens of the agreement on non-interference in the affairs of earthlings. People and animals crippled as a result of the experiments of aliens were found throughout the United States. In November 1955, by order NSC-5412/2, an expert group of the most influential persons of the state was created in the United States, headed by Chairman Gordon Dean and Project Director Henry Kissinger. The main task of the expert group led by Kissinger iswas finding out the true scale of the alien presence and activities of aliens on Earth.

An important result of the research was that aliens use humans and animals as sources of internal selection glands, enzymes, hormonal secretions, blood, and also as guinea pigs for horrific genetic experiments. The aliens have explained these actions as necessary for their survival. They stated that their genetic structure was destroyed, and they can no longer reproduce their own kind. They stated that if they could not improve their genetic makeup, their race would soon cease to exist. Researchers at Area 51 took their explanations with extreme suspicion. Since the weapons of the US Army were powerless against the aliens, the Majestic 12 committee decided to continue friendly diplomatic relations with them until we are able to develop the technology.which would allow us to throw them a military challenge”.

Information about "Zone-51", leaked to the press, aroused great interest, and fans of sensations were drawn to this godforsaken corner of Nevada. And then they faced a paradoxical situation: despite the official statements about the absence of any secrets, it was impossible to get into this area. Round-the-clock patrols, a carefully guarded area fenced with barbed wire, written warnings, and unequivocal threats from the guards clearly indicated that something extraordinary was happening here. This aroused even more curiosity.

It was becoming more and more difficult to conceal the tests conducted at the secret base, since the “Zone-51” could be seen very well from the nearby mountains. There was only one way out - to privatize these mountains. Air Force Public Relations Lt. Col. Cannon explained the move: “The US Air Force needs this land to support new technological developments in the military industry … The influx of the curious in recent years has often led to the fact that test flights were postponed, postponed or canceled altogether. Expansion of the territory will prevent further threat to national security."

Congress heeded the unbreakable logic of the military and agreed to expand the base. On April 10, 1995, the mountains, so harassing the secret services, became part of the territory of "Zone-51". During those years in power, President Clinton said on this occasion: "It is vital for the United States that classified information about this base does not become public …"

Chronicles of "Zone 51" are still maintained by the US media and are actively updated with information on Internet sites today.

The truth is out there somewhere …