Slavic System Of Human Energy - Alternative View

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Slavic System Of Human Energy - Alternative View
Slavic System Of Human Energy - Alternative View

The Slavic system of esoteric knowledge was built on the principle of the unity of human nature and the universe. And the origins of such a system of knowledge can be traced back to the ancient history of mankind. The human energy system reflects the mutual influence of various energy flows, each of which has its own color, sound, spectrum, frequency and energy center on the human body. This energy center to this day wears the ancient Slavic - CHAKRA, Chak-Ra, where CHAK (there is even such a rune) means circulation in two directions (for reception and for delivery) i.e. incoming and outgoing energies, and RA means - pure radiance. The Slavic system of energy centers is more expanded than the eastern system. It contains 37 main energy centers: 9 are dominant, and 28 are decisive. Together they create an energy cross. Moreover, the dominant ones are divided into three structures:

the first lower 3 chakras are responsible for the physical development of a person;

the middle 3 chakras are responsible for spiritual development;

the top 3 chakras are responsible for Spiritual development.

Consider the 9 dominant chakras: [The 1st Source Chakra is located in the coccyx region. Through it, a person receives vital energy, which flows from it. It absorbs all kinds of energy. Color - black (unknown, beyond human perception). In the sound range, this chakra perceives infrasound (ultra-low frequencies). Infrasound can cause panic in a person. In the eastern system, this chakra is called Mu-Lad-Ha-Ra, and our Ancestors called it with one short and understandable word - Source. Everything originates from some source.

The 2nd Germ Responsible for the Genus, that is, for the birth of life, and also accepts the energy of other vital entities, through it male power enters the woman. In addition, this chakra perceives specially directed energy flows (evil eye, curse, etc.). Located in the pubic region. The color is red. Sound - "Before". In the eastern system, this chakra is called: Sva-D-Hi-Stan-A.

3rd Belly In Slavic "life" will be "belly". The place where life begins. Through this chakra, a person first receives energy in the womb, then the energy of the cosmos from his Star - the Lord. Location - navel. Color - scarlet. The sound is "Re". In the eastern system it is called: Mani-Pu-Ra.

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4th Percy (Chest) Radiates and absorbs the energy of creativity. Responsible for breathing. Finding the chakra is the center of the chest (solar plexus). The color is golden. Sound - "Mi" In the eastern system it is called: Ana-Ha-Ta.

5th Lada Located on the right shoulder. Covers armpits, shoulder joint. Receives and radiates the energies of Love, Kindness, tenderness. In addition, this chakra is responsible for working capacity (mechanical perception). Green colour. The sound is "Fa". In the eastern system it is called: Surma chakra.

6th Lelya Located on the left shoulder. Regulates the work of the heart, and also accepts the energy of intuition. Provides intuitive knowledge of the world of Reality, intuitive creativity and foreboding. Therefore, a person says: "I feel with my heart." The color is heavenly. Sound - "Salt". In the eastern system it is called: Chandra chakra.

7th Mouth (Mouth) Covers the throat system. This chakra gives out sound energy, is responsible for the materialization of thought (speech), and also receives and transmits the energy of sensory images. Color - blue. Sound - "La". In the eastern system is called: Vish-Ud-Ha.

8th Chelo Intellectual chakra, controls the work of the brain, processes images and thoughts. Streams of energies work here without sensory coloring. The sensitive system of this chakra is beyond human perception. This chakra is also responsible for energy vision. Location - brow (between the eyebrows). Color - dark (purple). Sound - "C". In the eastern system it is called: A-D-Z-N-A.

9th Spring Refers to the World of Glory and a channel leaves from it, leaving for the World of Pravi. Provides a connection with the Family, i.e. a person through this chakra receives and perceives the help and support of his Gods and Ancestors, receives the energies of the highest Soul and Spiritual images. Through this chakra, thoughts and thoughts are projected into the World of Law. Located in the region of the crown. White color. Perceives ultrasound (ultra-high frequencies). On the eastern system: Si-Hey-C-Fi-Fa.

Man generates energy - from air, water and food. And he also receives energy from the outside - from the Sun and the Earth. This energy interacts with the chakras.

All dominant chakras are subdivided into:

chakras of low energies (Mir Navi);

chakras of medium energies (World of Reveal);

chakras of high energies (World of Glory);

chakras of super-high energies (Mir Rule).

The first three chakras take energy from the Navi World (low energies):

1) Source 2) Germ 3) Belly

These chakras affect the structural state of the physical shell of a person. Some people work only on these three chakras - these are people who live with primitive instincts (sleep, food, drink, etc.), i.e. like animals.

The following three chakras refer to the World of Glory:

4) Percy 5) Lada 6) Lelya

Creativity in the World of Revelation is possible for people with harmoniously developed chakras 4, 5, 6. A person who has these chakras working is called "Soul".

The following chakras belong to the World of Glory (high and super-high energies) and are responsible for the Spirit:

7) Mouth 8) Chelo 9) Spring

When a person has all the chakras working, including the highest, then he is “Spiritual”. A person who lives only with the three higher chakras, without developing or using the lower ones, as a rule, becomes a hermit, he is cut off from the World, and this is no longer a harmonious person. The lower energy centers feed the upper ones, so the Slavs have always developed harmoniously and used all the centers:

the lower ones provide a connection with Nature;

Soul connect with other people;

Spiritual ones make it possible to look at the World from the outside and realize the structures behind our Explicit World.

And further! NATURE, when activating all energy centers, has not programmed the aging system in a person.


As we already know, it is impossible to "take" energy (from the etheric body) directly. You can provoke a person to give it up (through the manifestations of the astral or mental body). Below you can see a number of methods by which “nice people” can provoke us to lose energy from energy centers (chakras).


  • Putting things in order for another person.
  • Do not allow to finish the work started, finish the statement.
  • Finish things for other people on their own initiative.
  • Demonstration of completed cases that require a lot of time.
  • Excessive nomenclature of cases when performing an action, a lot of regulatory papers and so on.

The germ

  • Throw a tantrum.
  • Scroll dynamo.
  • Show lack of pleasure "Is that all you can?"
  • Increase speed, fuss: "Come on quickly, finish quickly."
  • Apologize for not understanding the anecdote: "When to laugh?" etc.


  • Actions without a request and consent in relation to a person: "Give it a drink."
  • Compare a person with someone else who does worse, with results and money: "Yes, I'm much better at it."
  • Non-normative vocabulary, rudeness, swearing, command form.
  • To do something instead of something else: "I'll do it myself."
  • Payment of financial bills without agreements: "I will pay."
  • Demonstration of wealth: "I have a whole suitcase of money."
  • Demonstration of connections, social status: "Yes, I had dinner with the president yesterday."
  • Obsession with communication: "You need this, I will stay with you for a month."
  • Ignoring other people's opinions, interrupting.
  • Confirmation requirement: “Do you really want this? And you need it."
  • Proactive actions ask to do something, and then start doing it yourself.
  • The question with the lack of a choice of action is necessary 5 or 10 to be determined.
  • Punishing initiative, for example when choosing a solution.
  • A ban on the choice of something without explanation clothes, toys, cars.

Taking over the initiative to do what is entrusted to another.

Jarlo (percy)

  • Arouse a sense of guilt - "All children are caring, but we have …".
  • Indifference to the gift given to attention, give the flowers to the gift immediately.
  • Arouse pity: "Help, good people, there is nothing to eat for a month."
  • Break off the conversation (unfinished dance).
  • Remind me of my heartfelt attitude: "Remember, I gave you a gift."

Mouth (Throat)

  • Demonstratively leave the performance (from the benefit performance).
  • Pretentiousness of speech, intentional mistakes in speech (parody).
  • Negative assessment of creativity: "Do you think these are poems?"
  • Notice unharmony, for example, a negative assessment of appearance.


  • Demand the fulfillment of directives, without reflection and motivation.
  • Solve problems for another person, customize the answer.
  • Comparison with another "smarter" one.
  • Excessive erudition, cleverness.
  • Criticism of intelligence and ways of thinking: "What fool wrote this?"
  • Praise only for what coincides with my "correct" opinion.