We Are Slaves To Our Finances - Alternative View

We Are Slaves To Our Finances - Alternative View
We Are Slaves To Our Finances - Alternative View

Video: We Are Slaves To Our Finances - Alternative View

Video: We Are Slaves To Our Finances - Alternative View
Video: Modern slavery, hidden in plain sight | Kate Garbers | TEDxExeter 2024, October

Money is the unshakable foundation of modern human civilization. Money is not finance and most people do not understand this. We use a mechanism that was created thousands of years ago and has been improved with us. Monetary relations have evolved with society. From the ancient names, everything has changed a lot. They stopped making money from precious metals. The cost of one dollar bill is less than one cent. What is money in general and how does it work? How is it that we have never known freedom?

Money is a measure of value. Each state has its own internal currency, which is provided by the state. If the currency is backed by the state, then the value of money rises significantly. However, not everyone is so lucky. It also happens that the state is not able to provide its own currency. In this case, a financial crisis begins. The currency is rapidly weakening, inflation is rising, and the people are becoming impoverished. The state is gradually starting to switch to strong foreign exchange. Budget receipts are made in strong currency. Reserve funds are created from the most reliable currency. Thus, a sovereign and independent state actually becomes a foreign colony. Any economic shock in the country with the strongest currency is reflected throughout the world. Foreign exchange markets are falling rapidly, companies are suffering colossal losses,and nobody knows how to fix it.

Each of us has long been accustomed to the fact that money is the key to the world. But is it? Earning money for decades, we not only gain benefits, we lose much more. Who was the man who convinced the masses that work is a one-sided benefit? The reality is that in exchange for unsecured banknotes, we pay not with work, but with life. The most valuable and most liquid resource in the world is life, or to be more precise, this is the time of our life. Everyone, from birth, has a supply of such time and decides what to spend it on. Most people don't like to bother themselves with extra work. Many people believe that happiness lies in a calm, measured life. Getting an education, getting a job, buying a house and starting a family, and then living up to retirement - this is a short life plan for an ordinary person.

People who value their time and realize the cost of time prefer to spend a lot of time in the beginning so that 70 percent of their life time can no longer work for money. You need to work not for the sake of money, but for the sake of the soul and pleasure. Amazingly, everyone understands this, but nevertheless - day after day goes to work that he hates. At the same time, he hates and envies everyone who receives both money and pleasure for work.

But it turned out that such people harm the economy of the whole world. A capable person is always a competitor for the financial elite. That is why the entire modern world economy is built in such a way that people live according to a standard scheme. To put it bluntly and to the point, this is slavery. A new type of slave system, adapted to modern realities. Man not only lives outside freedom, but also thinks within the limits of predetermined categories. From birth, we are instilled in “dreams” about how and where to spend our savings (on expensive brands …). We are taught only to spend, not create.

A small percentage of the richest people in the world, big politicians, members of the boards of directors of multinational corporations are all the unofficial leaders of our world. They define the entire world economy. Behind them are all economic crises, wars, disasters, and even the banking system itself, which is based on financial fraud. They are not aware of our problems, they build and create the world for themselves. We in it are only parts of a huge mechanism, we are only an element of a huge system. Our money does not exist because it costs nothing. The value of the entire money supply is nothing more than our confidence in this. We believe in the value of money, we dream of money, and we unknowingly put weight on money.

A member of the Rockefeller family once said that if people guessed exactly how the banking system works, the world would change, because money is worthless. At the heart of every bank, and especially at the heart of the central banks of states, there is a system of fractional reserve banking. This is a fraudulent scheme legalized all over the world. It allows each bank to issue money without securing it. It's just money out of thin air.

Every time the money is transferred to the bank accounts, a certain percentage is reserved from them. If out of 100 rubles, the bank reserves 30, then 230 rubles are in circulation. One hundred is in the account with the consumer, 30 rubles are reserved by the bank, and another hundred is in the bank's assets, which he controls. It's hard to believe, but the first and second hundred are different money. These shadow assets multiply every day, every hour, and even every second. All banks, one way or another, belong to a small group of people who control this world and determine its fate. They have long convinced us that the world financial system is not a single organism, and money is backed by oil or gold.

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The financial system is not eternal. Every time it exhausts itself and people's trust, an economic catastrophe occurs. Thus, the Great Depression in the United States affected everyone except the financial elites. The US Federal Reserve, a body officially owned by private individuals, deliberately staged a crisis to get rid of the excess money supply. Not only get rid of, but also destroy competitors. Bust successful businesses so that they are forced to borrow again.

Currently, there is information that the US national debt is simply huge, the dollar currency is not backed by anything, and many have long been warning about a new collapse of the world economy. The collapse of the dollar currency will affect all countries without exception. This crisis will hit everyone. Our money will instantly become nothing, businesses around the world will go bankrupt, and sales markets will be freed from competitors. The world will again become free for the activities of secret financial elites, but this time they will capture three times as much of the market. We are ordinary people, we will get nothing but trouble.

So where is our money? We have no money. All that has value is life, and until this understanding comes to the head of every person, we will all be hostages of an ingenious, but slavish financial system.