Chemist James Tour: "Scientists Don't Really Understand Evolution" - Alternative View

Chemist James Tour: "Scientists Don't Really Understand Evolution" - Alternative View
Chemist James Tour: "Scientists Don't Really Understand Evolution" - Alternative View

Video: Chemist James Tour: "Scientists Don't Really Understand Evolution" - Alternative View

Video: Chemist James Tour:
Video: Dr. James Tour - "I don't understand evolution" 2024, September

Dr. James Tour has a good understanding of microevolution, which he often observes in the laboratory. But he is puzzled by microevolution, which, according to Darwinism, led to a change in species, transformation of organs, and the emergence of man and modern flora and fauna. He does not understand how this could have happened. The Nobel Prize winners in chemistry and the National Academy members he asked were also unable to explain.

According to Tour, in private conversations, the world's leading chemists admit that they do not understand how evolution was carried out. He asked the scientific community to explain how macroevolution took place. Not a single chemist responded.

Dr. Tour in 2010 became one of the ten most cited scientists in the world. He is world renowned for his research in nanotechnology. He is a professor of chemistry at Rice University, received his Ph. D. in organic chemistry from Purdue University and is a research fellow at Stanford University.

“He does not support the idea of creationism, but speaks openly about his faith in God. He is a follower of Messianic Judaism, rarely speaks about his faith, but is ready to discuss this topic if it comes up,”noted his colleagues in the Houston Chronicle in 2010.

During a discussion titled “Nanotechnology. Jesus Christ”at the Georgia Institute of Technology on November 1, 2012, he said the following:

“I will say that as a scientist and expert in synthetic chemistry, if anyone has to understand evolution, it’s me, because I’m in the business of making molecules. I am not mixing substances, but creating molecules from scratch, so I understand how difficult it is to make molecules."


“I do not understand evolution and I am ready to admit it. It's okay to say, 'I don't understand this? "I know that there are people who don't know anything about organic synthesis, but they understand evolution. I know a lot about making molecules, but I don't understand evolution."

Promotional video:

“Let me tell you what is happening on the sidelines of scientific institutions in communication with members of the scientific academy, Nobel Prize winners. I talked to them in private when no one sees, because in public it is scary to talk about such things.

I asked: “Do you understand this, how did it happen? Every time I had such a conversation with specialists in synthetic chemistry, they answered: "Uh … no". Or they don't say anything. They just look at me in surprise, because they don't understand either."

Tour's experiments in the laboratory brought him universal recognition. For example, his nano-cars exceeded all expectations. Basically, they are molecules that look and move like cars. He created a motor for them that makes 3 million revolutions per second. The first version of his car had a motor that only made 1.8 revolutions per minute.

“As a chemist, he is extremely resourceful,” says Wade Adams, director of the Rice Institute for Nanotechnology. "He makes the molecules dance."

However, Tour faced academic prejudice for speaking out about evolution. “When because of this they are not appointed to a position, they are not invited to work as a researcher, it offends … I openly express my views. This is very annoying to people. I don't understand why,”he said in an interview with the Chronicle.

However, the leadership of the Rice Institute continues to support him.

During a conversation at the Georgia Institute of Technology, he spoke of a conversation with a bioengineer from Israel: “He described my ear, he studied changes in the structure of the ear. I asked, "How did these changes become possible?" He replied, "You know, Jim, we all believe in evolution, but we have no idea how it happened."
