The Cult Of Human Stupidity: 5 Steps To Stupidity Of The Population - Alternative View

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The Cult Of Human Stupidity: 5 Steps To Stupidity Of The Population - Alternative View
The Cult Of Human Stupidity: 5 Steps To Stupidity Of The Population - Alternative View

Video: The Cult Of Human Stupidity: 5 Steps To Stupidity Of The Population - Alternative View

Video: The Cult Of Human Stupidity: 5 Steps To Stupidity Of The Population - Alternative View
Video: The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity | nous Animation 2024, July

It would seem that a lot depends on the level of intelligence of fellow citizens - the economic development of the country, scientific and technical, industrial and cultural progress. The whole future of the planet is being turned by the gears of intellectually developed people. But everything is not so simple, and now we will analyze why.

Human stupidity is the key to a strong economy

People do not like intellectual work, it takes too much energy, it causes too much discomfort. Much easier to throw a smart book and go to the nearest pub, or maybe order pizza and sit in a funny chat. A stupid person is easier to manage: such a person will not express his dissatisfaction if something does not suit him. It is easier to fool around with false promises, stuff it with the “authoritative” opinion of fake informants.

But an educated person is the worst buyer and a direct threat to the economy. A conscientious citizen does not need cool cars or expensive smartphones to maintain PSV, his thinking is too self-sufficient to strive to get into any trends. Such a person will engage in self-development instead of going to a nightclub, buy vegetables and fruits instead of countless chips and Coca-Cola, will invest in his health, and not on pumping priests, boobs and eyelashes. It turns out that the higher in level a person is, the less he is dependent on fashion, social stereotypes and consumer thinking, he no longer brings benefits to the economy, it is more difficult to make money on this. What's the bottom line? To get a submissive herd, you need to wean people from the habit of thinking and creating. And the easiest way to do this is in the following way.

5 steps to dull the population

1. Instilling stereotypes and formulaic thinking

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Under no circumstances should a person be allowed to think with their own head, this is harmful! It is better to constantly scroll in the mass media "authoritative" and "not amenable to criticism" opinions of politicians, TV presenters, outstanding artists and musicians, with whom the common man should identify himself. He is nobody, nobody is interested in his opinion. Eminent professors and certified scientists have already decided everything for him.

2. Providing an extensive entertainment industry

So that the people do not have time for self-development, you need to provide them with a huge range of entertainment during their vacation: clubs, cinema, cafes, shopping and park complexes, Internet sites and, of course, alcohol. A person should not have time for himself, you need to make him as busy as possible! Hundreds of entertaining TV shows, TV series, computer toys will help you "relax" after a busy day. Shocking, eroticism, dull humor and inadequacy will pour from all the screens. This will disorient a person's attention, dull his sense of self-preservation, and make him a puppet in the hands of large corporations.

3. Poor humor, playing on sexual instincts

How to relieve daytime stress? Fill your desktop with funny pictures, memes, videos with cats and porn. Let our "pawn" get good emotions, get hooked on obscene humor and vulgar comedies, the understanding of which does not require mental effort. And so imperceptibly degrades, overgrowing with lazy fat.

4. Feeding a sense of significance, uniqueness of everyone

There is no better consumer than a person who wants to assert himself, to highlight his dissimilarity against the background of the majority. Such people are driven by the desire to feed their PTSD - to become the owner of the most status car, the most exclusive clothing, the most fashionable gadget and other junk. He is unique and meaningful, he takes the best from life and splurges on society. Shopping helps relieve stress, embodies the meaning of his existence and life achievements. At least it feels good to think about it.

5. Promotion of black and white thinking

There is only white and black, good and bad, truth and falsehood - no other is given, no half-tones and shades. Such categoricalness generates intolerance to dissent, unwillingness to expand the scope of one's thinking, narrow perception, lack of variability in important issues. There is no more need to evaluate the event from different angles, everything is decided in advance by someone from above!

What does cultivation of stupidity lead to?

With the help of the mass media, the development of such qualities among fellow citizens is encouraged, which help to grow up ideal consumers. People are provoked to be guided by base desires, their instincts are manipulated, and they play on emotions. Egocentrism is encouraged, the desire to conform to the imposed ideals of beauty and attractiveness, subconscious aggressiveness, greed, narcissism and confidence in one's own exclusiveness are introduced.

The ideal consumer should be guided by personal egoism, align with stereotypes and global trends instead of listening to themselves and relying on their real needs. Buy more, think less, meet our expectations about you! The ideal mass follows the lead of beautiful pictures, prioritizes "I want", but should not, ceases to care about nature and the welfare of others. She is too blinded by her "I", she has no time to think about the future.