What Ruined Haiti? (Part 2) - Alternative View

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What Ruined Haiti? (Part 2) - Alternative View
What Ruined Haiti? (Part 2) - Alternative View

Video: What Ruined Haiti? (Part 2) - Alternative View

Video: What Ruined Haiti? (Part 2) - Alternative View
Video: Four suspects killed, two held after Haiti’s President assassinated 2024, July

On January 20, news agencies reported that Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has accused the United States of testing tectonic weapons near Haiti. Chavez said the US "orchestrated" this terrible earthquake. But is this possible?

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said his conclusions about the use of tectonic weapons by the United States are based on a report "prepared by the Russian Northern Fleet", which "has been monitoring the activities of the American fleet in the Caribbean since 2008."

According to the President of Venezuela, the United States has created a kind of tectonic weapon intended for a war with Iran.

The tests of this weapon led, according to Hugo Chavez, to the earthquake in Haiti. A similar test, according to the president, was conducted a week earlier in the Pacific Ocean and caused a 6.5 magnitude earthquake in California. And finally, as circumstantial evidence that the United States knew about a possible earthquake, Chavez cited the following fact: American General PK Keane was sent to Haiti in advance, whose duties included monitoring the provision of assistance to the population.

According to news agencies, data on the existence of tectonic weapons have not been confirmed by any country in the world. Nevertheless, Mexico, Peru, Chile, Cuba, Iran and other countries have repeatedly accused the United States, USSR and China of provoking earthquakes in their territories. However, no evidence has ever been presented …

Indeed, rumors about secret development of geophysical weapons have been around the world for quite some time. They said that new weapons of mass destruction, in comparison with which a nuclear bomb is a child's firecracker, are being developed in the USA and the USSR. For the time being, rumors remained rumors and seemed to be something incredible. However, as you know, there is no smoke without fire. In the late 70s. XX century, two superpowers entered into an agreement that banned military development in the field of geophysics. The contract entered into force legally. In fact, the secret laboratories continued their work under the guise of scientific institutions - like the "Research Institute of Weather Management".

Of course, learning to control the weather is very tempting: rain, snow, sun - on request, in the right place and at the right time. And when theorists proved that the weather can really be controlled, it became curious: is it possible at the same time to cause a tsunami, typhoon, earthquake? It turned out that you can - anywhere, anytime. It would seem, what's wrong with that? Nothing, except for gross interference with nature, fraught with absolutely unpredictable consequences.

Human genius is a dangerous thing: after all, the atom was created peacefully … In the course of experiments, a geophysical weapon appeared based on the use of means of influence for military purposes on the processes taking place in the solid, liquid and gaseous shells of the Earth. The capabilities of this weapon are truly enormous: with its help, you can not only program floods, typhoons, tornadoes and earthquakes in any region of the planet, not only completely paralyze civil and military electronic tracking and control systems (including communications throughout any country), but also actively influence the psyche of entire nations.

Geophysical weapons are divided into meteorological, ozone and climatic. With the help of meteorological weapons, for example, during the Vietnam War, torrential rains were provoked, complicating the conduct of hostilities and worsening the living conditions of the local population. Climatic weapons strike at the enemy's economy: temperature drops can ruin all agricultural production in the country. Finally, the ozone weapon destroys the ozone layer over the territory of the enemy: and now the inhabitants of this or that state are completely languishing and sick under the influence of the brutal ultraviolet radiation of the solar radiation.

However, the worst thing is that geophysical weapons cannot be controlled, and, thus, they become dangerous not only for the country against which they are directed, but for the entire planet as a whole. Nevertheless, secret tests are being carried out in the USA, Russia and a number of other countries, the consequences of which are shaking the entire Earth.

In one of the documents, which was recently published by a group of military scientists, it is argued that by 2025 the United States will be able to create climate modification tools that will allow us to regulate weather conditions in certain regions of our planet. Sudden clouds, nebula, storms - all this will be possible with the help of directed energy and beam weapons. This type of weapon will improve the disposition of American troops and seriously affect the position of the enemy. The American aerospace forces in 2025 will be able to easily control the weather, thereby turning the development of the latest technology into

valuable capital. These capabilities will allow the US Armed Forces to shape the site of future hostilities … Thus, in the United States at the moment, weather modification is becoming an integral part of politics and national security, which is unlikely to be applied exclusively within the country.


In 1993, a military defector Major General of the KGB Oleg Kalugin, giving an interview to one of the London newspapers, said that the Soviet Union was actively developing geophysical weapons and their possible use. He said that most of the experiments were aimed at creating earthquakes and tsunamis that could strike the Pacific coast of the United States. Indeed, even a very small underground nuclear explosion can be organized so that it will cause serious natural disasters many thousands of kilometers from its epicenter.

And not so long ago, the famous American meteorologist Scott Stevens made a very loud accusation against Russia. In his personal opinion, the most powerful hurricane Katrina that hit New Orleans in 2005 was created by artificial Russian military researchers in the field of weather control. Stevens argues that there was no apparent reason or prerequisite for a hurricane of such strength. Moreover, it arose in spite of all known natural conditions of the origin of hurricanes. The meteorologist is confident that such a phenomenon is associated with the renewed tests in Russia of a secret weapon capable of influencing sudden changes in the weather. According to Scott Stevens, since the times of the Soviet Union, our country has had top-secret weather installations that are capable of exerting a rather serious influence on the weather almost anywhere in the world.

We do have a certain “weather” object known as “Sura”. It is located in the central part of Russia, in a rather remote and quiet place, about 170 kilometers from Nizhny Novgorod, and belongs to the Scientific Research Radiophysical Institute, which at one time was one of the leading research institutes of the Soviet Union. The installation is located on an area of about 10 hectares and consists of long rows of twenty-meter antennas. In the center of "Sura" there is a huge emitter designed to study acoustic processes in the Earth's atmosphere.

"Sura" was developed as a research laboratory, which was supposed to significantly improve radio communications over the vast territory of the Soviet Union, as well as provide constant monitoring of a potential enemy. But the successes of Soviet scientists far exceeded expectations: the results of the first tests forced us to seriously think about the real possibilities of the constructed installation.

At the very beginning of the 80s. XX century, when an unknown and super-classified object was just undergoing the first test tests, rather mysterious phenomena began to occur in the sky above it, which later became the main subject of research. When the installation was turned on, workers and scientists constantly observed a bright glow in the sky, small red flashes; a huge number of dark silver balls hovered over the territory of the institute. What exactly is causing such a violent reaction in the atmosphere? It never became public, but foreign scientists for a long time associated with the actions of "Sura" almost all natural disasters in the world. The Russian installation is indeed capable of bringing to life natural disasters, powerful downpours, earthquakes, floods and hurricanes, similar in strength to the recent Katrina and Rita. But today it seems to be tested no more than a hundred hours a year. And this is mainly due to the constant lack of funds to ensure uninterrupted power supply. However, it is too early for conservationists to rejoice: at this time in America, tests of high-frequency emitters built according to a special HAARP program are in full swing.


In the United States, the idea of developing "weather" weapons began to hover in the minds of government leaders back in the 1940s. XX century, but for a long time remained only on the papers of the military in the Pentagon. Having missed the initiative and openly missed the Soviet Union's breakthrough in this area of science, in the 1990s, the American military had to hastily correct the blunder.

In 1997, in the northern United States - in Alaska - about 400 kilometers from Anchorage, at the Gakkon military base, the most powerful radio-electronic station HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) was put into operation. radiance ) with a powerful emitting system capable of sending impulses up to 3.5 million watts. This top-secret object occupies a huge area of tundra, about 13 hectares. Now it is literally studded with 25-meter antennas - at the moment there are 180 of them, but this is not the limit.

The location was not chosen by chance: since the Earth's magnetic pole is displaced towards Alaska, HAARP is located under the very dome of the magnetosphere, so you cannot call it otherwise than strategic.

Nevertheless, the Pentagon hastened to reassure the world community, assuring that HAARP is just a research station, whose goal is to improve radio communications, which is carried out through satellites in Earth orbit. But for some reason, the personnel of an ordinary scientific station are protected by an order of magnitude more reliably than the White House, the Gakkon training ground turned out to be military, and the leadership of the station itself and the entire HAARP program is carried out only by representatives of the United States naval and air forces.

Moreover, the landfill can only be accessed with a special pass, which cannot be obtained by a civilian scientist. Materials related to the activities of the research station are also not available. In addition, in connection with the well-known events of September 11, 2001, a Patriot anti-missile system was installed around HAARP. Summarizing all these facts, many considered them to be proof that the US military was conducting tests of powerful meteorological weapons, the consequences of which could cause irreparable harm to our planet and its people.

Numerous accusations were voiced, after which the US military stopped hiding the capabilities of the system. Now they even exaggerate them, but the true goals that are facing HAARR are kept under the heading "secret". However, most of the world's scientists are confident that the project's task is to actively influence and artificially change the state of the earth's ionosphere by changing its chemical composition, which will undoubtedly lead to serious climatic disturbances. Also, HAARP, apparently, should become a new American missile defense system (missile defense), and therefore its immediate (and perhaps already solved) goal is to block, if necessary, all world communications and military facilities.

This is how it should work. Above the ozone layer is the fragile ionosphere - a layer of gas enriched with electrical particles called ions. HAARP, by focusing the shortwave radiation of all 180 antennas on the ionosphere, is able to heat it up to form plasma - in other words, ball lightning - which can be controlled by moving the focus of the antennas. The thing is that such experiments can easily destroy the ionosphere, the ozone layer and lose the atmosphere, which for the Earth is tantamount to death. In addition, we repeat, geophysical weapons are akin to Pandora's box - it's easy to open, impossible to close. No one still knows - neither scientists, nor politicians, nor the military - what will happen to our planet the next second after the operators turn on the installation. Indeed, for today's science, the atmospherethe ionosphere and magnetosphere of the Earth are too complex interconnected physical systems, and it is impossible to accurately simulate what a strong energetic effect on them will lead to! It is possible that large-scale accidents in power grids and oil and gas pipelines will occur on different continents.

The failure of computers that control the life support systems of megacities can plunge cities into darkness and chaos. It cannot be ruled out that the use of geophysical weapons will become a mechanism for launching geological cataclysms. And it is very difficult to predict how the inevitable magnetic storms arising in this case will affect the health of millions of people and the state of nature. It is very likely that the very first large-scale use of geophysical weapons will end in a planetary catastrophe …

However, Washington also understands this. The Americans are afraid of the possibilities of their own brainchild: the research station at the Gakkon test site has never worked at full capacity, and partial switching on was carried out only two or three times.

And apparently, it was in 2002: almost all natural floods in Europe and powerful earthquakes in Asia coincide in time with the switching on of the "switch" in Alaska. As a result of the collapsed floods, several tens of thousands of people died, and the area of the flooded territories exceeded eight million square kilometers …

So geophysical weapons are a real threat to our Earth. Do its creators understand this? Maybe yes. However, there are no plans to close the research. Perhaps the earthquake in Haiti, and at the same time the abnormally cold and snowy winter of this year are further confirmation of this.

Andrey EFIMOV, Sergey KOZLOV

Mystic of the Oracle