Scientists Want To Find Out If We Are Quantum Computers - Alternative View

Scientists Want To Find Out If We Are Quantum Computers - Alternative View
Scientists Want To Find Out If We Are Quantum Computers - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Want To Find Out If We Are Quantum Computers - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Want To Find Out If We Are Quantum Computers - Alternative View
Video: Don't fall for quantum hype 2024, April

There is a hypothesis, or rather many hypotheses, according to which our brain is nothing more than a biochemical quantum computer. These ideas are based on the assumption that consciousness is inexplicable at the level of classical mechanics and can only be explained using the postulates of quantum mechanics, superposition phenomena, quantum entanglement, and others. Scientists from the University of California at Santa Barbara, through a series of experiments, decided to find out whether our brain is really a quantum computer.

At first glance, it may seem that the computer and the brain work in the same way - both process information, can store it, make decisions, and also deal with input and output interfaces. In the case of the brain, these interfaces are our senses, as well as the ability to control various objects that are not part of our body, for example, artificial prostheses.

There is a lot we don't know about how our brain works. But there are people who believe that the variety of processes in our brain, which cannot be explained in terms of classical mechanics, can be explained in terms of quantum mechanics. In other words, they believe that aspects of quantum mechanics such as entanglement, the phenomenon of superposition, and all the other things that quantum physics works on can actually control how our brains work. Of course, not everyone agrees with this formulation, but one way or another, scientists decided to check it out.

“If the question of quantum processes in the brain is answered positively, it will lead to a real revolution in our understanding and treatment of human brain function and cognitive abilities,” says Mat Helgeson of the University of California Santa Barbara and one of the team members. engaged in this study.

Some basic theory. In the world of quantum computing, everything obeys quantum mechanics, which explains the behavior and interactions of the tiniest objects in the universe - at the quantum level, where the rules of classical physics do not apply. One of the key features of quantum computing is the use of so-called qubits (quantum bits) as a storage medium. Unlike ordinary bits that are used in ordinary computers and represent a binary code in the form of "zeros" and "ones", qubits can simultaneously acquire values of both zero and one, that is, be in the so-called superposition, which was mentioned above.

Based on the above, quantum computers promise just incredible potential in computer computing, which will allow you to cope with tasks (including in science) that even the most powerful, but ordinary computers are not capable of.

As for a new study by scientists from the University of California, which is about to begin, it will be aimed at finding "brain qubits."

One of the main features of "ordinary" qubits is that they require an environment with very low temperatures, approaching absolute zero, but the researchers suggest that this rule may not apply to qubits that may be in the human body.

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As part of one of the upcoming experiments, scientists will try to find out whether it is possible to store qubits inside the spin of an atomic nucleus, and not among the electrons that surround it. In particular, the object of research should be the atoms of phosphorus - a substance contained in our organisms - according to scientists, capable of playing the role of biochemical qubits.

“Carefully isolated nuclear spins can store and possibly process quantum information for hours or more,” says one of the study's participants, Matthew Fisher.

In other experiments, scientists want to look at the potential for decoherence, which occurs as a result of breaking the bonds between qubits. During the course of this process, the quantum system itself begins to appear classical features that correspond to the information available in the environment. In other words, the quantum system begins to mix or become entangled with the environment. In order for our brain to be considered a quantum computer, it must have a system that would protect our biological qubits from this decoherence.

The task of another experiment will be the study of mitochondria - the cellular subunits responsible for our metabolism and the transfer of energy within our body. Scientists speculate that these organelles may play a significant role in quantum entanglement and have quantum connectivity with neurons.

In general, neurotransmitters (active chemicals that carry electrochemical impulses) between neurons and synaptic connections may create interconnected quantum networks in our brains. Fischer and his team want to test this by trying to replicate such a system in a laboratory setting.

The processes of quantum computing, if they are really present in our brain, will help us explain and understand its most mysterious functions, for example, its ability to transfer memory from short-term to long-term, or come closer to understanding questions about where our consciousness actually comes from., awareness and emotion.

All this is a very high level, very complex physics, along with biochemistry, so no one here will guarantee that we will be able to get all the answers to the above questions. Even if it turns out that we have not yet reached the required level that would allow us to answer the question of whether our brain is a quantum computer, the planned research could contribute greatly to understanding how the most complex human organ works.

Nikolay Khizhnyak