Zero Point Energy As An Illustration Of The Principle Of Manipulating Consciousness - Alternative View

Zero Point Energy As An Illustration Of The Principle Of Manipulating Consciousness - Alternative View
Zero Point Energy As An Illustration Of The Principle Of Manipulating Consciousness - Alternative View

Video: Zero Point Energy As An Illustration Of The Principle Of Manipulating Consciousness - Alternative View

Video: Zero Point Energy As An Illustration Of The Principle Of Manipulating Consciousness - Alternative View
Video: What is the Zero-Point Energy? 2024, July

The idea of getting energy from the zero point is easiest to show with the example of water. If two opposite waves are created on the surface, one will be of overpressure (pumping water), and the second of discharged pressure (pumping out water). The figure shows just such a case. At the moment of meeting of such waves, an overlap will occur, when the excess wave hangs over the rarefied wave, then it falls lower than usual. And since gravity acts on water, this energy can accelerate the water more and give it more energy.

Next, you need to move from the water analogy to the concept of the electromagnetic environment. Now in science the concept of ether has been replaced by the concept of vacuum. But the fact that the vacuum is not empty is well understood by science; scientists' assessments differ only in the level of energies. And of course the presence of electromagnetic waves proves the existence of a medium for their propagation. Therefore, it is impossible to consider the vacuum as empty without energy.

It is very simple for an ordinary person, without instruments, to discover that the environment has energy, it is simply necessary to accelerate any body, as resistance immediately arises or inertia is said. Apparently, the environment in an unperturbed state has energy, it is just that this energy is not manifested, like the associated electrical plus and minus. But as soon as there is a disturbance in the environment, a change in pressure, either in the positive or in the negative direction, then the environment? reacts again by electrical analogy? and by redistributing it tries to compensate for external indignation.

It is very likely that all the primary energy is contained in the primary form in the environment. And the entire visible and invisible world is just a manifestation of this energy, vibrations that arise, vortex objects, just a redistribution of the ether density. The process of manifestation of the energy of the environment is easiest to observe at the planetary level. This is Earth's gravity, which we constantly encounter. But what we do not see is the triggering processes that cause the environment or energy to drain to the center of the planet. And this should be the same zero point principle. The body must pulsate, first from itself, and then back, thereby creating a zero zone, luring the environment, which begins to flow to the center (manifest), twist in the direction of the rotation of the globe. And the result is a self-sustaining system,which constantly extracts energy from the environment and accelerates. And apparently, the expansion of the Universe is connected with this (the growth of the manifested energy). I think the same principle works at the macro, micro and human levels.

And here it is also necessary to note an important feature that the extraction of energy must go in floors. The upper, higher-frequency floor serves as a kind of instigator of the process, it is he who should give the effect of the zero point. The energy of the environment begins to manifest itself, a new, lower-frequency floor is formed, which first gains energy, simply consumes, grows, and is formed. After a certain level of development, it also becomes the basis for the descent of energy into even lower vibrations. And so gradually, in layers, the energy should be manifested.

And now you need to return to a person, a person is a complex system, from different levels of energy. In my opinion, in descending order, 4 main levels of energy manifestation can be distinguished. These are intuition, thoughts, emotions and then the physical body. Scientists already experimentally prove that human thoughts and emotions are material substances, most likely of an electromagnetic nature, just vibrations of a higher order.

Since a person is a machine with several levels of energy, then all levels are connected, each higher level is a source of energy for the next. Therefore, if somewhere the balance of vibrations is disturbed, then a complex complex is disturbed.

Therefore, I wanted to speculate about the manipulation of human consciousness in terms of energy levels. In a natural state, the human psyche (emotions and thoughts) must be balanced in order to realize the zero point principle. In this state, each level of energy receives enough energy, the brain is working, good health, and so on. But as soon as one of the levels is unbalanced, the energy flow is interrupted. Therefore, the system has problems, the system loses its self-sufficiency and it needs somewhere to replenish energy losses. This is the main point of manipulating consciousness. All in all, a person needs to put in the wrong program at the level of thought or emotion, start a virus, cut it off from direct feeding from the environment, so that a person starts looking for feeding on a horizontal level, from a neighbor. This is the whole power of information technology, that without high costs you can get a powerful result.

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And then everything works automatically, if a person does not understand the reason for the violation of the energy balance, then he begins to look for an external cause. Therefore, it is enough for him to simply slip another, who can also be unbalanced in this way. And away we go. I think this is the main mechanism for manipulating consciousness. And it is connected with human energy, these are material things. Therefore, it is difficult to get rid of manipulation if you fell under it and do not know the real reasons. These are real energies, so a person cannot just brush it off, he must do something. And they tell him, there is your reason. And the person goes to solve the problem as he thinks his own, but in fact he solves the problem of the manipulator, spending his stored energy. And on the other hand, the same thing happens.

And another important point is that although energy manifests itself from the upper level to the lower one, there must also be an inverse relationship, that is, the lower level must also affect the upper one so that the energies can work. Therefore, the manipulation of consciousness leads to the destruction of the entire system. A downward spiral of evolution arises and this process intensifies itself. On the energetic level, this means that all the accumulated energies previously will simply dissipate. And on the physical level, this simply means degradation, since the less energy, the lower the level of awareness.

Now, where it is used, and everywhere and often. For example, in religion, Christianity and Islam. It is necessary to take the right ideas, and here and there, introduce viruses or intensify contradictions in order to disrupt the energy balance of those who use these sources. And it is not even necessary to forge something, you just need to support those people who have an imbalance in energies, put them as leaders of organizations, etc. And this will start a violation of energy exchange among their followers. This can also include cultural values. The idea is the same. Then in politics, as a good example of the confrontation between the United States and the USSR, I also consider this area. Moreover, one side may even seem good, and the other bad, but they work for one thing, for self-destruction. Yes, you can find many examples if you search. Advertising, political processing,everything is based on this principle of distortion and disruption of energy exchange.

Another thing to mention is consumerism. At first glance, it seems that there is no harm in this, but if there is an understanding of how energies work, then it is clear that if a person does not invest (energy), but receives everything for nothing, then the environment simply has nothing to multiply, therefore, the energy balance is also disturbed and the system collapses. While the destruction is going on, a person becomes a barbarian, as he tries to restore his energy balance, and he does it with zeal. In general, I see this as the law of self-preservation of nature. Everything that does not use energy correctly is simply destroyed, and the process is also self-accelerating, only there is nothing to do here. That is why the distributive (plundering) model of society is so popular now. This can be seen in the economy and industry: energy, agriculture,the extractive industries are basically irreparably destroying the environment, and it seems that education, popular culture, advertising, the media are basically littering and destroying the spiritual environment, the noosphere. This is still opposed by marginal and poorly developed methods of cultural management, ecological waste-free technologies and conscious, conscious spiritual development.

Although nature shows us that everything is spinning, spinning, growing and blooming.

It turns out that for the sustainable development of the system, you need to understand very simple things. First, for the sustainable development of the system (person, society), it is imperative to invest energy, and the second important point is that the invested energies must be balanced, you should always try to maintain balance at the level of emotions or thoughts and act only from this state. Because, as very often the manipulation of consciousness is carried out precisely through a noble undertaking and people are caught in it.

I just don't see any other options for sustainable development. Well, it is clear that the current distributive model of society has exhausted itself, since the elites cannot constantly rob the lower classes by manipulating consciousness. Because, as this leads to the launch of the destructive mechanisms of the entire system.