Where Was The Overseas Rus? - Alternative View

Where Was The Overseas Rus? - Alternative View
Where Was The Overseas Rus? - Alternative View

Video: Where Was The Overseas Rus? - Alternative View

Video: Where Was The Overseas Rus? - Alternative View
Video: Russia with the help of its EW Systems Jammed American and Ukrainian Warships in the Black Sea! 2024, October

Whatever the supporters of the Norman theory of the formation of Rus say, all their arguments are based on pulling the “European” Varangians by the ears, whom our ancestors allegedly called to rule on the wild land of Eastern Europe that did not know statehood, which later became Kievan Rus. But even the Tale of Bygone Years, edited during the reign of Vladimir Monomakh, contains a direct indication that these were completely different Varangians, who had nothing to do with either the Swedes, nor the Norwegians or the Angles.

Here, for example, what you can read about this in N. Pavlischeva's book "Primordial Russia without lies":

Apparently the original Rus was where the Rus warriors came from. And the words "and three brothers with their families were elected" clearly indicate that from there, from the overseas Russia unknown to us, that is. the one that "overseas" came only three clans, and many others remained in the same place.

It seems that the Russian land, which later became Kievan Rus, came from the more ancient Vedic Rus, located in relation to the Russian land beyond some kind of sea. But what kind of sea could it be? Which sea is often mentioned in the Russian tradition? There are strange representatives of the Russian ethnos, who are called "Pomors", i.e. those who went fishing "by sea". And according to tradition, they lived on the coast of the White Sea. But is it only Bely? And was fishing carried out only in the White Sea? Or, perhaps, they meant other seas of the Arctic Ocean, calling all this "the sea"?

The official version of the story says that in the early stages of the colonization of Siberia, Kochi of Novgorodians, and later of the Pomors, sailed along some western sections of this route. These brave pioneers possessed unique practical skills that made it possible to make long voyages in the extreme climatic conditions of the North on small, fragile ships. In the XI century, Russian sailors entered the seas of the Arctic Ocean, in the XII-XIII centuries. discovered the islands of Vaigach, Novaya Zemlya, and at the end of the 15th century - the islands of the Spitsbergen archipelago, Bear Island. In the XVI-XVII centuries. a section of the Northern Sea Route was actively developed - from the Northern Dvina to the Taz Bay at the mouth of the Ob (the so-called "Mangazei sea passage"). Here is an interesting schematic.


But we already know that “Novgorodians are people from a Varangian family”, which means that they could have known this route “by sea” much earlier than the 11th century. And here are some interesting maps of the Pomors, showing the routes of their voyages.


Let us note the fact that the legendary Mangazeya, which the Pomors sailed to, is located in Siberia, and one of the routes passed through Novaya Zemlya. But the legendary "Lukomorye", which was mentioned by A. S. Pushkin, is also located in Siberia. Here are some interesting fragments of ancient maps.


How could the great poet know about the legendary "Lukomorye"? Of course, from her nanny, who knew well the old Russian tales and epics. As you can see, this "Lukomorye" is marked in the lower reaches of the Ob River on its right bank, and it is not far from the place where it flows into the Kara Sea. And again, this is the territory of Siberia.

So, maybe Rurik and his brothers had a relationship in Vedic Siberian Russia, the memory of which more than one generation of history falsifiers ordered by the Vatican masters tried and is still trying to destroy? Undoubtedly he had. Here, only the indication that the clans of these warriors-Rus came "from overseas" indicates that they lived. most likely, not in continental Siberia, but on the islands left over from their ancient arctic ancestral home.

And, most of all, the Novaya Zemlya archipelago suits this role. This assumption is also supported by the data obtained by the biologist, anthropologist, traveler G. Sidorov from the keepers of the ancient Orian tradition of Arctida-Oriana, who argued that some clans of ancient Rus lived on Novaya Zemlya until the 16th century.

And one more interesting coincidence: G. Sidorov speaks of three ancient cities on the territory of Novaya Zemlya. And in this case, we see that the Varangians-Rus came in three clans. Maybe it’s just a coincidence, but it can be assumed that these three clans were directly related to the clans of the ancient Rus, living in three ancient cities located on the territory of Novaya Zemlya.

Let us also remember that the Slovenes and the Krivichi were looking for a prince who would rule them "by right." I think that it was the direct descendants of those who came from the Arctic ancestral home - the Siberian Rus - who enjoyed indisputable authority among other peoples and, especially, relatives, and, precisely, thanks to their Vedic worldview, which did not allow unfairly treat other peoples.

Of course, it is not so easy to test this hypothesis, because Novaya Zemlya has been a "closed" military zone since Soviet times and it is almost impossible for mere mortals to get there for research purposes. However, strange stone balls found on Novaya Zemlya and Franz Josef Land indicate that there must be other artifacts that do not fit into the official version of history.

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