The World Of Spirits - Alternative View

The World Of Spirits - Alternative View
The World Of Spirits - Alternative View

Video: The World Of Spirits - Alternative View

Video: The World Of Spirits - Alternative View
Video: New World Spirits - Samba 2024, October

Spiritualism techniques allow you to communicate not only with the spirits of ancestors. Quite similar rituals are used for contact with all kinds of non-material beings: with spirits, demons, geniuses, larvae, guardian angels, incubi and succubi, etc. Even more, experienced and knowledgeable spiritualists are convinced that some spirits can arbitrarily appear to us under the guise of our ancestors. It is believed that this is done by the lower spirits, who are extremely interested in communicating with people. There is a suspicion that they feed on human energy. According to another, less common version, spirits and people are two complementary worlds that constantly strive to merge, but are unable to understand each other. Having established a lasting contact with this or that spirit, a person gets the opportunity to dwell in both worlds at the same time,but the spirit also receives the same opportunity, and it is no less valuable to him.

Spirits live in a special non-material ("astral" or "ethereal") space, which is parallel to the material world and is something like its shadow or halo. Everything that exists in our world has its projection in the astral world. There is neither time nor distance (at least in their earthly sense), and therefore it is easy for spirits to find out what is happening many miles or many years from us. But moving in the material world presents significant difficulties for them. Subtle vibrations, imperceptible to people, serve as an insurmountable obstacle for them: for example, a circle drawn on the floor is able to stop them, and a correctly spoken word attracts them with irresistible force and forces them to carry out any orders.

Here is a brief essence of the spiritualistic teaching in the form in which it is from the instructions given by the spirits themselves during the spiritualistic sessions:

God is eternal, unshakable, immaterial, one, omnipotent, sovereignly just and good. He created the Universe, which includes all animate and inanimate, material and immaterial beings. Material beings make up the visible or corporeal world, and immaterial beings form the invisible or spiritual (spiritual) world, that is, the world of spirits. The spiritual world is the true, primordial, eternal world, preceding everything and experiencing everything. The bodily world is only secondary; he could have ceased to exist or, having never existed, not have damaged the essence of the spiritual world. Spirits are temporarily covered with a perishable material shell, the destruction of which by death restores their freedom. The soul is an incarnate spirit, whose body is just a shell. Among the various kinds of bodily beings, God chose the human race for the incarnation of spirits,reached a certain degree of development, this is what gives him moral and mental superiority over all others. There are three elements in man: 1) A body or material being, similar to animals and animated by the same life principle; 2) a soul or non-material being, a spirit embodied in a body; 3) a bridge connecting the soul and body, the beginning-intermediary between matter and spirit. The nature of man, therefore, is dual: through his body he participates in nature, animals, the instincts of which he possesses; through his soul, he participates in the nature of spirits. The bridge, or "perisprit," connecting body and spirit, is a kind of semi-material shell. Death is the destruction of the coarsest shell, the spirit preserves the second, which constitutes for him the etheric body, invisible to man in his normal state, but which spirit, under certain conditions,can make visible and even tangible, as it happens in the phenomenon of appearances. The spirit, therefore, is not at all some abstract, indefinite being that can be grasped only by thought; it is a real, well-defined being, which, in some cases, can be judged by means of sight, hearing and touch. Spirits belong to different classes and are not equal in strength, mind, knowledge, or morality. Spirits of the first order are higher spirits that differ from others through their perfection, knowledge, closeness to God, purity of their feelings and their love for good - these are angels or pure spirits. Other classes are increasingly moving away from this perfection. Spirits of the lower ranks are prone to most human passions: hatred, envy, jealousy, pride, etc.; they take pleasure in evil and withdraw into it. Among them are those that are neither very good nor very bad: they are rather stupid and noisy than evil, and cunning with inconsistency, apparently, is their lot - these are house spirits or pranksters. Spirits do not always belong to the same category. Everything improves by going through different degrees of spiritual hierarchy. This improvement is accomplished through incarnation, which is imputed by some as redemption, and to others as a mission. Material life is an ordeal to which they must undergo many times, until they reach absolute perfection; it is a kind of sieve or purgatory, from which they come out more or less purified. Leaving the body, the soul returns to the world of spirits, from which it came out, in order to resume some new material existence after a certain period of time, more or less long,during which she is in a state of a wandering spirit. Since the spirit must go through many incarnations, it follows from this that all people have many existences, more or less perfect on this earth or in other worlds. The incarnation of spirits always takes place only in the human race; mistakenly the opinion that the soul or spirit can be embodied in the body of some animal. The different bodily existences of the spirit are always progressive and never retrograde; but the speed of progress depends on the efforts that a person makes to achieve perfection. The qualities of the soul are the properties of the spirit embodied in man; thus, a good person is the embodiment of a good spirit, and a wicked person is the embodiment of an unclean spirit. The embodied spirit is under the influence of matter; a person who overcomes this influence through the elevation and purification of his soul,approaches the good spirits with which he will one day unite. The one who allows evil passions to take possession of himself and places all his joys in the satisfaction of coarse desires, draws closer to unclean spirits, giving preference to animal nature. The soul has individuality before its incarnation; it retains it even after its separation from the body. Upon its return to the world of spirits, the soul finds there all those it knew on earth, and all its previous existences loom in its memory together with the recollection of all the good and all the evil that it has done. Incarnate spirits inhabit the various worlds of the universe. Non-incarnate or wandering spirits do not occupy any particular or limited area; they are everywhere, in outer space and side by side with people, seeing people and in constant contact with them. Spirits exert a constant influence on the moral world, and even on the physical world; they act on matter and thought and constitute one of the forces of nature, the effective cause of many phenomena, until now not explained or explained unsatisfactorily, and which find a reasonable explanation only in spiritualism. Contacts of spirits with people are constant. Good spirits encourage people to do good, support them in life's trials and help endure them with courage and humility; bad ones induce people to evil: for them it is a pleasure to see us fallen and become like them. Contacts of spirits with people are either occult or explicit. Occult contacts take place through the good or bad influence that spirits exert on us without our knowledge; and the business of our mind is to distinguish between good inspirations and bad ones. Explicit contacts take place through a letter,speech and other material manifestations, most often through mediums, who serve as tools. Spirits manifest spontaneously or after evocation. You can summon all the spirits: both those that inspired the people of the unknown, and the spirits of the most famous people, whatever the era in which they lived; the spirits of our parents, our friends and enemies and to receive from them through written or verbal messages advice, information about their afterlife, about their thoughts on our account, as well as revelations, which they are allowed to convey. Spirits are attracted by their sympathy and the moral character of the circle of persons calling them. Higher spirits prefer serious meetings, where love for good and a sincere desire for enlightenment and self-improvement prevail. Their presence removes the lower spirits from there, which, on the contrary,find free access and can act with complete freedom among the frivolous or led by one empty curiosity and wherever bad instincts are found. Instead of good advice or useful information, you should expect nothing but trifles, lies, bad jokes or hoaxes, and they often borrow the names of the most respected, so that it is easier for them to deceive. It is extremely easy to distinguish between good and bad spirits. The speech of the highest spirits is always full of dignity, nobility, marked with the seal of the highest morality and is free from any low passion; their advice breathes with the purest wisdom and always have our improvement and the welfare of mankind as their goal. The speech of the lower spirits, on the contrary, is inconsistent, incoherent, often trivial and even rude; if they sometimes say good and true things,then much more often they speak lies and absurdities out of their malice or ignorance; they amuse themselves to the detriment of those who question them, flattering their vanity, feeding their desires with false hopes. As a result, messages that are serious, in the full sense of the word, occur only in a serious circle, whose members are united by a sincere community of thoughts striving for good. Of course, skeptics-materialists regard all this as fairy tales, because science has not yet discovered any more or less reliable signs of the astral world. Moreover, if desired, the visualization of spirits can be declared a hallucination, the product of a not too healthy human imagination … If you look at necromancy and spiritualism from a similar point of view, the success of these predictive arts looks fantastic. Spirit summons fictional creatures from fictional space - and they give him accurate information about specific earthly affairs! Obviously, here we are faced with the same phenomenon that occurs in all predictive arts: an outdated theory partly compromises successful practice. But in this case, theory is not an empty phrase, since it is it that determines the practical techniques and rules for working with spirits (whoever they really are). And the one who dares to engage in spiritualism and necromancy has only one thing to do: believe in a fairy tale and act according to its laws. But in this case, theory is not an empty phrase, since it is it that determines the practical techniques and rules for working with spirits (whoever they really are). And the one who dares to engage in spiritualism and necromancy has only one thing to do: believe in a fairy tale and act according to its laws. But in this case, theory is not an empty phrase, since it is it that determines the practical techniques and rules for working with spirits (whoever they really are). And the one who dares to engage in spiritualism and necromancy has only one thing to do: believe in a fairy tale and act according to its laws.