How Do Animals Treat Humans - Alternative View

How Do Animals Treat Humans - Alternative View
How Do Animals Treat Humans - Alternative View

Video: How Do Animals Treat Humans - Alternative View

Video: How Do Animals Treat Humans - Alternative View
Video: Why are humans so different from other animals? 2024, October

Since time immemorial, humanity has been using various plants as medicines. Thousands of reference books have been released with precise instructions: what time to collect, how to dry, for what diseases to use, how to brew and take. And it seems that few people still know about the miraculous properties of animals for human health. Meanwhile, there is a separate branch of medicine - animal therapy (pet therapy).

Thousands of facts convincingly show that animals have an amazing gift for healing people. No, not only with their products - honey, poison, propolis, kumis, antlers, fat. As it turned out, animals are able to heal with their animal … "soul".

This treatment is called animal therapy (from the Latin word animal - animal), or zootherapy, and implies such a system of treatment when, along with medications, the patient is prescribed communication with animals. This science is not yet quite official, but adherents of non-traditional therapy continue to collect facts, keeping in mind that everything that was once recognized was not so.


After all, healing with animals is rooted in ancient times. The Palestinians and Jews, for example, treated inflammatory skin diseases with the help of birds: they touched them with their affected areas, as if wishing to transmit the disease to them, and this psychological technique helped to recover.

The ancient Babylonians, Assyrians, Egyptians, and a little later the Hellenes and Romans were already consciously engaged in the "prevention" of diseases and had animals in their homes that, in their opinion, could protect and cure from bronchitis, tuberculosis, heart disease and kidney failure. The inhabitants of the steppes and deserts from ancient times were treated with snakes: they put a snake on a sore spot so that it absorbs the disease.

It is interesting that the views of the ancient Indians on the energetics of living organisms surprisingly resonate with modern ones. In Ayurveda, the cause of a person's illness was considered to be the “damping of the energy fire” in some channel: in the heart, such damping causes ischemic disease; in the canal that unites the kidneys, pelvis and bladder - diseases of these organs, etc.

Some researchers see examples of the relationship between human and animal biofields in the texts of the Gospel. For example, where Christ's "casting out of demons" is described, it is said that he directed "unclean power" to a herd of pigs. Researchers have every reason to believe that this is how Jesus treated the mentally ill. And the pigs, taking on the disease, all rushed from the steepness into the sea.

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True, the Middle Ages cooled the belief in such a method of healing people in Europe. But in India, zoo therapy survived and survived. And in the 18th century it returned to England, spreading to its colonies - Australia and Ireland. It was in Great Britain that the first attempts at scientific understanding of animal therapy were made. Here this science was promoted, taught, here it flourishes to this day.

So the fact that pets have a special healing effect on their owners was established in antiquity. The latest foreign studies have proven this experimentally: it turned out that the owners of cats and dogs live on average 4-5 years longer. Medicine also knows cases when contact with a dog, cat or bird is the only way to help a sick person.

Probably, the first "healer" was a miraculous worm - a leech - similar to a small, just born snake. But for some reason, all representatives of this family always inspired people with unaccountable fear. However, everything in the world has its own purpose, and for leeches it is special, unusual. This is a predator of a special kind, which satisfies its "animal" principle for the benefit of the health of its victims, and this feature can be used by medicine.


On this occasion, the French scientist and physician I. Polenier, who lived in the 19th century, said: "Leeches are an immeasurable, healing blessing when they are used rationally and competently." And the first information about the use of leeches for medical purposes, we find in Ancient Egypt. Medicine at its dawn saw leeches as a panacea, a remedy for almost all diseases.

In the East, the great scientist and healer Ibn Sina (Avicenna) used leeches, who devoted a whole section to them in his book "Science of Healing". In ancient Rome, the famous physician Claudius Galen treated people with leeches. Leeches were also used in Ancient Greece. The Greek name for the leech "giruda" has survived to this day - in modern medicine, leech therapy is called hirudotherapy.

It is known that a leech, sucking on the skin of a person or animal, injects an anesthetic and blood thinning agent and sucks out about 10-15 ml. This bloodletting with the help of leeches was considered a universal remedy. It was used for diseases of the heart, liver, lungs, stomach, eyes, tuberculosis and many other ailments.

Later it became clear that the point is not that the leech sucks out a little of the patient's blood, but that its saliva, which enters the human body, has unique healing properties. It contains more than 60 biologically active substances that are able to cope even with severe diseases. In Russia, leeches were once valued much more than many medicines; the leech trade flourished here, the "products" of which were exported.

During the Crimean War of 1854, the well-known Russian doctor Pirogov put from 100 to 300 leeches to wounded soldiers in Sevastopol every day. They anesthetized, healed wounds, removed inflammation. Unfortunately, the accumulated experience of treatment with leeches is forgotten today, and modern information about them is so fragmentary that hirudotherapy, in fact, is again "at the beginning of the path." But self-medication is not worth it, because out of about 400 types of leeches existing in the world, only one type is suitable - the medical leech.

For more than four thousand years, people have known the "miracle dogs" - a naked Peruvian, Mexican and the smallest - a Chinese crested dog. They can successfully relieve an asthma attack, normalize heart rate and blood pressure, relieve allergies and some skin diseases, and can even slow down oncological processes.


The "medicinal properties" of these dogs are explained in part by the increased temperature of their body - 40.5 ° C. Such (normal) temperature is not found in any other animal in the world. It has been practically proven that the biofield of these dogs harmonizes the nervous system, has a beneficial effect on the liver and digestive organs. In fact, each breed of dog has its own "narrow medical specialization".

Therefore, it is not by chance that you love, for example, spaniels. They are an ideal remedy for nervous stress. Dogs living in the house are wonderful, soft and fluffy medicine for children. They not only have a positive effect on the formation of the child's personality, but also help restore mental balance after family quarrels. It was found that a third of children, frightened, turn to their pets for support.

Everyday confirmation of the effectiveness of child-canine interaction has already been obtained: in children with epilepsy, the number of seizures decreases. There were even cases when children with poor coordination of movements (diagnosed with cerebral palsy) got up from wheelchairs.

And sensitive to the needs and moods of a person, Golden Retrievers very often "work" in hospitals, nursing homes and sanatoriums as "treatment dogs". The friendly outstretched shaggy paw and velvety muzzle on the lap have truly magical healing powers!


All dog breeds, forcing their owners to lead an active lifestyle, help to recover from a stroke and contribute to weight loss. But you also need to treat such healers with care: it has long been noticed that if something gets upset in the physiology of dogs that are losing their owners, they stop eating, lead an active lifestyle and often even die, like people, from grief.

Horses are the consummate "therapists". Horse racing, hunting, horseback riding, hard work and endurance are the first things that come to mind at the mention of this beautiful animal. Few would think that a horse is also a unique live trainer and psychotherapist.

Riding it helps people with mental disabilities. Healing horse riding, or hippotherapy, has become one of the most effective ways to rehabilitate people with disabilities, especially children (this was believed after the famous Danish athlete was cured of polio by horse riding).

The secret of hippotherapy is simple: the child is put on a horse, and the height and unstable position instantly awaken in him the instinct of self-preservation and the need to get along with the world around him. Horses successfully help children with serious illnesses such as cerebral palsy, myopathy, and autism.

Hippotherapy has a complex effect on the child, improves not only his physical condition, but also has a beneficial effect on the psychoemotional sphere. The child strokes the horse, touches its mane, feels the warmth and trust of the animal.


Very reserved children with autism, through communication with a horse, gradually become liberated and begin to communicate with people. Hippotherapy differs from physiotherapy exercises in that it is able to cause a strong multidirectional motivation in the practitioner. On the one hand, the child is afraid of a big strong animal, he is not confident in himself, and on the other hand, he feels a desire to learn how to control a horse, to ride a horse. This desire helps him overcome fear and increase self-esteem.

Allows you to restore a serene state of mind chirping birds in the park, in the forest, in the field. Even tamed pigeons locked in cramped courtyard dovecotes bring peace to the owner's rebellious soul with their cooing. And children who play with pigeons grow up non-aggressive and never suffer from depression.

It's hard to believe, but it has been proven that parrots relieve pain in the heart, and also "heal" stuttering, neurodermatitis and neuroses. And contemplation of fish relieves colds, insomnia, psoriasis and neurodermatitis. Even such seemingly unpleasant animals as white rats are able to benefit a person: they help patients with neuroses and those who have problems with joints.

Today, zoo therapy has been developed and scientifically confirmed in many countries of the world. Many disabled children are taken to Russia, Israel and the United States, hoping for the help of dolphin doctors. Back in 1962, John Lilly's book Man and Dolphins was published. The American scientist cited research data on the capabilities of dolphins and, on their basis, identified areas in which they can benefit humans.


Many of the American's assumptions were not confirmed over time, but the dolphins did not lose the status of the most intelligent animal because of this. And moving from the development of the military departments to the doctors, they made a huge contribution to science. Dolphin Therapy is primarily aimed at helping children. It turned out that close communication with these animals causes various positive effects on the human body.

Improves mood, general condition, there is a decrease in stress loads, the consequences of injuries. The benefits of dolphin therapy are noted by doctors and almost all parents of patients. The main thing is that children with mental disorders begin to perceive the world around them differently. They become more active in communication.

Many of those, from whom their parents could not get a word at the age of seven, now persistently ask to take them to the "fish" and wait for every lesson. Dolphins are known to emit not only audible sounds, but also ultrasounds. Scientists tend to think that it is with the help of ultrasound that these animals treat their relatives. So why can't they heal children?

And the Murmansk Oceanarium has its own know-how. Several gray seals and one bearded seal live there, which treat children with mental and intellectual disabilities. And for healthy kids, seals simply help to cheer up.

Different animals treat different diseases. But the cat is recognized as the real record-holder-healer. Scientists have long known about the beneficial effects of cats on children with autism. A direct relationship was established between the participation of cats in the treatment of patients with schizophrenia and the sustainability of positive treatment results.

Elderly people who have an animal as a partner live longer, get sick less and not as badly as their peers, deprived of feline care and attention. Long-term observations of a cat lover, a doctor by profession, Gennady Petrakov, have shown that the biological effects of cats are stronger than that of cats.

Cats are "better" at treating diseases of the nervous system, internal organs. Cats are excellent healers of osteochondrosis, radiculitis, arthrosis. "Domestic tigers" with long hair (Persian, Angora, Burmese, Ragdolls, Siberian, etc.) are excellent neuropathologists - they are subject to depression, poor sleep, irritability.

Cats and cats with short plush coats (British and Exotic Shorthairs) "specialize" in heart disease. Representatives of short-haired and hairless breeds (Siamese, Oriental, Sphynxes, etc.) treat liver and kidney diseases, gastritis, colitis.


The healing effect is carried out when a person strokes and caresses his pets, that is, through his fingers, palms. Four-legged healers unmistakably determine the sore spot, try to cuddle up to it or lie on it, after which the pain seems to subside and the patient becomes easier. It seems inexplicable, but bioenergy scientists believe that cats have very powerful extrasensory abilities: a cat sees a person's aura, and, if necessary, is able to "cure" it.

It seems that people in ancient times sheltered cats not only for their ability to catch mice. Recently, even a new direction in medicine has been singled out - felinotherapy, that is, treatment with the help of cats. We can talk about cats for a long time: they relieve stress, normalize blood pressure, neutralize headaches, and now special medicated cats are sold in UK pharmacies.

How do animals do it? What is the principle of their impact? Scientists have long established that around any living organism there is a biofield, which consists of the biofields of all its organs. The state of health of the body is reflected in the appearance of this field - in case of illness, it is weakened and distorted. Since the work of all organs of mammals, including humans, is controlled by the brain, the waves emitted by it are of primary interest.

This is what in medicine is called the bioenergetic rhythms of the brain, and in life - the strength of the personality or its "psychic magnetism". Probably, everyone noticed that in the circle of healthy, strong people you feel more fit and fresh, and near sick and complaining people, the general tone involuntarily decreases. This is the result of the interaction of biofields.

So, some scientists believe that there is such a contact of fields between humans and animals. During communication, the human bioenergetic aura comes into resonance with the bioenergetic field of a healthy animal. And since mammals have the structure of internal organs similar to that of humans, they can feed our diseased organs with their energy. Modern zootherapy is based on similar views.