Magic And Politics - Alternative View

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Magic And Politics - Alternative View
Magic And Politics - Alternative View

Video: Magic And Politics - Alternative View

Video: Magic And Politics - Alternative View
Video: Это Blizzard Entertainment 2024, October

Psychics and clairvoyants in the corridors of the highest echelons of power have always aroused constant interest. There were many seers at all times who served those in power. And even the most powerful and influential rulers always listened to them. So who are they - charlatans or bearers of truth?

The man and the king

“If I am, there will be both the Tsar and Russia, but as soon as I am gone, there will be neither the Tsar, nor Russia,” said Grigory Rasputin.

To this day, controversy around this controversial, mysterious person does not stop. Who is he really: a libertine or a saint, a scoundrel or a key person in Russian history? One thing is clear: a person who influenced the politics of an entire empire could not be ordinary.


On August 29, 1911, standing in the crowd that Stolypin was passing by, Rasputin suddenly exclaimed: "Death has come for him, here she is, here!" This prediction came true, however, like many others. Rasputin predicted his own death: "They will kill me, and in three months the Tsar's Throne will also collapse."

The son of a Siberian peasant from near Tobolsk received his first knowledge from Siberian shamans. After he had a vision of the Virgin Mary, he went as a pilgrim to Mount Athos. When he returned, he spent his days in prayer and healed people with a special gift given to him from above. Later, when he was at court, Gregory not only treated Tsarevich Alexei, who suffered from hemophilia, but also tried to keep the emperor from making mistakes, in his opinion, political steps, for he “saw” the future. It was Rasputin who asked Nicholas II not to interfere in the war in the Balkans, it was he who warned that in the event of his death the Romanov dynasty would fall, it was he who predicted the beginning of the revolution.

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Rasputin never intervened directly in Russian politics. But, in the opinion of his contemporaries, having a detrimental effect on the empress, who was grateful and devoted to him, he influenced the sovereign through her. “Our Friend wishes,” the queen wrote to her husband on August 25, 1915, “that Ordovsky was appointed governor. He is now the chairman of the treasury chamber in Perm. And Ordovsky is appointed governor of the Tobolsk province.

Sometimes Gregory had visions in a dream, which he told the queen. So, on November 15, 1915, the queen writes to her husband: “Now I must convey to you the order of our Friend, caused by his night vision. He asks you to order to start an offensive near Riga, says that it is necessary, otherwise the Germans will sit down there firmly for the whole winter, which will cost a lot of blood, and it will be difficult to force them to leave. Now we will catch them off guard and make them retreat. He says that we must do this and asked me to write to you about it immediately. I must say that often the advice of this illiterate peasant was successful and led to the victories of the Russian army.

And in many other matters, Rasputin showed a rare awareness and ability to find a way out of a difficult situation. To get rid of the queues for groceries, he suggested pre-packaging flour, sugar, and so on - so customers could receive goods faster. Many of Rasputin's proposals were accepted by Nicholas II. But sometimes irritation broke through: “The opinions of our Friend about people are sometimes very strange, as you yourself know,” he wrote to the Empress on November 9, 1916.

Twice deceased

It is known that J. V. Stalin did not trust anyone. However, he always listened to the opinion of astrologers. It began in childhood, when the occultist Gurdjieff, who later became famous, was sitting at the same desk in the seminary with the future leader, who from an early age was fond of magic and even studied with Tibetan lamas. He also suggested in 1917 Soso Dzhugashvili to change the horoscope, arguing that it is impossible to become a leader with such a natal chart. And Stalin changed the year of his birth. In this regard, there is a very interesting opinion of the Moscow psychic Anfisa Zhanimova: “If a person took on someone else's horoscope and someone else's fate, then he had to die twice. What actually happened: first, Stalin-Dzhugashvili died as a person, and the second time - as a great Soviet figure. Then he was carried out of the Mausoleum, where he lay next to Lenin,and buried a second time."


Chieftain's Protector

Despite the fact that the communist regime strongly rejected the occult, for a long time Natalia Lvova, an unusual and mysterious figure, entered Stalin's inner circle. Its role in the life of the Soviet political elite of that era is still a mystery. It is only known that the Lvov family moved to the capital in the middle of the 18th century from the Vologda region. Just at that time, a cholera epidemic was raging in St. Petersburg, and Natalia's grandmother saved many lives thanks to her miraculous drugs. An uneducated woman, but possessing an amazing gift of healing, was even invited to the imperial court, where she once predicted an imminent violent death to Paul I, for which she was exiled to Siberia. And Natalia's mother warned Emperor Alexander III against handing over power to her son, for in this case Russia will face great disasters. That is why the entire Lvov family was out of favor with Nicholas II.

Before her death, the mother gave Natalya a certain notebook, which, apparently, contained secret knowledge. People close to Stalin recalled that the leader was always interested in magic. His library contained many books on the occult, including translations from German and English. At that time, Natalya Lvova was very friendly with the Kirov family, so Sergei Mironovich, wishing to please the leader, introduced him to this unusual woman.

In 1930, Lvov was transported from Leningrad to Moscow, where she was provided with a spacious apartment. Stalin often began to visit there. Very soon Natalya could enter the office of the leader of all nations without a report. One of the employees of the battalion of protection of government buildings recalled the rituals that she performed in the office and in the country houses of the leader, calling them cleansing. I must say that Lvova really was an extraordinary person. Genrikh Yagoda, the all-powerful People's Commissar of Internal Affairs, recalled: "One of her piercing glances made me shiver." Many noticed that with her appearance, Iosif Vissarionovich became more confident and practically stopped taking into account the opinions of his comrades. However, all the decisions he made, even the most ridiculous at first glance, had the desired effect. Besides,after meetings with Lvov, the leader suddenly arranged personnel changes: some were deprived of their positions, others, on the contrary, were waiting for a career takeoff. Undoubtedly, the "omnipotent Natalya" was also related to this, since she sincerely believed that the leader was surrounded by enemies who harm them with the help of black magic. The sage tried in every possible way to protect Stalin from the intrigues of ill-wishers, using her entire occult arsenal for this. Some historians believe that it was Lvova who inspired the leader with the idea that bloody repressions have great cleansing power.using his entire occult arsenal for this. Some historians believe that it was Lvova who inspired the leader with the idea that bloody repressions have great cleansing power.using his entire occult arsenal for this. Some historians believe that it was Lvova who inspired the leader with the idea that bloody repressions have great cleansing power.

Natalia Lvova died in 1939. It is possible that Stalin, whose position by that time was already unshakable, did not need witnesses who knew everything about his weaknesses. So the death of a clairvoyant still raises questions.

Kremlin magicians

Psychics have always been present alongside the top leadership of the Soviet Union. Among them was the Russian nobleman Sergei Vronsky. Until recently, his name was not familiar to anyone. Well-known political leaders of the USSR and Russia actively used the services of the magician. Vronsky was born in 1915 in Riga. He arrived in Moscow in 1938 at the invitation of Stalin. No one knows what the leader and the psychic talked about, but, having arrived in Russia for the second time in 1942, Vronsky experienced all the "gratitude" of those in power: he was repressed and sentenced to a camp term. After his release in 1955, he was recruited to work in the top-secret KGB laboratory, where he was engaged in forecasts of future events in the country and abroad. Vronsky also predicted favorable dates for space flights and compiled horoscopes for astronauts.


It is no longer a secret that during the time of Yu. Andropov, courses in astrology were opened in the bowels of the KGB. Andropov himself, according to eyewitnesses, met with Vronsky and asked him many questions. It turns out that he listened to the opinion of the astrologer.

NS Khrushchev also did not shy away from contacting psychics and magicians, they were even officially on the staff. These people were mainly concerned with the safety of travel of the head of state.

During the reign of Leonid I. Brezhnev, a special group of six clairvoyants headed by A. Spiridonov, a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, worked for him. It was these people who, having predicted the attempt on the secretary general at a meeting of astronauts, prevented it. The route of the government car was changed, and the car of … the astronauts was fired upon.

But the Kremlin's extrasensory perception was most flourishing during the presidency of Boris N. Yeltsin. The Western press in those years published materials on the front pages under the heading: "Juna is the Kremlin's Rasputin in a skirt."

It was in the 90s of the last century that there was a laboratory at the Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense, which was headed by Captain I Rank A. Buzinov. The strongest psychics from all over Russia worked in this unit. The laboratory issued forecasts of events in the world and in the country. Surprisingly, but true: a plane crash in Irkutsk, events in Chechnya, various terrorist attacks were predicted. And if Russian leaders were more attentive to the work of clairvoyants, many troubles could have been avoided.

There is no doubt that at the present time in the Kremlin there are people with secret occult knowledge and guarding state interests. But who they are, we will not be able to find out soon.

The magician did his job …

All famous politicians of our time resorted to secret forces. In 1930, Adolf Hitler, who considered himself the messiah, was already very popular in Germany. But only the appearance of a charismatic mystic could help to stay on the crest of this wave. He was Eric Jan Hanussen (real name Hermann (Herschel) Steinschneider). He called himself an astrologer, possessed hypnosis, claimed that he had the gift of foresight and was able to read other people's thoughts.


The Berlin magician (as this man was later called) gave Hitler lessons in drama and oratory, taught him to subjugate a large number of people to his influence. By the time he met Hitler, Eric was a fairly wealthy man, he even had his own yacht. In the spring of 1932, Hanussen announced that within a year Hitler would become the Reich Chancellor of Germany. However, in the next elections, most of the seats in the Reichstag went to the Communists. This event dealt a tangible blow to the pride of the future Fuhrer, and he demanded an explanation from the magician. What Hanussen advised him seems at least strange: Hitler had to find a mandrake root in his hometown on New Year's Eve 1933. Allegedly, having performed these simple actions, by January 30 he will reign supreme in Germany. On January 1, 1933, in the presence of other people, the astrologer put his hands on Hitler's head and said, as if in a trance: “I see your victory. It cannot be stopped. A month later, on January 30, 1933, Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany.

As an official adviser to the Fuhrer, Hanussen created the Occult Palace in one of the mansions he rented, which he decorated with mystical symbols. In the central part of the house - the Hall of Silence - stood a bronze statue of Hanussen himself in Caesar's toga with his hand raised in a Nazi salute. A few days after the election, Hanussen predicted that a fire would soon break out in an important government building, and then a big change awaited German politics. Five days passed, and the Reichstag caught fire. Hitler did not miss the opportunity to blame the Communists for this in order to gain full power in the country. It was then that real fame came to Hanussen. Huge queues began to line up to him. But the music did not last long: on the evening of March 24, 1933, he was taken to the Gestapo. The same night he was released, but the next morning they took him back,so I can now put three bullets in the forehead. The deceased was identified by the chauffeur and buried in the Catholic cemetery.

The reason for the liquidation of E. Hanussen is still unknown. Perhaps he suffered because of the great awareness of the secrets of the Nazis. There is also a version that the reason could be the Fuhrer's jealousy of the popularity of the clairvoyant.

Astrologer to help you

More recently, information was made public that many of the famous Americans, namely D. Washington, T. Jefferson and B. Franklin, were so fond of astrology that even the time of signing the Declaration of Independence was set on the basis of astrological calculations. And since they were directly related to the Freemasons, the emblem of America contains occult symbols.

American presidents F. Roosevelt and D. Kennedy always listened to the advice of a certain Jean Dixon, who in 1943 told Roosevelt that Germany would fall no later than May 1945. She also named the exact date of the death of the president himself. Members of the British government also used her services. Jean predicted the downfall of the Churchill cabinet six months before it happened.

Another US President, R. Reagan, was employed by Joan Quigley, an astrologer and medium. The White House's work was organized strictly in accordance with its recommendations. On her advice, Reagan's inauguration was scheduled for 5 a.m., because in this case, according to Joan, the president could count on two terms. And so it happened.

Sometimes the first persons themselves were secretly influenced by parapsychologists. For example, one of the American psychics in his memoirs told that the CIA instructed him to influence the president in order to increase the intelligence budget.

Instead of an amulet

"Psychics in the service" attempted to interfere with the consciousness of the leaders of other countries. During negotiations between R. Reagan and M. Gorbachev in 1986 in Reykjavik, the magician and medium Uri Geller tried to inspire the Russian leader with the idea of reducing the nuclear potential, even if it was not part of his plans. Then the magician repeated this experiment in 1987 in Geneva when he signed a treaty on the reduction of nuclear weapons, which he openly admitted. That is why during the Yeltsin era, a special department for protection from psi effects was created in the security staff. Some sources report that even now very many influential persons use protective magical services away from sin.


