The White Race In America - Alternative View

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The White Race In America - Alternative View
The White Race In America - Alternative View

Video: The White Race In America - Alternative View

Video: The White Race In America - Alternative View
Video: Your Ways Are Strange To Us As Europeans | Isaiah Lopaz | TEDxUniHeidelberg 2024, October

The latest finds from archaeologists indicate the existence of the white race in America 7000 years ago.

Etruscans. Maenad. Antefix from Wei Ok. 500 BC e. Villa Giulia Museum, Rome. Terracotta
Etruscans. Maenad. Antefix from Wei Ok. 500 BC e. Villa Giulia Museum, Rome. Terracotta

Etruscans. Maenad. Antefix from Wei Ok. 500 BC e. Villa Giulia Museum, Rome. Terracotta.

Antefix from Lavinium, 6-5 centuries BC. Etruria
Antefix from Lavinium, 6-5 centuries BC. Etruria

Antefix from Lavinium, 6-5 centuries BC. Etruria

A fragment of a painting from Cere, in which an Indian of the Omaha tribe and also depicts an Etruscan warrior in a red tunic and a round chest plate
A fragment of a painting from Cere, in which an Indian of the Omaha tribe and also depicts an Etruscan warrior in a red tunic and a round chest plate

A fragment of a painting from Cere, in which an Indian of the Omaha tribe and also depicts an Etruscan warrior in a red tunic and a round chest plate.


Promotional video:

Etruscan warrior in a red tunic and a round chest plate
Etruscan warrior in a red tunic and a round chest plate

Etruscan warrior in a red tunic and a round chest plate.

Knitted helmet. Place of origin: Peru2. SHAPKA is a kind of Russian helmet. Protective hats made of soft materials (felt, quilted cloth, etc.) were called “paper hats”.

Slavic woman
Slavic woman

Slavic woman.

Indian woman
Indian woman

Indian woman.


7 thousand years BC - the first white people in America

One of the most mysterious facts in the chain of disappeared ancient migrations of tribes of the white race is the first penetration of white people into North America around 7 thousand years BC. This stunning discovery was made relatively recently, but it has already been confirmed by the discovery of many bone remains and one mummy, which have typical features of Caucasians, and differ from the remains of the Mongoloids - the ancestors of the American Indians.

The fact that the white tribes reached China and Japan in the course of their permanent migrations is no longer in doubt. Compared to the distance they had to travel to get there, moving to North America through the Bering Strait is a relatively short trip. Indeed, it was in this way that the ancestors of the Indians entered North America, and there is no reason to doubt that the advanced groups of whites could have done the same with the same success, and even more so, passed this way before the Indians.


With the same probability, one can assume another possible route along which the ancient Caucasians reached America - having sailed from the western coast of Europe, they could reach Greenland, then the northern islands of North America, and, finally, the continent itself. The evidence for this hypothesis is given below.


In 1940, in the state of Nevada, in the Spirit cave ("spirit cave"), the remains of a skeleton and a corpse mummified above the waist were found. The latter was quite well preserved: the upper part of the skull was completely preserved, the skin was preserved on the back and shoulders, on the head there was a small crest of a strand of dark hair, in daylight, when the mummy was removed to the surface of the earth, which changed color to brownish-red.

Spirit Cave Mummy, Nevada, USA: Physical Evidence of White Presence in North America, 7000 BC

In 1940. In a cave in the territory of the modern state of Nevada, USA, a mummy was found, the age of which is estimated at 9 thousand years. Racial identification of the mummy was carried out only in 1994, it was established that the mummy is the remains of a Caucasian male. Above: A drawing of the mummy, made by the artist immediately after its discovery. Below: A reconstruction of the mummy's face based on the shape of the skull, showing its stages. NewsWick Magazine, American Edition, April 26, 1999 The Spirit Cave mummy was the first and not the only ancient white man's remains found in America and forced to reconsider the idea of who the "Native Americans" are.

Other household items were also found in the cave: knives, baskets and animal bones - 67 fragments in total. The mummy was lying on a fur blanket, wrapped in a leather cape, clad in leather shoes, head and shoulders covered with a woven rug. A similar rug covered the lower part of the body and reached the heels. Woolen bags and other household items were found nearby. Two bags contained ash and bone fragments from two other people who had been cremated.

The manufacturing method of the discovered fabrics and their quality testified to the high level of development of weaving, which surpassed all analogues known at that time.

At the place of its discovery, the mummy was named the Spirit Cave mummy and was kept in the State Museum of Nevada for decades. Only in 1944. it was "rediscovered" and it was then that an amazing fact was revealed: studies have shown that the age of the mummy is 9000 years! The mummy turned out to be the remains of a 45-50-year-old man who, most importantly, was not the ancestor of any modern Indian tribe.

The age was determined by seven independent radiocarbon tests of fragments of bones, hair, and material from the two rugs in which the mummies were wrapped. The Caucasoid racial characteristics of the Spirit Cave mummy are beyond doubt: the skull has an elongated shape and large cranium, which sharply distinguishes it from the Mongoloid features of the American Indians. The discovery of the mummy raises the question of the existence of settlements of white tribes in North America for 7 thousand years BC.

The Nevada State Museum released data on the Spirit Cave mummy in 1996, which had the effect of an exploding bomb. The American Indians immediately demanded that the mummy be handed over to them for its subsequent ritual burial, insisting that the mummy was the remains of one of their ancestors.

Representatives of the Payut tribe involved in the process brought a suit based on one of the American laws: the Native American Grave Protection and Reburial Act of 1990, according to which, all discovered Native American remains, i.e. Indians must be transferred to the disposal of tribal representatives for subsequent reburial in accordance with Indian rites.

Regarding the origin and race of the Spirit Cave mummy, a whole lawsuit unfolded, during which the representatives of the Payutes managed to veto the DNA analysis of the mummy.

And this is not the only case in which the Indians did not allow the study of explicitly non-Indian remains: a similar one took place in relation to the so-called Kennewick man (described below).

In 1993, another skeleton was found near Boole, Idaho. Its age was estimated at 10,600 years, i.e. it was the oldest human remains found in North America. However, the skeleton was handed over to the local Shoshone Bannock Indian tribe and hastily buried in order to avoid any serious research.

The same fate has befallen by now a number of unique archaeological finds that were handed over to the Indians and buried. It got to the point of curiosities: in Montana, during the excavations, a bunch of human hair was found, in connection with which the Indians also filed an appeal. Although nowhere and never existed any burial rituals of lost hair, the federal government went to meet the Indians and put the find at their disposal, not allowing its scientific expertise.

The reasons for these claims are obvious: proof that whites, even in small numbers, reached continental North America before the Indians themselves would destroy their claims to be considered "Native Americans." Thus, for the sake of political correctness, objective scientific research is inhibited.

The Spirit Cave mummy is not the only find of its kind; other human remains have been found in North America with clear Caucasian signs.


July 28, 1996 Another dramatic discovery took place: this time in the state of Washington in the northwestern United States, on the banks of the Columbia River in Kennewick, a well-preserved skeleton was discovered, named, accordingly, the Kennewick man.

The nearly complete skeleton, with a stone arrowhead stuck in a basin, was so obviously "white" that forensic anthropologists and local police initially mistook it for the remains of a 45-year-old white man killed by an arrow in the 19th century.

However, radiocarbon analysis of the phalanx of the finger showed that the age of the remains is much more solid: at least 9 thousand years. As with the Spirit Cave mummy, controversy erupted over the race of the Kennewick Man.

The Indians again appealed for the transfer of the remains at their disposal, but this time the scientists managed to secure the possibility of conducting a study, which dragged on until 1999.

The very first studies of the Kennewick human skull definitely confirmed its Caucasoid, moreover, Nordic characteristics: the cranial structure was significantly different from the Mongoloid shape of the skulls of the ancestors of the Indians. The skeleton, as already mentioned, was almost completely preserved, only the sternum and several small bones of the hands and feet were lost. All teeth were intact at the time of death. The man was quite tall: 170-176 cm and had an asthenic physique.

The Kennewick man did not find the characteristic features of the Mongoloid ancestors of the Indians: he was dolicocephalous (cranial index 73.8), unlike the brachycephalic Mongols, his face was narrow (fas), and not wide and flat, like the Indians. The cheekbones are slightly protruding, the lower rim of the eye sockets corresponds to the upper one, the sockets themselves are round in shape, as well as a long, noticeably protruding nose. The lower jaw is V-shaped with a clearly defined chin. Many of these characteristics are inherent in modern Caucasians.

The remains of bone needles found near the skeleton indicate the possible presence of woven clothing in the Kennewick man, much more perfect than the clothing of the Indians. It also suggests that the Kennewick man was not alone, but lived in a certain kind of community.

In October 1999. The United States government published a report on the Kennewick Man study, which stated that the bones found were of the same racial type as the Japanese Ainu. Since the latter are of Caucasian origin, this conclusion takes on a completely definite meaning.


In the US state of Oregon, there is Fork Rock Cave, in which many objects of the material culture of ancient people were discovered. In 1938. a pair of sandals was found here, radiocarbon analysis of which showed that their "age" is 9 thousand years. Also, the remains of coal were examined for age, the result was equal to 13,200 years.

The sandals had a complex weaving of woolen threads. Arrowheads, scrapers, drills, wooden triggers from traps, small fragments of baskets and an awl for stitching leather (or fabric) were also found in the cave, all this testifies to a sufficiently high level of craft skills and differs sharply from the household implements of the Indians, as ancient. and later.


80 miles northwest of Reno, Nevada, in Lovelock Cave, under a thick layer of bat excrement, several fragments of mummies, human bones and household items were found. The remains belonged to tall people with red hair, which, again, speaks of their Nordic origin.

The skulls dug out of the ground in the Lovelock cave are, according to the legends of local Indian tribes, all that remains of the red-haired Si-te-kah tribe, which was exterminated by the Indians. The elongated shape of the skulls is a characteristic of the Caucasians.

The red-haired enemies are narrated in the legends of the local tribe of the Payutes (the very ones that hindered the study of the mummy of the Ghost Cave). Now, after the mentioned finds in the Lovelock cave, these legends can be taken more seriously. According to legends, this tall, red-haired people were called "Si-te-kah".

Interestingly, this name means "reed eaters", the very reed from which the rugs that covered the Spirit cave mummy were made. Nowadays, such reed does not grow in those places and, most likely, was brought here by people who used it.

According to the legends of the Payutes, the red-haired people were warlike and several Indian tribes united to fight them. Further, if you believe the legends, after a long war, the Indians set a trap for the remnants of the red-haired in the same Lovelock cave. After those trapped in the trap refused to go outside and surrender, the Indians surrounded the entrance to the cave with brushwood and set it on fire. The Si-te-kah tribe perished.

Sarah Winnemuc Hopkins, daughter of Winnemuc, chieftain of the Payutes, recounts many stories about this tribe in her book Life Among the Payutes.

On page 75 she writes: “My fellow tribesmen say that the people we exterminated were red-haired. I have a dress that has been passed down from generation to generation in our family since time immemorial, which is finished with this red hair. Sometimes I wear it during my performances. It is considered a funeral dress and no one else in our tribe has it except my family."

In 1931. several more skeletons were found at the bottom of Humboldt Lake. Eight years later, the mysterious skeleton was recovered from a ranch in the same region. All of these skeletons belonged to very tall people - much taller than today's local Indians.

Currently, the local ethnographic museum has a small exhibition of finds from Lovelock Cave, but evidence of non-Indian origin is denied. The State Historical Society of Nevada also has several artifacts from Lovelock Cave.

Wizards Beach Man

Another non-Native American skeleton was discovered in the Pyramid Lake area, Nevada. The remains were named "Wizards Beach Maine". The skeleton was determined to be 9225 years old. The shape of the skull, in this case, is elongated (i.e., Caucasian), which sharply distinguishes it from the Indian skulls.

Human skull "Wizards Beach" - one of the Caucasoid skulls found on the North American continent, all of them date back to 7 thousand years BC
Human skull "Wizards Beach" - one of the Caucasoid skulls found on the North American continent, all of them date back to 7 thousand years BC

Human skull "Wizards Beach" - one of the Caucasoid skulls found on the North American continent, all of them date back to 7 thousand years BC.


So, the above-described archaeological finds are sufficient evidence of the existence of ancient settlements of Caucasians on the American continent, and in this regard, a logical question arises: are there any traces of their dwellings and other buildings. The answer is positive - and such traces do exist. Moreover, it was known about them for a long period, but, due to the considerations of political correctness set out above, information about such objects was not advertised and even hushed up.

The most intriguing ancient human site in North America was found at Mystery Hill, near Salem, New Hampshire, USA. Here, on an area of 30 acres, there are megalithic structures, in many respects similar to similar structures in Western Europe of the same time. These structures have been available for visits since 1958. Excavations at American Stonehenge have yielded many interesting finds, but the most important is a typically Indo-European solar petroglyph.


Megaliths in America: Photographs of American Stonehenge, Mystery Hill, New Hampshire, USA. Although the monument has been open to the public for decades, it still remains one of the most mysterious places in America, its true meaning is hushed up due to racial reasons. The technique and style of construction are identical to those in Western Europe and are completely unfamiliar to the American Indians. Compare with the photographs of the megaliths in chapter 3. In addition to these structures, many ancient forges have been discovered in North America. The discovery of the remains of Caucasians 9 thousand years old, as well as traces of their life, is solid evidence of the existence of settlements of white people in the pre-Indian period of American history. Everything suggests that some of these people were exterminated during military clashes with the Indians,and the survivors assimilated without a trace.


Archaeologists and historians are unanimous in the opinion that the Red Indians did not possess the technology of smelting iron and casting products from it. At the same time, on the territory of the North American continent, several remains of smelting installations were discovered, analogues of which were found only in Europe. Iron smelting was one of the main achievements of the Indo-European tribes (as already described in the previous chapters).

The most famous ancient smelter in North America was found at Spruce Hill in Scioto Valley, southern Ohio. The ruins of an ancient fortress located here - about 200 thousand tons of cut stone were first explored in 1948. Arlington Mullery, about which the book "The Rediscovery of Lost America" was subsequently written, EP Dutton, New York, 1979. Mullery continued his exploration and then discovered 14 more centers of ancient metallurgy, in no way connected with the ancestors of the Indians, located in Deer Creek Valley (Deer Creek Valley), 10 miles from Sprak Hill. A complete description of his research was compiled by the Smithsonian Institute for American Ethnology.and his work was subsequently highlighted by one of his assistants, Mary Roberts Harrison, in the book mentioned above.

The convincing similarity of all found installations for smelting iron with similar installations of ancient Europe is another proof that in antiquity the Indo-Europeans crossed the ocean between Europe and North America.

Their path, most likely, ran from Scandinavia to Greenland, and then south, along the coastal ice. Further research will give a definitive answer to the question of the possibility of the migration of white people to North America in ancient times, but now there is every reason to believe that this took place.


So, the existence of whites on the American continent in the pre-Indian period can be considered very likely and, in this case, it is appropriate to raise the question of their future fate.

Historical evidence speaks of the possibility of two options: the extermination of whites in the course of military clashes with the Indians (who penetrated here either at the same time or after the whites) or their assimilation in a larger mass of Indians.

Thus, the white discoverers of America disappeared, along with their culture, as a result of interracial mixing, leaving us only intriguing evidence of their existence: mummies, skeletons, household items, etc.