Human Energy Potential - Alternative View

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Human Energy Potential - Alternative View
Human Energy Potential - Alternative View

Video: Human Energy Potential - Alternative View

Video: Human Energy Potential - Alternative View
Video: The Price of Clean Power | Giving Nature A Voice | Free Documentary Nature 2024, July

The woman who attracts attention is not the most beautiful woman, but the one who is filled with energies! Which shines, which is in a blissful state, which has no blocks.

What is energy for?

If a person has little energy, nobody is interested in him! People react to energy, they flock to those who "shine". Those who are called charismatic are, first of all, a person filled with energy, who can and wants to give, share this energy! Most people do not know how to fill themselves with energy, so they are looking for other people in the field of which you can feel "filled".

Let's start with the relationship. The woman who attracts attention is not the most beautiful woman, but the one who is filled with energies! Which shines, which is in a blissful state, which has no blocks.


And here, attention … the games at the level already disappear: “let's learn to cross our legs, as in the“Basic Instinct”, in order to attract a partner. What kind of partner can be involved at the data level of the technician? A partner for sex, there is no question of any harmonious relationship.

Because to attract a partner at the Heart level, you need to transmit a different level of energy.

Promotional video:

Sexual energy is the energy of life, the energy of joy and creativity, the energy of abundance. First of all, this is the Creator's energy that we receive, another question is how much of this energy can we pass through ourselves ?!

If there are traumas of fear of death, trauma of fear of showing one's light and beauty, and many others - all this creates blocks in the flow of energy, a person functions at the minimum limit of energy supply.

What kind of men attract the attention of women? First of all: active, successful, fulfilled, responsible, with a sense of humor, those who have a lot of energy!

All of us are attracted not by beauty, not money, not success or knowledge, everyone is attracted by energy! It's just that those who have this energy, realize their potentials and receive earthly benefits in return.


Criteria that there is a lot of energy in a person:

- the most important and first criterion of being filled with energy: "DESIRE TO SHARE!"

The desire to do something, create, make the world a better place! If you have a desire to help, then you are filled with high energy potential!

Attention! A sufficient number of people who only want to receive will "flock" to your energy level! It is important to include the skill of discrimination: energy consumers will express complaints and discontent, they do not have a state of gratitude.

To maintain your personal harmonious state, you need to remember that you can not give to everyone in a row, but to those to whom you want or who are ready to accept your gifts. This is one of the laws of conservation of energy - focusing on yourself. First of all, listen to yourself: do you want to share with this person, is it harmonious for you when interacting with him?

If not, then there will be a serious loss of energy, and in this case the moment of choice is activated: you are ready to lose energy or choose to stop interaction or transfer communication to other levels.

- a positive outlook on the world, the ability to see opportunities and potentials, - absence of diseases, - low need for food and sleep, - an inner state of calmness and balance, - the desire to act and expand their comfort zones, to try new things.

Criteria that there is little energy in a person:

- frequent bad mood, - chronic fatigue and lack of strength, - high need for sleep and food, - diseases or frequent colds, - feeling like a victim: complaints about low wages / pension, programs: “what can I do? nothing!"

- irritability, anger, resentment, - the state of consciousness: "Everyone owes me - I don't owe anything to anyone",

- a pessimistic approach to life, we see life in black and gray according to the principle "everything is bad, but it was better before."

Let's look at other areas of life where energy is needed:

To change reality

Energy is needed for everything! In the beginning, there was an emphasis on relationships, but this is just a small part, the need of what energy is needed for. Without being filled with energy, and with maximum fullness, it is simply impossible to control reality, shift layers of static energy and redirect potentials along other possible time lines.

To get off the usual rails, patterns of behavior, you need energy, a lot of energy to show courage and declare yourself in a new way! The choice of transition to new time lines - life potentials, is directly related to the fact that you start doing what was previously scary to do. And this is always overcoming yourself, huge energy costs, which are possible only when you are filled with energy to the maximum.

Reality can be changed not only by changes in patterns of behavior or consciousness, when you reach the highest level of vibrations and the possibility of reaching the energy level of the Creator, you can interact with life potentials by controlling energy potentials.

For healing

It takes a tremendous amount of energy to heal. This applies to both the healing of emotional trauma of self-confidence, self-rejection, and physical diseases, the roots of which always lie in deeper inner blocks.

All this requires the courage to go inside yourself! And this requires a huge amount of energy when there is no energy: a person's choice to close their eyes to a problem, run away from it, or blame others or circumstances. It means there is no energy to face the truth and go inward to deal with the problem.

When working with a disease, there is always a meeting with the trauma of the rejected self! It takes energy to face the PAIN aspect within yourself! Otherwise, running away immediately occurs, it looks like excuse phrases: “I don’t know what I feel”, “I don’t feel anything” or “I don’t know”. All these phrases speak of the fear of moving inward and asking yourself a question and hearing answers.

For rejuvenation

This aspect of working with energy is associated with the impact on the physical body, and matter changes only under very powerful energetic influences. To first stop the aging process, you need to change your thoughts, you need to cleanse your energy system from blocks, negative energy. In fact, working with the energy system refers to the basis of the basics, without the ability to work with it, it is impossible to work with the health of the body, control reality or interact with other people.

How to gain energy


In this section, we will talk about the fact that it is possible to gain "rough" energy, but with the help of it it is impossible to move to the level of interaction with reality, it will be just energy for survival.

First of all, this is food, food gives energy, but if you go over and include in your food components that contain more subtle energy, then you feel completely different: these are greens, all vegetables and fruits, freshly squeezed juices, water, minimal thermal treatment with preparing food (refers to fruits and vegetables), and eating food immediately after cooking, rather than after a few hours or days.

It is also possible to fill food with the energy of love when cooking, then it turns out to be especially tasty.


If you breathe consciously, while observing how the body feels, where the clamps are and with the intention of allowing energy to pass into the whole body, there is a surge of strength.

Conscious breathing, switching attention to not yourself, your state and at least 5-10 minutes to be in silence, breathing, allows you to restore a calmer state.

Energy practices

The most powerful and powerful ways to replenish and increase energy are energy practices. The simpler ones include physical activity: for men it is sports, tai chi, for women, swimming, dancing.

You need to start by clearing the energy channel running along the spine from blocks so that the energy flows through it freely. Then get rid of the blocks, and these are all sorts of fears, negative programs, emotional trauma. Cleansing expands the energy supply channel. And after that, proceed to building up the energy shell of the field, increasing the level of vibrations.

Author: Davydova Elena