The Reverse Side Of The Internet: Humanity Under The Control Of - Alternative View

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The Reverse Side Of The Internet: Humanity Under The Control Of - Alternative View
The Reverse Side Of The Internet: Humanity Under The Control Of - Alternative View

The World Wide Web connects hundreds of millions of computers and enables people around the world to communicate with each other for commercial, educational, scientific, political, military, criminal and other purposes, and more often just for fun …

However, let's not forget that the Internet was developed by the American military, who, like the government, are increasingly interested in what we do on the Web, who we are looking for, what we write to each other …

Every step we take is tracked

Now everyone already knows what the barcode on the product packaging is for. These stripes and numbers are used to scan prices and control the quantity of goods received, sold and left. The item we bought is scanned by the cash register laser, the price is fixed, the receipt is knocked out, and the computer makes changes to the electronic waybill.

If necessary, all this information can be on the Internet.

Is that all? Too naive, say conspiracy debunkers. Some believe that barcodes are the first step towards massively monitoring everyone on the planet. Post offices in developed countries use barcodes to track mail and can even do this from a satellite in space. Products are tracked from purchase to consumption, or from store to home. This means that someone might know the contents of your refrigerator …

Credit cards give even more information: what, where and when you buy, what services you pay for. And on the day when cash is completely replaced by smart cards, the government will know everything about your shopping bag, your leisure time, your travels - in short, everything.

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The next step is smart chips implanted directly under the skin - they will become a reality much sooner than you think … Microchips have already been introduced to most Western military personnel, children of the elite, criminals and people with dangerous diseases. Cashless payments via credit and loyalty cards, Internet banking are widespread, and personal data, from your expenses and letters to fingerprints and DNA, is collected, transmitted and stored in databases around the world …

Planet under the Echelon scanner

The information revolution, which began in the second half of the last century, forced intelligence agencies around the world to adopt a variety of digital gadgets (miniature electronic devices). The pioneers in this area were the Americans. The project of a global electronic interception system was developed by the

US National Security Agency back in 1971. With its help, unlimited possibilities of intercepting and operational processing of information anywhere in the world were obtained, for which a whole group of spy satellites was launched into low earth orbits. They are duplicated by huge parabolic antennas located around the world that scan the air and control centers of Internet networks in the United States and Europe. All these components are included in a single network - this is the Echelon …

State funds for such a large project were not enough, so many corporations that took part in the creation of the Echelon had quite definite benefits from cooperation with intelligence services.

For example, American auto companies have profited immensely by leveraging CIA classified information on Japanese manufacturers. To provide US companies with energy intelligence, NASA and the FBI overheard an entire Asia-Pacific conference in Seattle in 1997! According to the Economist magazine, the Echelon project is at the forefront of conspiracy theory. The magazine claims that companies that have gained or lost profits and markets through a spy system rarely bring their concerns to the public. Nevertheless, it was announced in the European Parliament that European business lost more than 20 billion euros thanks to Echelon!

Echelon is directly linked to the development of the PR0MIS software. This program makes it possible to coordinate and monitor various data on numerous network systems. PR0MIS can detect submarines and predict the movement of the stock market. It is not known only whether "Echelon" is able to predict the actions and thoughts of individuals. Does Echelon know our thoughts and can predict our actions? Maybe he doesn't know. But he can always find out.

Now "Echelon" is thousands of agents from the USA, Canada, Great Britain and New Zealand, ships and aircraft of electronic reconnaissance, satellites, radars, etc. The planet is divided into zones. Everything's under control.

Can't hide from Google?

Since the 1960s, the US Department of Defense has been developing a heavy-duty communications network capable of withstanding even a nuclear attack. The network linked university and military computers and websites. In 1981, the network was divided into civilian and military. Many experts (American sociologist Neil Postman, for example) put forward the version that the global network is the main component of the technological conspiracy theory.

The military roots of the Internet have prompted some experts to argue that Google and Yahoo! are a spin-off of the NASA project. (A search engine is a page on the Internet where you enter the names of wanted materials, topics, names, surnames, dates, etc.) Presumably, both search engines were designed to find any user or data that could harm the United States, as well as track information about people who frequently use certain keywords in their queries.

Invaluable information

The main feature of the social networks of the Internet is the amount of information to which users have free access. This is a ton of unique material, including opinions, tastes, inquiries and more. This information is invaluable to advertisers, informants, agents, hackers and scammers. Did you know that the Amazon online store has its own extensive database that has existed since 1990 and from which the FBI has the right to obtain any information without your knowledge? This is justified by the fight against crime and terrorism. But it's not hard to guess who is warming his hands on the sale of such profitable information …

Many Western countries have passed laws on mass storage of Internet information. This leads to the sale of all personal data of users to intelligence services and law enforcement agencies. The use of this information in marketing and election campaigns is no exception. And why, if you, for example, a smoker, calls you at home with offers from a sales agent of a company to which you have never given your coordinates? It should not be forgotten that a query entered in a search engine can serve as evidence in court in many countries.

The writer Nick Douglas believes that Google has already patented methods of observing online games, and "draws conclusions about the desires and motives of the players." Other search engines work closely with US intelligence agencies. Google is the information channel for more than half of the global Internet traffic. It is by far the best in the world, the most complete catalog of information for human interests, habits and inquiries. Google also contains satellite images of the entire globe, and now, in real time, using webcams, you can see the most different

parts of the planet.

Google is evolving too fast, so very soon you will be able to look at yourself through Google and be monitored by Google around the clock. Since May 2007, Google has been collecting all personal data from users. The channel's management has officially confirmed this fact.

One day, Google will gather massive amounts of data and wield an unheard-of power to locate and label objects and people. The conspiracy debunkers are confident that he will dominate our minds and thoughts, our actions and deeds. Of course, it would be nice to know what Google itself thinks about this.

Max GALITSKY Secrets of the 20th century.