The Culture Of Prostitution - Alternative View

The Culture Of Prostitution - Alternative View
The Culture Of Prostitution - Alternative View

Video: The Culture Of Prostitution - Alternative View

Video: The Culture Of Prostitution - Alternative View
Video: Extreme Poverty in Moldova, Europe's Poorest Country (2001) 2024, October

In a patriarchal society, a woman did not need to expose her charms to the public. What was appreciated was not the ability to make a name for himself in public, but virtue, modesty and the ability to please one and only man - her husband.

Modern women have an unambiguous presentation. The best is up for sale. Take a look around: here is a 16-year-old girl in a short skirt is showing her legs that are already fully formed. Here is a mom with a baby, but pulled into tight pants that perfectly showcase all the relish of her ass.


No, don't think I'm a bigot. I love women and their bodies. But it is important for us to understand the essence of motives, to see at the root of the phenomena occurring in our society.

The fashion of prostitution should not be confused with the patriarchal aesthetics, which emphasized femininity, beauty, sophistication, but did not turn a woman into a meat display case. And here is a fundamental difference: the aesthetics of female beauty without an emphasis on sexual charms, in the case of a patriarchal culture, and their modern, emphasized demonstration.

In the era of matriarchal degradation, the process of offering and selling a female continues for almost her entire adult life - from childhood to menopause. It is very easy to verify this. Look at MARRIED women: they continue to maintain their presentation, often against the wishes of the husband, who would like all this only for himself. They dress too provocatively, dye their hair or cut their hair in a way that their husbands don't like. The grim truth is that for modern women, maintaining their sex appeal to men is far more important than a husband's opinion. The husband is a passing episode, the woman's value in the sex marriage market is everything. Prostitution is more important than family. And this is a very important point that characterizes matriarchal degradation. Let's think again: the opinion of the legal husband about the degree of nakedness of a woman, her manner of dressing,in general, in appearance, it costs a woman incomparably lower than sexual attractiveness for other men.

But that's not the worst thing either. A certain category of husbands LIKE having their wives naked on the street. A low-ranking man is flattered that his woman or wife is sexually attractive in the eyes of other men. This is how such a husband feeds, raises his status within the framework of the prostitution society.

Of course, women will try to argue that it is important for a real woman to always look good. Women, as always, are cunning. There is, as I said above, a fundamental difference between good looks, neat and expensive clothes, and outright sexual provocation. This difference is not always obvious, it is determined by the state of fashion, the concept of decency (by the way, note that in our time these very "decencies" have almost completely leveled out and, if they exist, then somewhere at the level of diplomatic protocols, but not not in everyday life). In ordinary life, a woman is allowed almost everything: from topless on the beach and a revealing neckline to panties visible from under her skirt.

Promotional video:

Looking good, aesthetically pleasing, stylish and luring men using sexual instinct are not the same thing.

Our women often accuse people from the Caucasus of intrusive harassment on the street. But let's think for a moment, how Caucasians see our women. Think of Caucasian women. Have you seen their boobs out or their labia protruding through their pants? Maybe short skirts? Can you imagine a drunken Caucasian woman hanging loosely on men in a disco, resort, or restaurant? The conclusion is very simple: for Caucasian men, our women are whores. And this perception is quite natural.


Any patriarchal culture forbids a woman to take a fan. Married - even more so. Religious Jewish women hide even their natural hair under a wig or headscarf, close their hands to the brushes, wear long skirts. The Muslim tradition, as we all know very well, is even stricter. Many people believe that the burqa exists in order not to provoke the "hot oriental guys". This is half the reason. The second motive, perhaps the main one, is the prohibition of a woman in any form to exhibit and sell herself. Patriarchy simply ruled out the exploitation of the sexual instincts of men by women. If he did not completely exclude him, then he strongly limited the woman in such means.

There is a very important motif of patriarchal culture in this emphasized cover-up of "broadcast" female sex appeal. A woman's sexuality can manifest itself only in relation to one person - her husband. Moreover, to her husband for life. And before the wedding, the main attraction of a girl for the groom should lie in the girl's virtue as the patriarchal society understands it: good origin, a decent family of a girl, health, modesty, hard work, kindness. So the patriarchy blocked the self-instinct of prostitution that lives in every woman. Openly exercising sexual charm meant debauchery. Such women have always been despised, considered fallen, they were at the very bottom of society. Modern matriarchal culture swept away these restrictions and imposes on the world a culture of sexual provocation. This is the legitimation of prostitution and the process of trafficking in oneself by the majority of women in society.

And what does this mean in a practical sense, in relation to the institution of marriage? This means, if we call a spade a spade, that from CHILDHOOD a girl is brought up in the spirit of SELLING her body, selling her sex appeal and extorting material goods from men through the exploitation of the sexual instinct. The culture of sexual attractiveness defines the main essence of modern relations between a man and a woman: lure in the form of female charms and the possible prospect of sex with this woman in exchange for the man's resources, his “generosity”. With the intensification of matriarchal degradation, we fell back to the animal level of rewarding mating.


The culture of prostitution directly determines the essence and quality of relations between men and women and modern marriage: a husband, a man as a resource consumed by a woman, her raw material appendage. Access to the vagina, forced by a woman at an immensely high, and most importantly, an uncertain price.

Dmitry Seleznev