The Beauty Of A Person Determines His Future - Alternative View

The Beauty Of A Person Determines His Future - Alternative View
The Beauty Of A Person Determines His Future - Alternative View

Video: The Beauty Of A Person Determines His Future - Alternative View

Video: The Beauty Of A Person Determines His Future - Alternative View
Video: In The Future Mobs Send People To The Past To Be Eliminated By Hit Man 2024, October

Appearance always reflects the inner essence of each person. This is always very revealing.

My friend is a primary school teacher. Not a single small child has yet been mistaken when meeting her on the street for the first time in their life. For some reason, they always respectfully greet and smile, approach and communicate with her, as if they always knew her.

Peering into the faces of professional pilots, especially military ones, one can confidently single out their peculiar common features in the look, facial expressions, facial features, in some kind of energy inherent only in this profession, which flows from their representatives.

The same can be said about taxi drivers, accountants, in general, about representatives of any profession in which these people are busy most of their lives. They seem to be stamped on.

It turns out that the type of activity determines the general features of the face, behavior, facial expressions, perception of the surrounding world.

Most likely, this comes from the direction of thinking. If a person does not like his occupation, he will not influence his image.

It is not only not the kind of activity that forms the image of a person, to a greater extent the direction of the vector of thinking.

The person who is passionate about his work always thinks for the future. In his daily life, the future always determines his behavior, his actions, his decisions. He certainly takes into account the past, but only as an experience. The facial features of such a person are always fresh. Muscles are toned. He is cheerful and full of energy. He is always attractive and beautiful in his own way, because he exudes vitality.

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If a person has no goal, he has no future either. For him, the future is abstract and formless. He builds his behavior and decisions in life on the basis of the past. And the features of his face also acquire formlessness. His facial expressions and behavior have signs of obsolete, formless energies that do not have vitality and beauty.

Not every moment in a person's life is shaped by building an image of the future. It doesn't work that way. Life energy pulsates, like everything in the Universe. These waves either dry up or rise to their crest.

However, an enthusiastic, goal-oriented person, in moments of ascent, throws a ready-made image far ahead. And then this image attracts a person to new spheres of space for him, forming new energies, new connections and great opportunities.

And a person living in the past cannot make such a throw, because he does not have this image. And being on the crest of the rise, he can only rejoice in a minute of good health. But it doesn't last long. The inability to create new conditions gives rise to stagnation and regression. This is how depression develops, diseases arise.

To a greater extent, this state is typical for elderly people who have everything behind them. They think so. At least many.

Facial features become flabby, sagging wrinkles. Muscles begin to atrophy, and the person plunges into premature old age. The goal has disappeared, and only the goal determines the means and asks the space for the necessary resources to achieve it. And age doesn't matter.


The only thing that matters is the given term for the present life. Nobody knows him. And you don't need to bother waiting for it. Death is another renewal of the life to come. This means that this is only a kind of reboot and a new round based on the achievements.

Old age is given to a person only in order to learn to be young. If a person does not ignore this opportunity, then with each new arrival in the material world, he has more and more manifested memory and skills from past incarnations. This opportunity is based on the fact that a person is more and more aware of the true meaning of Life. And what happened in the past is not perceived as a prerequisite for the current incarnation. When a person begins to understand this, it makes no sense to block this memory.

Having in his imagination, in his thinking, a constant and eternal meaning of life, for a person, old age is new opportunities in overcoming those heights that could not be mastered in a younger state of the body, due to the lack of time and opportunity. These were always good reasons - taking care of the new generation, creating acceptable conditions for physical reality. Senile infirmity frees people from such responsibilities. Instead, time is given to build images of the future. Not only for myself, but also for my kind. After all, the vast experience of the past is not intended for delving into it. It is intended as a building material in building a new future.

That is why in ancient times the elders and sages were so valuable. And in some nationalities even now there is a Council of Elders, which initially determines the construction of the laws of the future life of this people.

But many met very old people who exuded charm and attractiveness. Their vital energy flows, almost visibly.


They do not cause disgust, despite their age. It's always a pleasure to communicate with them.

They exude the eternity of being and it's so beautiful and cool!