10 Types Of People Who Take Away Your Energy - Alternative View

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10 Types Of People Who Take Away Your Energy - Alternative View
10 Types Of People Who Take Away Your Energy - Alternative View

Video: 10 Types Of People Who Take Away Your Energy - Alternative View

Video: 10 Types Of People Who Take Away Your Energy - Alternative View
Video: (What to do when People "Take Your Energy") 2024, July

There are people who steal energy from us, so it is better to protect yourself from communicating with them. You can be a positive person around you, but if these negative individuals curl around you like crows, you will not have happiness in life. There will be no lightness, no ardent desire to achieve goals, life will lose its meaning. There are at once "10 thieves" of energy, which you should definitely know about!

The energy that every person has is fuel for him, the “gold mine of the soul”. Energy must be used constructively, stored, because its reserves can run out. Have you heard this expression: "Are you wasting yourself on the wrong person?" I think this is exactly what is appropriate here. Remove these toxic, negative people from your life and live happily!


People who come to you only to talk about their troubles, to complain, to feel your compassion - they devour your energy. After talking with them, you feel empty. Don't turn into a trash can!


In our modern time, it is sometimes impossible to live without borrowing a thing or money from someone. But it is worth remembering that debts must be repaid on time. If people are used to borrowing from you, and at the same time are in no hurry to give, forgive them their debts and do not communicate anymore!

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You must always keep your promise. And if a person deceived you once, and you “ate” it, be prepared that he will soon fill you with another large portion of insidious and shameless lies! Indeed, instead of promising and then not fulfilling, destroying all the hopes of a person, you need to learn to say "no"!


These are the kind of people who literally impose on you what you don't want to do and what you don't need to do at all. Try again to learn to say the word "no", let them be offended, these are only their problems!

People who think you owe them

These are not at all those who helped you out with money before your paycheck, or who let your jumper be worn, and now harass you with requests to return what was taken back. We are talking about people who believe that you should help them, spend time with them, talk to them on the phone, to their detriment. You must rest when you want and act when you want to! And you owe nothing to anyone else!

Disorganized people

If you communicate with such, then sooner or later you will also turn into a careless, disorganized person who lives from time to time. Throw such individuals out of your life, and together with them say goodbye to the things that you no longer need!

Sick people

Yes, it may sound selfish and unpleasant, but the more you communicate with sick people, the more you will lose your energy. Take care of your health, otherwise the body will not be able to function at full capacity. Don't forget to rest - this is very important for every person.

Evil people

People who hate everyone, wish everyone harm, often enter into conflicts and proceedings, must leave your life forever. If these evil people are your friends or family, do something to change them and stop their wrong actions. If it is useless, then you have to delete them from your life.


One of the most terrible types of people who collect information all over the world and then share it with others. In particular, such people are affected by negative stories that end badly. They seem to begin to gloat over the fact that someone has become ill.


These people can even be your relatives and friends. They are constantly trying to do something better than you. And all just because they envy you very much.

Respect yourself, respect those around you, don't let people drain all the energy from you. You yourself can stop it. Now you know with whom it is better to stop communicating!

Author: Sofia Bondareva