What Is An Illusion. Consciousness - Alternative View

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What Is An Illusion. Consciousness - Alternative View
What Is An Illusion. Consciousness - Alternative View

Video: What Is An Illusion. Consciousness - Alternative View

Video: What Is An Illusion. Consciousness - Alternative View
Video: The Real Illusion of Consciousness. Interview with Nicholas Humphrey 2024, September

Illusion of our consciousness

What is the illusion of choice for?

Illusion is a distorted perception of reality. There is no conscious choice and there is no need for it. When a person has a need for something, or when he has a preference for one object over another, this is not at all because the person has decided that he needs it and from what is in front of him he will be able to prefer one thing to another. No, this is not at all the case, although outwardly it looks as if a person chooses something. Everything that happens to a person and even to humanity is controlled by forces, the influence of which the person is not aware of, because they have an impact because of the veil of ignorance.

The main thing on Earth is not the evolution of life, but the evolution of consciousness. And all forms of life are nothing more than exponents of different levels of consciousness. A person, unlike other creatures, has the ability to be aware of different circumstances, influences and impulses that arise in him, a person is capable of awareness of his desires, aspirations, emotions and various states that determine his attitude to the external world and to himself. This is what distinguishes him from the rest of the animal world and his inner work is connected with this. A person needs to learn to be aware of the influence of various forces competing in him, using his being for their own purposes. He needs to develop perception in himself so that it becomes possible for him to realize why he contains this or that preference, how various kinds of desires and impulses try to use it for their own purposes.

Investigating such internal circumstances, he must discover in himself that part that can overcome various influences of this kind, which he previously associated with his will. In all this complex hierarchy of earthly life, in all this play of forces, only consciousness matters, for the sake of which this whole performance is taking place.

Consciousness is the center of a person's individuality, consciously perceiving the world around him and everything that happens in it. All the options for inner work offered to a person on the spiritual path ultimately boil down to one thing: a person needs to realize the forces that govern not only him, but also the whole world around him. Any kind of awareness raises the aware over the aware, making him more perfect. When a person manages to reach such a level of awareness at which he realizes in himself the divine forces of truth, then this is the time when he can say that he is in the reliable hands of the Divine mother.

Where is the illusion and where is the reality of consciousness

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The idea of an illusion essentially boils down to the fact that there is only God, only he is real. The human ego will never agree with this, because it wants to preserve its individuality in all its illusory fullness and its corresponding significance. And even in the case when he is pushed against the wall by facts, the ego does not cease to resist and looks for arguments that make it possible to defend its significance. However, let's try to consider whether the illusion is reality, or, to put it another way, at least to some extent come closer to understanding reality. However, on the way to solving such a problem, we will need to use a language consisting of illusory elements, and we will sometimes have to stop to consider the next illusion that falls under our feet, on the way to understanding the problem that we are going to solve.

So, an illusion is a distorted perception of reality. In fact, a person perceives reality not at all what it really is. No one will deny that the atoms and various energy fields that make up the universe do not have the qualities that can be perceived by our senses. They are not yellow or red, they do not have a smell or taste, they are not hot or cold, they are not hard or soft, liquid or gaseous, they are not tasty or disgusting, etc., however, we perceive all these qualities as the reality of the world around us and ourselves in this world.

In fact, there is no such world, we perceive an illusion! Moreover, the atoms themselves are complex systems of energy vortices. And even in those cases when we say that a photon has two sides of its reality, in which it is either a particle or a wave, we deliberately try to distance ourselves from the thought that any particle is also energy.

As a result, the world we perceive is an illusion of our consciousness. And the most curious thing is that the consciousness of all people perceives this world in approximately the same way, that is, the illusion of the perception of the world is not at all an accident, but a universal law, which undoubtedly has a definite purpose. On the topic of the goal of this kind of illusion, it is possible to speculate as much as you like, and perhaps all these speculations will be true, because each of them will reflect only some facet of truth.

It is possible to assume that the principle that underlies the existence of collective insects is also true for humans. Each of the insects, for example ants, termites, bees, is a separate organism, but at the same time they are part of the superorganism, as its separate cells. It is not for nothing that they speak of a person as a herd animal (or a social being, which is essentially the same thing).

Then it becomes clear the relative monotony of the perception of the world by all people living on our planet. Without the similarity of perception, the interaction of the "cells" of this human superorganism would not be possible. Then we will be able to consider human civilization on Earth as the existence on its surface of several similar superorganisms interacting in a certain way with each other.

If someone does not like the comparison with insects, then they can be compared with tarbagans or other rodents, which are also controlled by instincts that combine them into a single superorganism. It is possible to take, for example, more highly developed forms of life, but in all these examples we will find the herd instinct, although the more perfect the organization of a living creature, the more expressed its ability to act independently. Such a comparison of a person with other forms of life can only confirm the generality of the idea of life on Earth, but this will be one facet of truth that cannot yet be discerned behind these examples.

In order to be more objective, when considering the idea of the commonality of the illusion of perception, one must admit that not only a person has a similarity in his perception of the world, but all living beings to some extent perceive the external world in the same way. And this makes it possible for them to be adequate when interacting with each other. Consequently, living beings living on Earth are characterized by a single general illusion of perception. And then it will be more correct to view the idea of life as a single pyramid, on top of which a person stands. But in order for a person to be on such a peak, the whole pyramid is needed, and not any of its separate parts, which a person graciously allows to exist.

The idea of life is more than the existence of a person or anyone else on Earth. It is something behind all that exists, which through all forms of life, including people, manifests itself. Having considered the evolution of life on Earth, it is possible to see its progressive development and, of course, one should not assume that it has exhausted itself in man. On the contrary, in man, the idea of life has shown its ability of self-awareness, which was not present on Earth before. This ability marks the beginning of a new round in the evolution of consciousness on Earth. Therefore, it is wrong to say that man is the crown of nature, because he is only a transitional being to a new, more perfect form.

It seems that we are distracting from the basic idea of the illusion that we started talking about at the beginning. But this is not entirely true, because these distractions helped us understand why the universal illusion of perception was originally created, without which life on Earth would not be possible. Perception is always a function of consciousness, although awareness of awareness is possible only at the human level. The very same awareness and discrimination of the conscious were inherent in the first primitive forms of life, without which they could not survive. All mortal in the world around him must recognize what leads to his destruction, and what is necessary to preserve life.

True, these first forms of life were still very far from the possibility of self-realization. Therefore, considering the evolution of life on Earth, we come to the conclusion that the external manifestations of life were only forms of manifestation of the evolving consciousness. And now the question arises before us: why were there many forms of life on Earth? Perhaps in order to manifest an evolving consciousness in this way? Or for something else? Could not consciousness have evolved without this outer illusion of life? In practice, the last question directly concerns the need to create life, or, more precisely, the illusion of the perception of life.

Let's get back to the idea of life. In fact, all the structures of living organisms are ultimately energy, organized in a certain way. This is a system of interactions of energy vortices, which is inherent in consciousness, one of the functions of which is perception and discrimination (perception has always been accompanied by discrimination, without which it loses all meaning). But since consciousness is inherent in energy, then all that we call different forms of life is only a manifestation of consciousness - which determines the form and function of a living being.

Each of the levels of consciousness, from unconsciousness to its highest peaks, contains its own harmony of beauty, but a person can only realize this when his consciousness, or rather a certain part of him, will sound in resonance with what he observes or in what he participates. Therefore, a person whose vital demands satisfaction will see attractive in everything that this satisfaction can bring. A person consists of many levels of consciousness, since he has levels of unconsciousness, subconsciousness and consciousness, they include the consciousness of the cells of his body, organs and the body itself, the consciousness of various vital parts and his mind and, in the end, consciousness as such, perceiving the surrounding world, of the person himself and is capable of self-awareness.

The level of consciousness of each part of a human being corresponds to its function, and when we talk about the transformation of a Homo sapiens into a gnostic being, then, of course, we mean first of all an increase in the level of consciousness of those parts that are currently at the level of subconsciousness, or even unconsciousness. And here we are faced with features of a human being that are unexpected for us. If we talk about the elements that make up any part of a human being, then it is possible to see that the same elements of the periodic table are present in all of its parts (we do not mean the quantitative relationship to each other). And we should not think that there are elements that are more intelligent, or conscious, and less conscious, and depending on their number in a particular tissue, we will have a more or less intelligent person.

Consciousness is present in energy fields that fill the entire Universe, even where there is an almost absolute vacuum. And when we talk about the transformation of the physical body, vital and mental, we first of all mean the transformation of their consciousness. Of course, there are close connections between consciousness and the elements of matter, of which a person is composed, and by changing the consciousness of the body, we will eventually come to a change in the physical body itself.

In order for this to become possible, it is necessary that a higher consciousness deliberately exert an impact on the consciousness of a lower level - in our case, the consciousness of the body and its cells, and this is possible only if the spiritualized consciousness of a person deliberately recognizes first of its individual parts body, and in the future everything as a whole. This will lead to the fact that a bridge will appear between the consciousness of a person, which is located above his head, and the consciousness of his body, along which transforming influences will descend into his entire being.

P. Zorin