Velez And All His Men - Alternative View

Velez And All His Men - Alternative View
Velez And All His Men - Alternative View

Video: Velez And All His Men - Alternative View

Video: Velez And All His Men - Alternative View
Video: Khruangbin @ Villain | Pitchfork Live 2024, October

Velez was a good boss for his subordinates. He had a lot of them. They are all different, with complex characters. Everyone has their own questions, troubles and aspirations. Each requires a special approach. Therefore, in order to make it more fun to cope with the task of the manager, Veles took Yarila with him to help. And together they bypassed all the secret places where entrance was ordered without Veles Yarila.

And they were accompanied by a squad of formidable wolf lags, whom people mistakenly considered wolves. But in fact, wolf claws are mighty warriors who know how to turn around like wolves. From birth, wolf hair grows on the top of their heads. At the call of Veles, they hit the ground, turn into beasts and rush to the aid of their voivode in order to scour the forests and fields, accompanying him on the way. Anyone who thinks unkind against Veles will be torn apart by wolf claws mercilessly with their sharp white fangs.

They say that some wise men knew how to turn into wolves. To do this, they put on a wolfskin coat with the fur outside, thrust seven sharp knives into the stump and tumbled over the stump with knives, casting a spell. At the same moment, on the other side of the stump, the sorcerer became a gray wolf, fast as an arrow. But if the sorcerer has a chance to taste human blood, then he will remain a wolf lak until his death. And then he will come from the world of the dead to the living in order to taste human blood. Such wolf lags are called ghouls.

The first, whom Veles and Yarila visit with a check, is the forest king Svetibor. It is a kind spirit of the forest that lives in groves and rules the forest birds and animals. And also in his submission are all the goblin who, seeing Veles with Yarila, immediately scatter so as not to interfere with the conversation of their main ruler Veles with their boss Svetibor. Yarilo loves to make fun of the goblin. While Veles and Svetibor are conducting business conversations, he runs after them, and when he catches him, he tickles to colic in the stomach. So be aware! - if the laughter of a tawny owl is heard in the forest, it means that Yarilo is playing pranks.

Leshies are the main assistants of Svetibor. The protection of forest estates is entrusted to them. In general, goblin are good-natured creatures, but very touchy. They do not like it when people walk through forests and swamps without their permission. If the aliens respect the forest laws established by Svetibor, then only good will be for them. But if a person came to the forest with unkind thoughts, if in his heart there is a greed for forest gifts - mushrooms, berries, herbs, roots, all kinds of animals and trees, then the goblin lures such a person into the thicket. He leads him in circles and even leads him into a quagmire as a gift to his kikimor friends. And the goblin lures those who are especially crazy in the forest to Verlioka.

Verlioka is an evil one-eyed giant with shoulders two yards. He lives in the most deaf forest and never leaves his place. Stands, leaning on a stick, like a lone stump with stubble on top, grins, with a lonely hollow eye, mockingly looks, waits for the lost travelers. Many saw him, but few realized that he miraculously escaped death, passing by the giant killer.

Usually the goblin plays pranks, substituting the bandwagon for the traveler. If you happen to stumble over a tree root or some branch, and at the same moment a forest bird screamed or flapped its wings - know that this is a goblin laughing, clapping his hands, naively rejoicing at his trick.

But those who are kindly granted to the kingdom of Svetibor are rewarded by the goblin. Shows all mushroom and berry spots. He sees off the house and drives away wild animals. And so that the next time the goblin helps again, you need to leave for him everything that was not useful himself. Returning from the forest, be sure to put a pie or gingerbread on the stump. And going out on the road, thank the goblin out loud for the mushrooms and berries presented to them. Never brag about your forest trophies! This is not your merit. This is a gift from the spirits of the forest.

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It is very easy to find out the devil. This is a short old man with a gray beard sticking out forward, a hooked nose and green eyes. His caftan is buttoned on the right side, and both legs are on the left. But most often he pretends to be a tree stump, a deck, or a dry tree. When you meet a dead wood, on which woodpeckers do not sit, know that a goblin stands in front of you, turned into a dead tree without branches.

In the fall, before the onset of frost, the goblin arrange a farewell festival with the forest. They prepare for the winter cold, break trees for no reason, drive animals from place to place and play mischievous in every possible way until they fall underground until spring to winter in the nave kingdom.

Every goblin has a fox wife, and their children are called woodlands. Lesavki look like hedgehogs. Small, gray ones rustle in the fallen leaves of last year. The nannies Listin and Listina look after them. They are quiet, do not rustle foliage, do not play naughty, only keep order among the children. They command which of the kids to rustle at what time, and which to hide. The woods do not sleep all summer, they only play naughty, and in winter they rest with their parents until spring in the underground kingdom.

Among the assistants of Svetibor there is also a moss one. He lives in the swamps under the hummocks where cranberries grow. Sometimes he jumps onto the shoulders of one of the berry trees, and that one will certainly get dizzy and hurt. From that, the mossy has another nickname - Boliboshka.

Every time Veles asks Svetibor about Auki's health. He who does not sleep in winter or summer, fools travelers, responding from behind bushes, from ravines and crevasses. The Cattle God also cares about the guardian of the entire bee people, Krapchik.

Having finished checking the forest, Veles and Yarila go to the fields, watch how Chur guards the borders, and his assistant Mezhevik rushes between grasses and ears, straightening border markers. Mezhevik's brother Lugovoi, just as small, only in green, not brown clothes, helps people on the mow. Both brothers are great jokers. Mezhevik loves to frighten people who have fallen asleep on the border with terrible dreams, and Lugovoi inserts grass and blades of grass into the nose and ears of lazy mowers, when, instead of working, they doze on a white day in a haystack.

The native father of Mezhevik and Lugovoi is Polevoy. He wears white robes, his hair and beard are straw-colored, and his eyes are multi-colored. One eye is brown, the other blue. The field helps the tillers and reapers. He likes to make fun of the lazy. Either he knocks the jug of kvass to the ground, or hides the touchstone for sharpening the scythe.

And he checks the kindness of the farmers like this: he comes to the worker in the guise of a snotty old man and asks him to wipe his nose. If a toiler without embarrassment wipes his hands on Polevoy's nose, then there will be a great harvest. And if someone else disdains to wipe the nose of an unfamiliar old man with his own hands, then he will not see life.

The wife of Polevoy, mother of Mezhevik and Lugovoi, is Midday. A stern, bony old woman in white. She makes sure that farmers work with scarves or hats on their heads and make sure to go to sleep in the shade in the middle of a hot day. Those who disobey are rewarded with a slap in the face, from which the disobedient faints.

He points to the especially careless ones to his old friend Moroku, who in the heat shows people visions of something that has not been created in the explicit world. Darkness is a spirit of lies and deceit. He will never miss an opportunity to laugh at a person and happily helps Noon to fool people.

After a visit to the Polevoy Veles family with Yarila, they go to Sporysh. Knotweed is a spirit that takes care of the timely and rapid emergence of all plants. And he also wants the harvest to be fast and carried out on time. He lives in a double ear, and the one who notices a spikelet that has grown together in the field knows that he has met the dwelling of a golden-haired blue-eyed boy Korysh - a tireless, quick to hand, laughing spirit of the harvest. This means that he will have every business to argue. Knotweed lives in every home, but from those who are afraid to work, he is forced to leave forever.

Knotweed loves to work, and his brother Pereplut loves to rest. Brothers are always inseparable, therefore any work will certainly be rewarded with a thick-cheeked ruddy bridle with wealth and abundance. Pereplut is Veles' main assistant in matters of trade and exchange. When the harvest is harvested, he, together with Sporysh, arranges a feast and only chews buns, drinks well and dances to the sounds of gusli, jew's harps, kugikls and flutes. Cunningly Veles winks and devours the food for both cheeks.

From the fields Veles and Yarilo go to the people. They walk through the villages and villages, but people do not notice them. But all the brownies, courtyards, barnmen and banniki go out to the authorities to report. They bow down and invite them to visit their farms.

The main one in the household is the brownie. He tirelessly fusses around the house, grumbles softly, laments and laments. But in fact, it is difficult to find a more caring and kinder spirit. He also loves to be naughty. Make a noise in the house, rumble shutters, pet the cat against the grain, or what little thing to hide. Brownies like to plait pigtails on horses' manes. His dwelling is usually under the stove, underground. A small sprout, like a cat. And the appearance of the brownie always looks like the head of the family. If something in the house does not happen according to the owner's plans, the brownie will always point it out to him.

All household spirits are subordinate to the brownie. And if the household gets along with the brownie, then he and all his assistants help grandfathers, the spirits of ancestors, to protect the house from hostile forces. They warn, suggest in advance about the upcoming misfortunes, but people do not always know how to read these warnings. To make friends with the brownie team, you need to constantly thank him: leave a bowl of porridge or milk in a secluded corner, while saying: "Master-father, take our porridge, eat pies, take care of the house!" And the best gift for the "master-father" is the "chicken god" - a stone with a hole, which is the best amulet for all brownies.

The brownie's wife, a hairy girl, helps her husband in all matters, and even manages to keep an eye on their restless kids, for the laughing little hogs who, invisible to the inhabitants of the dwelling, scurry about everywhere under their feet.

If the family moves to a new place, then the brownie with the family is certainly asked to follow the trail. Old pots are transferred to a new dwelling, and broken shards are buried in the ground under the old house. That is why the ancestors believed that dishes beat for good luck.

Sometimes it happens that a brownie with a hairy, very tired of worries, sleep soundly, and other spirits begin to play mischievous in the house. Chudinka and Barabashki are knocking on the walls, candles are extinguished and dishes are rattling. Lizunka licks the hair of the owners, animals and unwashed dishes to shine. Where it sits down, Mokruha leaves a wet spot. Shishiga is a brownie kikimora, it scares the owners with different sounds, jumps on the floor with blue lights, and maybe even interrupt the pots in the house. However, this happens very rarely if she is very angry. And she is especially angry when drunk and slovenly, those who are lazy to clean up the house.

The brownie's brother is a furry grandfather. He, like the brownie, looks like a cat, only his legs are goat's. He supervises the order in the yard and protects the cattle. True, he is very disliked by animals of light color, therefore, in order for him to look after sheep and goats and white horses, for the first time they are led back into the yard and through a spread sheepskin coat at the gate.

Especially for the courtyard, on the inner side of the gate, they hang a "witch's broom" - a spruce branch with cones. It is in it that the courtyard settles. But all these household spirits are good, and they only benefit a person. And a completely different thing is a bannik.

This is a wicked old man. He walks forever naked, with a knee-length beard covered with green mold, and his eyes are iridescent. It is his fault that the owners in the steam room have fainting spells, or even faint from the smoke. If, in the opinion of the bannik, the bathhouse is laid in the wrong place, then he sends a disease to the person. Can scald with boiling water or tear off a piece of skin with a broom.

Twelve sisters, maidservants of Mary-Morena, - fevers - he very much loves to borrow from the mistress in order to incite plague, cholera or some other attack on people. And they are happy to try. In this twelve shaking sisters, fevers, fevers, servants of the goddess Morena, spirits of terrible diseases: plague, cholera, jaundice and many others - were always ready to help Bannik.

The only benefit of a bunny is that mice and rats can see and therefore are afraid. From that, the meat, hung in the sauna under the ceiling for smoking, always remains untouched.

In the barn and the barn, the barn was placed as the chief overseer of order. He looks after the cattle, like the courtyard. But the main benefit from him is that all the birds are under his care. Ovinnik protects chicks from gyrfalcons and makes sure that ducks, turkeys, chickens and geese are not dragged away by the fox.

The barnmen also have helpers, who are called shishas. They are small, grimy, their faces look like figs. To drunkards, drunk to fever, they appear in their own image. They begin to jump over their bodies, climb into their bosoms. With their noses wiggling from side to side they lead, jump, somersault, shake their tails and mock. They giggle so disgustingly. It is the drunken cones that people mean when they depict the famous figure of three fingers and say: "Here comes a boil in vegetable oil."

Veles and Yarila are the last to visit. When Khors lowers the Sun beyond the sea, into a boat that will take him to rest, Veles descends into the Navier kingdom, and Yarilo, on the contrary, flies up on swans to Iriy, they watch their friends waving after them … And meanwhile the dream caresses with warm palms heads of human children. Shows them dreams. Drives away the scary and shows off the sweet. Not always in time, but he tries hard! Buka sometimes gets out of the closet, but not for long. And he still can't do anything bad to children. Just scare slightly. But are brave children afraid of the beech?

Author: kadykchanskiy
