A Person Has Large Reserves - Alternative View

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A Person Has Large Reserves - Alternative View
A Person Has Large Reserves - Alternative View

Video: A Person Has Large Reserves - Alternative View

Video: A Person Has Large Reserves - Alternative View
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The human body is fraught with many secrets, and from time to time it surprises scientists with its properties. So, there are often cases in which people exhibit physical qualities that are not characteristic of them in normal conditions. At the same time, it is still unknown what the actual limit of a person's physical capabilities is, and whether it exists at all.

Extreme situations

One of the most astonishing phenomena is the ability to display physical capabilities previously unavailable. It manifests itself most often in a stressful state. So, there is a known case when, during a fire, an elderly woman, saving her property, pulled a heavy chest out of her house on herself, which then could not be moved by several people. In another situation, the mother easily lifted the car, which almost crushed her child, and kept it suspended until the threat was over. There are also cases when people in extreme situations showed miracles of speed of movement, in jumps, survived after falls from a great height and without consequences endured a long stay in severe cold.

All these situations show that under certain conditions the limit of a person's physical capabilities grows significantly, and then he can perform real miracles. However, when trying to repeat it on purpose under normal conditions, failures often follow. Specialists studying this problem are inclined to believe that in an extreme situation, the human brain spontaneously switches to a different mode of operation, somehow activating the body's hidden reserves. All this happens simultaneously with a large release of adrenaline into the blood, giving such an amazing result. At the same time, not everyone has such a reaction, in some cases a person, on the contrary, becomes numb and falls into a stupor. This is due to the fact that the nervous system in all people differs in its properties, it develops under the influence of various factors.

Deliberate acquisition of superpowers

Despite the fact that it is impossible to repeat often incredible tricks in a normal state, there are techniques that allow you to learn some superpowers. Thus, eastern spiritual practices allow one to achieve such a level of control over one's body, during which a person ceases to feel pain, cold, can hold his breath for a long time and endure other extreme influences on the body without harm to health.

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A typical example of such people are yogis, who can achieve a special state of consciousness achieved by years of long training, coupled with special breathing exercises. Tibetan hermits also have amazing abilities. For example, some of them can move for several days without stopping at a brisk pace, thus covering long distances. Others know how to regulate their body temperature, not only not freezing in the cold in light clothes, but even drying wet cloth on themselves. This skill is called "tumo" and allows you not to die in the harsh conditions of a mountainous country. The pinnacle of this skill is the ability to melt snow around itself within a certain radius.

In addition, in China and India there is a technique of "iron shirt" having studied which, adepts acquire the ability to take on powerful blows with limbs and weapons without receiving even the slightest damage. Moreover, the slightest scratches do not remain on their skin after being struck with a knife or spear. No less interesting is the ability of a martial artist to move at such a speed that even the equipment does not have time to record his movements.

All such skills appear in adepts in the course of many years of diligent training, coupled with the use of special breathing exercises. Not the last place is occupied by work with consciousness, during which a person learns to control his brain, and consciously causes the necessary superpower if necessary.

Creation of an artificial superman

The governments of some states were also interested in physical supernormal abilities. It was the creation of an ideal soldier who would not be afraid of pain and was invulnerable to enemy weapons that was the task of scientists who worked on this not only in Nazi Germany, but also in the USSR, and later in the United States. Facts are known when they tried to create such soldiers by implanting metal prostheses in people, using special psychotropic drugs, and also conducting experiments on crossing with animals. However, they all fail to bring the desired result.

From this we can conclude that a person has some reserves that allow him to show miracles of strength, dexterity, endurance. But you can wake them up only in an extreme situation, or during exhausting training under the guidance of an experienced mentor. It is then that the nervous system is brought into the desired state and the person acquires incredible physical capabilities.