Pyrokinesis - Spontaneous Combustion Of People - Alternative View

Pyrokinesis - Spontaneous Combustion Of People - Alternative View
Pyrokinesis - Spontaneous Combustion Of People - Alternative View

Video: Pyrokinesis - Spontaneous Combustion Of People - Alternative View

Video: Pyrokinesis - Spontaneous Combustion Of People - Alternative View
Video: Spontaneous Combustion 2024, September

The facts of involuntary spontaneous combustion of people, or pyrokinesis, have been known since the creation of the world. Instant fire on a person at temperatures up to 2000 - 3000 degrees for a short time left only a little ash from the body. However, flammable materials near the victim (such as bed linen, cotton wool or paper) were left intact, that is, the person lying in bed blazed with a bright flame, but the sheets and blanket remained unharmed.

This is what happened in 1992 to Sydney firefighter Ron Priest, who was burned to death in his bed. It is surprising that the linen and pillows were not damaged at all, and the matches lying a meter away from the hellish flame did not flare up. In 1950, a Mexican court considered an outstanding criminal case. Mario Orozco, the husband of the innkeeper, was tried, accused of having burnt his wife Manola alive in the presence of many people. Mario was facing the death penalty.

That evening, as usual, the clients (the soldiers of the local garrison and the passing merchants) dined in the hall on the first floor of the hotel, dimly lit by two lamps and the reflections of the fire from the fireplace, where a delicious goose was roasting. The hostess's husband slowly rotated the spit so that not a drop of fat was wasted, and the carcass was evenly covered with a crispy crust.


A young maid served dishes and bottles, smiling at the mustachioed military and deftly dodging daring slaps on her round ass. The hostess herself, observing the order, sat in a massive leather armchair. Suddenly the peaceful idyll was broken by a heart-rending cry. The hostess twitched in the chair, her eyes bulging and her mouth wide open, and tongues of fire ran over her body. A moment later, Aunt Manola was gone, and her clothes, sprinkled with ashes, were lying on an intact armchair. The police who broke into the hotel immediately arrested the husband and took him to prison. However, the bodies of victims of pyrokinesis do not always burn to the ground.

In Mongolia, a local shepherd, Arzhanda, suffered a fire on a country road. The "black dummy" was found in a seated position. His whole body, head and arms were sintered into a solid resinous mass. But what is most striking is that the clothes of the deceased did not suffer from the fire. No traces of flame were found around either, and the air temperature was 15 degrees below zero. Amusing details were told by the partner of the deceased shepherd:

“I drove part of the herd forward. When I returned to Arzhande, I found him squatting by the road with his pants down. He relieved himself. Coming closer, I saw that it was black as coal. A fresh pile of feces was smoking between his legs. I ran to the nearest village for help.

Arzhanda's relatives tried to put him on a wooden stretcher, but they started to smoke. When they removed his body, it turned out that the boards were charred. I had to wait a little while Arzhanda cools down. The partner of the deceased was detained and charged with premeditated murder. When the investigator came to the prison, instead of the suspect, he found a pile of charred bones with partially preserved pieces of meat. It was not possible to find an explanation for the tragedy that happened …

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Dara Metzel in 1969 was sitting in her car on one of the streets of Luxembourg and, suddenly ignited, burned to the ground in a matter of seconds. Several people tried to help her, but to no avail. When it was all over, it turned out that the interior lining and seats of the car were not damaged. Around the same time, Texas resident Michael Lifshin was found dead in his car.

His face and hands were burned, but for some reason the fire did not touch his hair and eyebrows. Since his car was in the garage, the police decided that the unfortunate man committed suicide by poisoning himself with exhaust gases. However, the body was so hot that it burned your fingers. An absolutely fantastic case occurred in the Canadian province of Alberta, when two daughters of the Melby spouses broke out at the same instant, being in different parts of the city, at a distance of a kilometer from each other.

In 1991, a Dijon resident, Charles Duteillet, who worked in a hardware store owned by the Verneuil couple, celebrated the New Year with the owners. After drinking wine, he went to sleep upstairs to his room, and the next morning he found the owner dead. The floor of the lower floor was covered with a thick layer of soot.

A pungent, unpleasant odor caught my breath. The police found the remains of Madame Verneuil next to the kitchen table - charred bones and ash. No other traces of fire could be found in the house. No less mysterious incident occurred in 1989 near Munich. 13-year-old Utah was playing the accordion when her father, Werner Rothke, heard the girl's desperate screams. He rushed to her and saw her, engulfed in flames, rushing about the room.

Utah had 30 percent of his skin burned, and Werner himself received second-degree burns. The girl later explained that as soon as she began to play the instrument, she was engulfed in fire from all sides. In the spring of 1993, the inhabitants of the small Peruvian town of Orellano, gathered in the church for Sunday service, witnessed a spectacle that shook them to the core. The priest who preached the sermon was in shock.

His angry emotional speech, dedicated to hopeless sinners, who awaits Gehenna of fire, caused a tremor among the believers, and they earnestly crossed themselves with the sign of the cross, offering prayers that this cup would pass from them. Suddenly the sermon was interrupted by an inhuman cry. The priest shouted, frozen in an unnatural posture with his hands raised to the sky. Literally a moment later, the parishioners, numb with horror, saw a tongue of flame burst from his chest, and he himself turned into a pillar of fire.

People rushed out of the church, crushing each other in the doorway, and none of them saw what the investigators subsequently discovered. On the ambo lay the whole and intact clothes of the priest, inside which a handful of ashes darkened - all that remained of the servant of God.


The incident caused a wave of rumors and speculation. The believers did not doubt that the Lord punished the holy father for grave sins. Some assured that the priest, who took a vow of celibacy, indulged in vice, secretly viewing porno tapes. Others had no doubt that he had sold his soul to the devil. There were even those who believed that instead of the priest, the disguised Satan himself read the sermons.

After interviewing witnesses, the police closed the case. Devilish fire, or pyrokinesis, is not a figment of fantasy, but a real fact, although from the point of view of physics and chemistry such a phenomenon is impossible. It is known that two-thirds of the human body consists of water and a significant amount of energy is required for its combustion, which is not in a living organism. Even to burn a dead person in a crematorium, a temperature of two thousand degrees and a time of at least four hours are required. But even under such conditions, in any case, it is required to additionally crush the charred bones of the skeleton in order to turn them into ash.

Spontaneous combustion is extremely rare. In our century, 19 such phenomena have been recorded. Scientists have different opinions. Some are trying to connect the inflammation of people with their internal state. It was noted that many of the victims were in deep stress. Other researchers believe that the mysterious phenomenon arises in connection with the impact of ball lightning appearing near the victim.

Its energy penetrates into the human biofield, which leads to instant ignition. Scientists have noted two types of fires. Turning the victim to ash and sintering him into a charred mass. In some cases, some part of the body is not affected by fire.

Back in the last century, a version appeared that the victims of spontaneous combustion are chronic alcoholics, whose bodies are soaked through with alcohol and therefore flare up from an accidental spark, especially if the deceased smoked. Swiss scientist Ludwig Schumacher offered his own explanation for spontaneous combustion. “Why not assume,” he says, “that there are still unknowns to science radiation, the beams of which exist next to us.

Under certain conditions, the interaction of such energy with the body's biofield causes a powerful energy outbreak - a kind of explosion leading to spontaneous combustion of a living body. The resulting energy beam is strictly limited in space and acts selectively. The parts of the victim's body that did not fall into the radiation sphere remain intact."


Recently another scientist, Japanese Harugi Ito, put forward another hypothesis. In his opinion, the cause of pyrokinesis is a change in the passage of time. In the normal state, the human body generates and radiates into space a certain amount of heat, but if inside our body, for some reason, the physical processes occurring in nature (including the movement of atoms) suddenly slow down sharply, and on the surface of the skin their speed remains constant, then the generated heat simply does not have time to radiate into space and incinerates a person. Recently, a number of scientists generally adhere to a fantastic point of view.

The source of energy in a living cell is supposedly a thermonuclear reaction. They believe that under certain conditions unknown energy processes arise in the cells of the body, similar to those that occur during the explosion of an atomic bomb, which do not reflect on the molecules of neighboring matter (for example, on clothes or upholstery of a car) …