Logic And Intuition - Alternative View

Logic And Intuition - Alternative View
Logic And Intuition - Alternative View

Video: Logic And Intuition - Alternative View

Video: Logic And Intuition - Alternative View
Video: Explorations of the Mind: Intuition with Daniel Kahneman 2024, September

The existence of such a thing as intuition was known even in the days of Socrates. He himself claimed that throughout his life he was accompanied by an inner voice, which always protected him from rash acts, but at the same time he was never so aggressive as to encourage him to do anything.

Scientists such as Einstein, Marconi, Edison and Henry Ford owe much of their ingenious discoveries to their inherent intuition. So, for example, the famous engineer Brown was prompted to create a suspension bridge by an ordinary banal cobweb hanging on the wall, the chemist Friedrich Kekulé was able to deduce the formula of benzene from just one species of snake that wriggled before his eyes. George Soros always learned from attacks of back pain that at the moment, the situation on the stock exchange was not in his favor.

Intuition was possessed not only by scientists, who with its help came to their discoveries in different spheres of life, but also by creative people, who most often call their intuition - "a voice from above", under the dictation of which many composers, poets, musicians and artists created their works, which subsequently received world recognition.

In ordinary life, ordinary people also often use their intuition, so, for some unknown reason, they are late for meetings, flights, negotiations, and then they find out that it’s good that they didn’t have time to get there, because something happened. an accident, or a terrorist attack, or some other nuisance in that place. According to statistics, all shipwrecks, plane crashes and other accidents of trains, buses, etc. occurred mostly when these vehicles were only 61 percent full on average with passengers.

At the last minute, someone messed up the flight, got sick, twisted their legs, got stuck in a traffic jam, thus saving themselves from more damage, which could have cost their lives. Everything happens not logically, but right for the person himself, in a word, where there is intuition, there is no place for logic.

Carl Jung, who was a student of Freud himself, said that people who know how to listen to their "inner voice" can be ranked as the vanguard of culture. They often take every job that is given to them as a kind of game, always and in everything they try to be competent and brings maximum efficiency to society. And indeed there is not a single person on our earth who does not have intuition. The only question is that for some it is developed in the course of life and the desire of the person to develop it, while for others it is deeply hidden, since such people do not want to listen to their inner voice, considering it all complete absurdity.

Scientists around the world have been trying for a long time to find a practical scientific explanation for such a phenomenon as intuition, but all their attempts are not very successful and turn out to be successful. They all came to the conclusion that this is a kind of new form of matter, which has received many different names for the collective mind, the noosphere or something collective unconscious. In any case, this does not explain what intuition really is, does not reveal its nature of origin and development.

But according to this advanced theory of the origin of intuition, everything in this world is material: words, thoughts, feelings, consciousness. And all this is stored in a kind of library, accessible to all mankind, and any of us at some point in our life, at will and need, can receive the relevant information from the fund of this “library”.

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It is very easy to get this information. Each of us, when making some decisions, first thinks over everything, including the mind and logic, but it is worth "diving" in all this a little deeper, to our subconscious, as from there we get ready-made answers to questions of interest. Because in the huge repository of the subconscious there are answers to all questions, you just need to be able to use this repository skillfully, because it contains information about the past, present and future of the entire universe, and not just one person in particular.

But not everyone is able to extract this information, and even decipher it skillfully, because it can be presented not directly, but in the form of half hints, or half phrases. Although this "library" opens its doors to everyone who agrees to follow certain requirements of belonging to it. Here they are:

1. Success begins with joy. It is worth remembering the state in which you were when there was not far off a grandiose victory in something. You felt high spirits, joy. At that moment, you never doubted that everything would work out for you, and lived in anticipation of tomorrow, in order to prove it to yourself once again. Now remember the state that you experienced before your failures. Anxiety, self-doubt, slight panic appeared.

You tried in every possible way to drive away such thoughts and feelings from yourself, but it turned out artificially, and a share of anxiety remained, and with it an unpleasant aftertaste that prevented you from feeling confident in your victory. Thus, a person receives a preliminary answer from above as to whether his undertaking will succeed or not, and this comes in the form of comfort or discomfort.

Over time, you can learn to anticipate how this or that undertaking in your life will end. If you first draw in front of you a picture of where you are at an upcoming business meeting, how you go there, how you communicate with people there, you will also learn to feel what emotions and feelings this evokes in you. Either anxiety is inherent in you at such a meeting, or, on the contrary, joy and confidence in yourself and your strengths. Thus, over time, you will learn to anticipate the result of your future venture in advance. Of course, such a skill will not come right away, but you just have to properly observe yourself, your sensual world, and everything will work out.

2. Reservations in life are not accidental. For example, it happens that an unfaithful wife, when talking about her husband, suddenly suddenly calls him by someone else's name, but not just an outsider, but the name of her lover. You might think to the listener that she just made a slip of the tongue, but in fact, before her language made a mistake, she made a mistake and thought. And she was just true, not accidental. Or when you talk about someone at work, it flies from your lips that he is an excellent "rogue".

You immediately apologize, make a joke, they say, let slip and all that, but your intuition, apparently, was not mistaken - and you must draw conclusions about what kind of "specialist" this person is at work.

A similar example can also be the fact that you suddenly thought about a person in the past tense, immediately pulled yourself up, that something else came to mind. And after some time you find out that this person is gone. It was not just a thought that needs to be driven away from oneself, but a kind of message from above.

If you have questions about an upcoming event, then in order to at least a little predict its outcome, try to think for a few minutes, talk about this event and at the same time track the thoughts and images that come to your mind with all this. Even if during such an experiment you touch a vase with your hand, break a cup, drop something on the floor, this can also be regarded as some kind of warning about upcoming events. Perhaps there is also some kind of threat hidden in those signs that you are not aware of.

3. I knew it in advance. This certainly happened to everyone, when the teacher holds his pen in the desire to call someone to the blackboard, you already know that this person will be you and no one else. Or at the institute, having learned one ticket, you calmly go to the exam, and you have the exact confidence that you will limit yourself to this ticket, and pass everything perfectly. People also have a good intuitive sense of what should happen to family and friends for them.

You can improve the technique of your intuition. Take a deck of cards face down and try to split the first ten cards, blindly, into two piles of red and black suit. As experience shows, the first such practice turns out to be successful, but with each subsequent one, the accuracy becomes less and less. Therefore, during further such experiments, it is necessary to take breaks between them, so that intuition can relax and work effectively, and not be replaced by logic.

After all, as already mentioned, where there is intuition, there is no place for logic. Thus, you can train your intuition by guessing which minibus is the first to come to a stop, or by tossing and catching a coin before you see which side it fell, try to guess.

4. The one who has eyes will see. There are so many signs and symbols around us that we can notice and we can ignore. Film script makers around the world often do their business on this topic. For example, the plot of the film develops around a young girl who received an offer from her boyfriend to marry him. And then she thinks how to act for her, agree or not.

Walking around the city, she hears the words of a song from the kiosk, which say: “You don’t marry him!”, And then comes across an article in the newspaper where it is written that a good deed will not be called a marriage. Thus, the filmmakers are trying to create such signs around the girl so that she thinks whether she should marry this guy, and decided to wait with an answer, since the whole universe says that there is no need to rush.

Yes, and in ordinary life, if you can observe well such signs, for example, your fellow traveler read a book with some name in the title, and as a result you meet a person whom you have not seen for a long time, who also bears the same name, or get acquainted with a new love, which is also called. But on the other hand, if you always see some signs in everything, you can go crazy gradually. Therefore, you need to learn to correctly perceive the prompts from outside. First you need to choose a day of the week and a time when you will look closely at everything around, looking for clues

5. As if something made me do it. People who managed to avoid a bad fate in an accident, a collision at work, or something else, then say that they are: "As if God took care." At the last minute, they refused to go anywhere and moved to another place. Or another mode of transport.

There are also moments that not only take away something bad, but on the contrary lead to something good. For example, you weren’t even going on vacation, because there is a big blockage at work, but suddenly, succumbed to a momentary weakness and bought yourself a very expensive swimsuit. And literally in a week you find out that you are urgently sent on a business trip to the sea. And then you say that it’s not for nothing that something made you buy that swimsuit, a premonition.

You can train your intuition. If you have an incomprehensible state of anxiety, take a different route, cancel the appointment, coordinate your plans. And then, for pure curiosity, try to find out what happened at that meeting where you did not get, or on the part of the path that you did not go. So you will more accurately know and track whether your intuition was right or wrong. But in no case should you give out your desires or not desires, do something for the presence of intuition for some reason.
