Chronic Procrastination: Why Is It Dangerous And How To Fight - Alternative View

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Chronic Procrastination: Why Is It Dangerous And How To Fight - Alternative View
Chronic Procrastination: Why Is It Dangerous And How To Fight - Alternative View

Video: Chronic Procrastination: Why Is It Dangerous And How To Fight - Alternative View

Video: Chronic Procrastination: Why Is It Dangerous And How To Fight - Alternative View

There is a lot of talk about procrastination now. At the present time - the time of achievement and assessment of the personality through its success - "doing nothing" is condemned, condemned and in every possible way eradicated. How to deal with chronic procrastination?

Yet few people know that procrastination is more than just laziness. This is always a signal from the body that a person is going in the wrong direction and does not what he really needs. In simple terms, this is a refusal to do what the body does not want. This is a rather strange situation. After all, how can you refuse to do work that should help you buy, for example, real estate or a car?


Dealing with the reasons for procrastination, people are surprised to learn that they need these purchases in order to become, for example, more noticeable in the society of other people. But in fact, on an unconscious level, this person may just not want to become more noticeable. He may be afraid that in this case everyone will see his flaws. Or he will have to work even harder, and he is already very tired. Or, somewhere deep down, he's sure he doesn't deserve to be first. There can be many bases for sabotage. And the one who is looking for the real reasons for his "idleness" and postponing all important matters for later acts wisely. Because the one who continues to be in this state for a long time causes himself enormous harm. Which one? Read below.

How does procrastination affect the body and general condition?

In fact, the human psyche spends colossal reserves of energy to force itself to do what it does not want. This is why procrastinators are usually lethargic, sleepy, and tired even when they have done little or nothing. They can even wake up in the morning immediately tired. The longer a person lives in this mode, the more likely they are to catch a cold or face an exacerbation, for example, herpes. This happens because over time the body gets tired and immunity decreases.

And also, due to constant mental stress, various unpleasant conditions can occur: headaches, increased nervousness, irritability, apathy, and others. That is why procrastination must be dealt with immediately.

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If we talk about social life, then postponing things until the very last moment, or even refusing to do them at all, entail serious consequences. How many smart and talented people have failed to make a career. Or to prove themselves worthy in their activities because of procrastination. Instead of finding a business that inspires and energizes them, they spend all their energy on persuading themselves to start doing their supposedly necessary business, which in fact they consider pointless.

What does procrastination lead to?

Many are amazed when they realize that they really hate their work, not what they don't like. They suddenly realize with horror that they just once believed that they could not pretend for the best. Or that they do it only because their parents once inspired them that it was so right. But this is right for the parents, not for these people! When they realize that every day of their lives for many years they are forcing themselves to do a hated deed, they are seized by panic … Of course, such an environment does not contribute to the healthy and harmonious development of the individual.


And this means his personal, professional growth. Therefore, the conclusion suggests itself. Chronic procrastination is a path that leads not to achievements and satisfaction from self-realization, but in exactly the opposite direction.

What to do?

The recipe for how to deal with chronic procrastination is pretty simple. You need to analyze your life, hear the signals of your body and be sure to believe them, because the body never lies. And if a situation arises in your life where you need to do something and it is impossible to refuse, then try so that it was not a regular lifestyle with endless violence of yourself. Try to negotiate with yourself. Promise yourself pleasure after completing an inevitable task. Treat yourself and your body for your efforts and a job well done. And be sure to organize the pleasure promised to yourself, otherwise you will stop believing yourself. And what could be worse than self-distrust?

Author: Yulia Kostyuk
