16 Mystical Stories, From The Reading Of Which The Blood Runs Cold - Alternative View

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16 Mystical Stories, From The Reading Of Which The Blood Runs Cold - Alternative View
16 Mystical Stories, From The Reading Of Which The Blood Runs Cold - Alternative View

Video: 16 Mystical Stories, From The Reading Of Which The Blood Runs Cold - Alternative View

Video: 16 Mystical Stories, From The Reading Of Which The Blood Runs Cold - Alternative View
Video: Vlad and Niki Chocolate & Soda Challenge and more funny stories for kids 2024, October

Surely many of us have at least once in our lives got into strange situations for which it is difficult to come up with a logical explanation. As a rule, such stories are hard to believe, but the brave users of "Overheard" and "Pikabu" did not remain silent and shared them with us.

We propose to plunge into the world of mystical cases encountered by real Internet users. Well, at least they say so.


Once we were sitting at the table and a conversation about religion started. Mom confidently gives out the phrase: "Nothing happened in my life that made me believe in God." And at that moment, with a loud bang, a cork flies out of the bottle. From a bottle of cognac.


She was very little, she could not speak yet, but she constantly babbled some rubbish with “meowing” sounds. It all sounded pretty funny, and my parents recorded my monologue on a cassette tape. I have already managed to graduate from school and the Institute of Oriental Languages, to which I had a long craving, and recently I dug up this cassette in the old trash and decided to listen. Among all this babbling, phrases in Japanese were quite clearly distinguishable, in which I prayed to the Japanese goddess Inari - the protector of the warriors - to protect my husband.

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In the middle of the night my husband and I were woken up by a son with a scratched face, crying and saying that he barely pushed us apart. It turned out that the hose through which the gas was flowing had burst, and we would have suffocated if not for the child. When everyone calmed down, she began to process his scratches and asked how he managed to hurt his face so badly. He said that he was sleeping peacefully, then someone jumped on his chest and with sharp claws began to scratch his cheeks, and from the pain he woke up, felt a strange smell and ran to wake us up. We do not keep any animals because of allergies, but whoever it is, thanks!


I was abroad, they told me there about a small empty castle, which is located nearby. I went to look at him, and there I met a cute uncle in old-fashioned clothes, who made a wonderful tour, taking him through all the rooms and telling about all the legends and legends associated with this place. But he forgot to mention a local ghost, which he himself was. Since, upon returning to the hotel, I was told that there are excursions there only on certain days and the guide is a woman, and the rest of the time the castle is closed and outsiders cannot get there.


My grandmother dreamed about her father and mother, as if the three of them walked, as in childhood, holding hands. Grandmother, realizing in a dream that they died long ago, asks: "How do you live there?" To which her father replied that in general it was good, only his head began to feel very cold and he needed a hat. The next day, my grandmother went to the cemetery with a new hat and saw that a large hole had been dug by a mole on her father's grave near the head. Still, something exists there …


I had to go with a friend - a bus driver - on a night flight. It so happened that at the end of the flight there were no passengers. This long-distance trip was marked by the fact that we suddenly noticed a stop on the side of the highway, which was not there before. There were people at the bus stop. And a friend, instead of picking them up, hit the gas. To my reasonable question, they say, why so, he hissed, which will explain later.

It would be better not to explain. There really was a stop at that place, but once a drunk driver of KamAZ crashed into it with the most terrible consequences.

And one day a new driver disappeared from the track. His bus just stood there with the doors open, empty and silent. An unspoken instruction from the drivers of those places: don't stop.


Yesterday I put my 6-year-old son to bed. I have already read the tale to him, kissed him at night, I leave the room, I ask: "Should you turn off the light or leave the night light?" Says quietly: "What's the difference, the darkness still won't go away." And then in the next room the window slammed shut from the draft. As a result, she slept with her son. And a night light. And holy water.


I often forget my phone in the car. This time I came home, changed into pajamas, put on slippers, was about to rest, but I saw that there was no phone. I called from home to find out whether he was at home or in the car. The receiver was picked up from the 2nd ring. An unpleasant teenage voice calls my number and asks me to leave a message after the beep. I'm out. I called the second time, the phone was picked up almost immediately, I heard some kind of music and breathing, but they were silent. I run into the street, remove the car from the alarm. The phone is lying, and there are 2 missed …


We bought an old house on the outskirts of the village. Once I stayed in the house to spend the night with my 2-year-old son. Time to midnight, put him to bed in the back room, went to the toilet himself. I was sitting, I heard stomping in my son's room, I think I woke up, looking for me. In order not to get scared, I shout: "Son, I'm here in the toilet!" I heard him running in my direction, ran to the corner in front of the toilet and stopped. I call him again, he is silent. I put on my pants, go out - there is no one, and my son slept in the crib and sleeps.


She worked in a summer children's camp. Every night a girl from my squad would climb out the window and shout that her name was on the field. It was very scary, and my partner and I calmed her down and put her to bed every night. Then it turned out that there was once an old cemetery on the field, and this is far from the first time that sleepwalking children have repeated these actions.


Today my 5-year-old son told me that when he was sitting in my tummy, he saw that I ate a lot of salt and my kidneys hurt. Then we lay with him in the hospital, they gave me injections, and I cried. And he was sitting in his tummy, and he was very sorry for me. I was shocked, because the truth is, when I was pregnant with him, my kidneys hurt, I was in the hospital and cried. I don't know what it is and how he knows it. I never told him about it.


In the evening I drove to Rostov. At 4 am I was returning to Moscow. The second day I did not sleep, so it was cut down. There was no time to stop and sleep, as that day had to be in time for work. I open my eyes from the fact that someone very gently strokes my head. I raise my head - the car is neatly parked on the side of the road, the keys in my right hand. Realized that I fell asleep at the wheel. I went out into the street, shaking like an aspen leaf. I still don't understand what saved me.


All my life I have lived in St. Petersburg. When she was little, from the age of 3 she began to see a little girl in her room. We played, her name was Vera. She said she was very hungry and hungry. I ran as fast as I could to the kitchen, grabbed food and brought it to her. When she returned, she was never there. At the age of 13, I got into a conversation with an old lady next door, and she said that during the blockade in our apartment a whole family died of hunger and their daughter was named Vera. More than 20 years have passed, and I remember everything that my little friend told me …


I redid all the chores around the house, decided to go for a walk with my daughter. We played in the sand, rode a swing. I am thinking, but should we go to the shopping center, which is located a few kilometers from the house. We've been walking for about 10 minutes already. An unfamiliar man walks past us, stares at me intently and, sniffing, suddenly spitefully sings through his teeth: "Turn off the chicken on the stove." I have a stupor, shock. I remember that I really left the chicken soup on the stove. I ran home, looking around and shaking, and the man got on the tram and drove off.


Both my wife and I were late at work, they were the last to take their 5-year-old son from the kindergarten. They expected what would be puffed up, but he was playing merry with cubes.

- Aren't you upset that one was left?

- No, we played while I was waiting for you.

- With a teacher?

- No, with the guys.

- So … The guys of all moms and dads were taken away.

- No, with those guys, with others who always live in the kindergarten!


Background. I have a friend who is 35 years old. Family, 4 sons. Serves under the contract as a driver of special equipment. But he has one phobia, which he does not hide. He is afraid of all evil spirits, he does not even like to listen to stories on such topics. I can, he says, throw myself into the fire, if necessary, jump from a height, but I'm afraid of all otherworldly garbage.

So, he went on a business trip. On the way I stopped by to spend the night with some relative. And then just the wife of this relative is taken to the hospital, the second to give birth. And the first child is a girl of 4 years old. Well, a relative to his wife with things, and the daughter leaves with my friend. They had supper, read fairy tales, and he put her to bed. A girl wakes up in the middle of the night laughing. He goes to her room, and she sits on the bed, plays. When asked why she was not sleeping, she replied that she was playing with her grandfather. Hair moved wherever it is. He began to clarify with what kind of grandfather she was playing, to which the girl replied: "Over there!" And pointed to the void. My friend, without thinking twice, the girl in an armful and in the hospital. The relative was a little shocked.


There are many things in the world for which no explanation has yet been found. Among these are the paranormal. Surely, you also found yourself in strange or scary situations to which you cannot find a logical answer. Tell us about them!