A Child Prodigy Is Good, But A Fool Is Better? - Alternative View

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A Child Prodigy Is Good, But A Fool Is Better? - Alternative View
A Child Prodigy Is Good, But A Fool Is Better? - Alternative View

Video: A Child Prodigy Is Good, But A Fool Is Better? - Alternative View

Video: A Child Prodigy Is Good, But A Fool Is Better? - Alternative View
Video: 바이올린 실력으로 헨리를 발라버린 9살 천재의 정체는!? [같이헨리 3탄] 2024, April

Together with specialists, we are trying to figure out what talent is and how to help a child discover it

All parents dream of a child who would amaze others with intelligence and abilities. But the more we learn about child prodigies, the more often we ask ourselves: is it really such a happy lot that these unusual children have?

Often an amazing take-off ends in tragedy (see Is Being a Prodigy Life Dangerous?). But even young geniuses who have lived a long life can rarely realize the hopes that were pinned on them in childhood. A prime example is Marilyn vos Savant, who has the highest IQ in the world. Her IQ is 228 points, and 100 is considered the norm. But the smartest woman on the planet did not make any discoveries and did nothing to enrich the treasury of human thought - she works as a financial director at her husband's corporation Jarvik Heart (by the way, her husband Robert Jarvik is the creator of an artificial heart) and maintains a Q&A column in a women's magazine …

Recently, what talent is, was discussed at a forum in the Sochi educational center "Sirius", created specifically for working with gifted children. So what is childish genius? I talked about this with Professor of St. Petersburg State University, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Elena KAZAKOVA.

Elena Ivanovna, what should parents do who feel that their child is a child prodigy? Rejoicing or clutching your head?

- What should be done to parents who have a disabled child? Accept this, realize your responsibility, try to compensate for the fact that nature has not provided the child, and help him become happy. Sorry, but the child prodigy is somewhat disabled. He also falls out of the mainstream, it is difficult for him to fit into the general education system, he will often not be accepted by his peers … Therefore, parents must first of all learn to raise their unusual child. Something will be given to him incredibly easily, and some simple tasks will be puzzling. But what parents almost never succeed in is to make the prodigy's abilities continue to develop in such an explosive manner.

Moms and dads of geeks cannot be envied …

- Parents should not dream of a child prodigy, but help their own child to live in full force and look for the world in which they can realize themselves. First of all, look for a place where your child will receive a quality education and experience joy from it. After all, if training only evokes negative emotions, there will be no result.

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Talented children - are they nuggets that God kissed on the cup, or the result of parental efforts?

- It depends on the type of talent. There is a logical and mathematical intelligence, musical, linguistic - there are nine types in total. But they are formed in different ways. So, mathematics should be dealt with from early childhood. The golden age for the development of linguistic intelligence is under 6 years of age. But some talents thrive with responsible parenting. For example, social talent develops later and breaks out during adolescence.

What is social talent?

- You have probably seen such people. A man came, and a team immediately formed around him. He starts talking - and they listen to him, he will call - and people follow him. This is what is called charisma. Social talent seems to be more influenced by the environment. Parents are, of course, a great thing, but it is important that the child finds himself in an environment where one can learn and express oneself, where talent is admired not by adults, but by peers - for teenagers this is a key thing.

- A lot of shows about children's talents have appeared on TV. The parental desire to make a star out of their child is understandable. But is it good for the child himself?

- I am very upset with this picture. It's not very good for a child's psyche when kids from such a young age participate in competitions. This is a traumatic thing. By the way, more or less decent shows always try to pretend that they are not a competition, but a festival, and they say: we have no losers. Secondly, I am embarrassed that we are actively promoting only one area: the child is a pop star. But the society must be shown that the child-inventor, the child-scientist are no less deserving of applause.


Cramming won't help

What Happens to Winners of International Subject Olympiads in Adult Life

International subject Olympiads are the peak, the conquest of which testifies to the fact that the child really has outstanding abilities. Mathematician Stanislav SMIRNOV, head of the Chebyshev Laboratory of St. Petersburg State University, is one of the founders of the Talent and Success Foundation, which created the Sirius Center, twice (in 1986 and 1987) won the International Mathematical Olympiads (MMO). And 7 years ago he won the Fields Prize - this is the analogue of the Nobel for mathematicians.

Stanislav Konstantinovich, our guys have always performed well at the MMO, but still schoolchildren from Asia dominate there. Even in the US team, people from China make the weather! How can this be explained? Is it educational know-how or incredible hard work? Or maybe there are just more geeks in China?

- China is indeed the country with the largest population on the planet. There are many math schools and a well-established selection system: first, the best children are sent to the main school of the region. Then the most talented are sent to the best school in the province, and from there to Beijing and Shanghai … And hard work also plays an important role. It is customary for Chinese students and schoolchildren to study a lot and hard. But sometimes it seems to me that they overdo it a little.

Why is it bad?

- A person can solve problems, because he has diligently studied many ready-made recipes. But sometimes it discourages creativity from coming up with something new. I remember how Chinese schoolchildren came to the MMO for the first time - in 1986 and immediately showed themselves very well. Thirty years have passed since then, and the Chinese have been very successful at the Olympiads. But so far there have been few outstanding mathematicians of their children. True, there is Terence Tao, a Fields Prize winner, but he grew up in Australia. I think the Chinese are now tilting towards memorizing, not inventing. In this sense, I like our guys more. They are more creative and versatile, they can play volleyball and play musical instruments. And the guys from the Chinese team that I met tend to focus only on math.


How to tell if your child is gifted

For a long time, the degree of talent was measured by eye. Then a universal measure appeared - the IQ coefficient. But, according to Elena Kazakova, it soon became clear that those with a high IQ do not show the best results in practice, since they are not always capable of interacting with other people. Then the second criterion of talent was introduced - the ability to communicate, teamwork. Then the digital revolution began, knowledge began to quickly become outdated, and a third criterion appeared - creativity and the ability to constantly self-learn. Then scientists began to insist on the introduction of the fourth criterion of giftedness - the presence of emotional intelligence. This is the ability to experience passion, excitement, inspiration, the ability to ignite other people with your idea.

But how do you use this cumbersome system? While the child will be examined, he will already grow old … Experts say: there are simple signs of a child's giftedness. This is an innate curiosity, cognitive interest and the ability to finish the task - that is, to bring the matter to the end. Simply put, mathematical talent is when a child, in his free time from school, solves mathematical problems for himself. If at the same time his eyes are burning - in front of you is a future genius!
