The Information Field Of The Universe Exists Without Time And Knows Everything About Us - Alternative View

The Information Field Of The Universe Exists Without Time And Knows Everything About Us - Alternative View
The Information Field Of The Universe Exists Without Time And Knows Everything About Us - Alternative View

Video: The Information Field Of The Universe Exists Without Time And Knows Everything About Us - Alternative View

Video: The Information Field Of The Universe Exists Without Time And Knows Everything About Us - Alternative View
Video: Can You Upload Your Mind & Live Forever? 2024, October

The human brain is not yet able to understand and accept much of what the Universe offers us. Hundreds of scientists are fighting over the phenomena of the paranormal, but science explains only a thousandth of what is happening. And the more mysterious and enigmatic the phenomenon, the more sonorous its name.

So, for example, Retroscopy - from the term it is clear that this is a description of what happened in the past, without knowing about it. Proscopy, Prediction or Precognition are predictions of events that should occur both in the near future and in the distant future. Dowsing is the ability to find both people and various objects. Clairvoyance is the perception at the mental level of what is happening in the present time.

Often, people with supernatural abilities themselves are not able to explain how, from where and with whose help they get the information they need.

American fortune teller Jean Dixon describes her gift as follows: information appears in visions, logical and complete. The visions are so detailed that they do not need to be deciphered. Thanks to her gift, the clairvoyant predicted the death of Marilyn Monroe, the fall of the Berlin Wall, the launch of a satellite by the Soviet Union into space, and much more.

Almost all psychics begin a session with a focus on what interests, but is not yet available. Perhaps this is how they send a request for information to those layers of the Universe that are closed to ordinary people.

No less famous psychic Edgar Cayce, who saw Atlantis and the mysterious Atlantean Crystal in visions, claims that he finds answers in the "Akashic Chronicles". The concept of "Akash" comes from ancient Indian thinkers. It represents a certain ethereal entity that absorbs information about everything that has happened or will happen in the Universe. This is how the great book "Chronicles of Akasha" is written, which can only be read by a select few.


However, scientists, as well as psychics of the new generation, have found a different explanation for the phenomenon of clairvoyance. They lean towards the theory of the global information field of the Universe, which captures all information, regardless of the degree of its importance and concerning each of us.

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The theory of the existence of a global information field is based on the fact that all existing on our planet have their own energy field and corresponding radiation. So the area has a geomagnetic field, objects - magnetic, living things and man - a biofield. These radiations carry information about the properties of the owner and about what happened to him.

If we sum up all of the above under the law of conservation of energy, which says that nothing in the world disappears anywhere and does not appear from nothing, but only passes from one state to another, then information about everything that happens on Earth just forms the global information field of the Universe, getting into it and fixing there forever.

Radiation coming from the global information field, in terms of the frequency of sound vibrations, is similar to the internal vibrations of the human brain. Professor DI Dubrovsky, who is studying this phenomenon, believes that the brain is not able to receive impulses transmitted by the information field, since their processing would consume 6 orders of magnitude more energy than analyzing all the information transmitted by the internal sensory organs.

So that our brain does not "boil" from such an electromagnetic bombardment, nature has taken care of this by providing reliable protection - the hormone Serotonin. This hormone is produced by the brain for communication between different areas of neurons, which in turn are designed to exchange information impulses (thoughts).

So, it is the production of serotonin, according to scientists, that is accompanied by a strong electromagnetic "noise" in the brain cells, which blocks the weak signal of the global information field of the Universe.

It is assumed that psychics - clairvoyants such a brain function of "jamming" the signal for some reason does not work. In the presence of such features of brain activity, the percentage of the likelihood of contact with the universal information field increases sharply, which we observe in people with extrasensory abilities.

Sociologist J. Staunton worked to confirm the theory of "serotonin jamming". For the experiment, he took the indicators of 50 aircraft accidents and 200 from railway ones. The studied quantities were the indicators of transport capacity, the number of victims of the disaster and the number of people involved in tragic events. The obtained data Staunton compared with the data of similar flights made safely. It turned out that each crash flight was 61% full, and each successful similar flight was 76% full. The difference of 15% was made by people with more developed contact with the global information field of the Universe.

Scientists have also made an attempt to unravel the phenomenon of prophetic dreams. As practice shows, this is the most common way of contacting the universal bank of information.

Serotonin is primarily produced by neurons that transmit visual images from the eyes to the optic nerve. At night, the degree of load on them is significantly reduced, the serotonin "noise" subsides, and less internal energy is consumed. And its excess goes to the processing of the signals received from the global energy-informational field by the analytical center of the brain. Prophetic dreams are just a consequence of such processing.

Anticipation of the future, the ability to look into the past - these are far from all phenomena that have not yet been discovered by humanity. But scientists and psychics do not sit idly by, and perhaps in the near future we will be able to give intelligible answers by unraveling the secrets of the Universe and our brain.
