Pros And Cons Of Self-hypnosis - Alternative View

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Pros And Cons Of Self-hypnosis - Alternative View
Pros And Cons Of Self-hypnosis - Alternative View

Video: Pros And Cons Of Self-hypnosis - Alternative View

Video: Pros And Cons Of Self-hypnosis - Alternative View
Video: How hypnosis can positively change your beliefs: Lucas Handwerker at TEDxBocaRaton 2024, October

You have probably heard more than once that thoughts are material. However, many do not fully believe that any person is capable of changing their lives with the power of thought. But it really is! The main thing is to really want and allow yourself to become the creator of your destiny.


Severe diseases and serious bioenergetic damage: damage, curse, love spell, blocking of the money channel, necrotic connections and astral influences - undoubtedly require the intervention of specialists. But I never oppose the independent work of a person on his health and destiny and the professional help provided by doctors, healers, psychics, psychologists. I am sure: personal efforts, the desire to cope with a difficult situation, to improve the quality of life significantly increase the positive effect of professional help. When it comes to solving complex problems, I recommend taking a holistic approach. Since I was convinced more than once in practice: self-hypnosis, meditation, visualization techniques and other psychological and spiritual practices give excellent results.

Even the simplest form of self-hypnosis - affirmation - can be of great benefit.


Affirmation is the repeated repetition of the same short positive formulas, for example: "My health is getting stronger every day", "My relationship with my husband is constantly improving", "Decent men pay more and more attention to me."

Promotional video:

You can say affirmations to yourself or out loud, record them on a dictaphone, even sing! It is important to speak about the desired in the first person, in an affirmative form and not to use the negative particle "not". So, if you want to say goodbye to a cigarette, instead of: "I don't smoke anymore," say: "My craving for nicotine is constantly decreasing." The phrase should be short, and repeating it, you need to vividly imagine what you want to achieve. The effectiveness of self-hypnosis depends precisely on the strength of your striving for the goal.


As a result of self-hypnosis, positive attitudes replace and gradually drive out negative ones. Turning into a working tool of the subconscious, they transform thought into its physical equivalent - and your dreams come true. The purpose of affirmation is to feel healthy, able to receive and give love, take care of yourself, make enough money, and so on. If you devote a few minutes every day to such activities, they can nullify all the negative stereotypes with which a person has lived for years and decades.

This kind of affirmation works great, such as gratitude, when you thank the world, the universe or God for everything you have, and even for something that does not yet exist, but you really would like to receive. For example: "Thank you, Lord, for the good health that you will send me" or "Thank you for the happy family that will soon appear."


It is important to understand: the subconscious mind is not able to distinguish between negative and positive, therefore, exactly those attitudes that you most often repeat will come true. And if in the depths of your soul you consider yourself a person who does not deserve love and respect, excellent work, high salary, then nothing like this in your life really will be.

Many have heard: "He jinxed himself." This really happens, and quite often. And you don't have to be an inveterate pessimist: sometimes one careless phrase is enough. This happened to one of my clients, who at her next birthday said that after 55 years she would not work. At that moment, she had savings and her husband fully provided for the family. However, over time, the circumstances changed and the woman wanted to work, but at the age of 50 she was laid off and could not get a job for a long time, although she was an excellent specialist. So be careful with your wishes!

As for positive attitudes, everyone knows that the famous American Louise Hay, positive affirmations helped to defeat oncology and become famous. I suggest that you use some of them, and in the future, if necessary, create your own affirmations. You will certainly succeed, the main thing is to sincerely believe in the power of your thought.

Louise Hay's Affirmations:

✔ I am a wise and beautiful woman.

✔ My life is filled with love.

✔ I love and appreciate myself.

✔ I like being a woman.

✔ I perceive life as a unique gift.

✔ I am safe, everything is fine around me.

✔ I am firmly on my feet.

