The Wizard Within You - Alternative View

The Wizard Within You - Alternative View
The Wizard Within You - Alternative View

Video: The Wizard Within You - Alternative View

Video: The Wizard Within You - Alternative View
Video: ABRAHAM HICKS ~ This is How You ACCESS THE POWER of The UNIVERSE to MANIFEST ANYTHING You Want! 2024, September

Your soul has everything to fulfill your desire. Remember the fairy tale about the wizard of the Emerald City? There, the clever Scarecrow dreamed of getting brains, the kind Lumberjack wanted to have a kind heart, the brave Lion sought to gain courage, and the girl Ellie wanted to return home. All the heroes already had everything they wanted to get. But if the wizard Goodwin told them that they already have everything they ask for, it would be too incredible to be like the truth. Therefore, he depicted a magic ritual.

In fact, all that the Scarecrow, Leo and the Woodcutter needed was just to allow themselves to have the desired qualities that already existed in the soul. Ellie's little girl was a little more complicated - she needed impeccable determination to get home. A magical ritual helped her to gain absolute faith, and the wind of intention carried her home.

As already mentioned, everything related to external intention does not fit into the framework of the designations of the mind. The mind drove itself into such a position, and the pendulums helped it a lot. Control over external intention gives a person freedom, and this is contrary to the interests of pendulums.

It is beneficial for pendulums that a person is a gray person, a cog working for these monsters. Self-realization of a person for pendulums is destructive, because a free person works not for the pendulum, but for his own development and prosperity. Therefore, from childhood, generally accepted norms and rules are instilled in a person, making him a convenient and obedient adherent.

On the one hand, there is a positive need to teach a person to exist normally in this world. The violator of the generally accepted norms becomes either a failure or an outcast. But on the other hand, such a suggestion strongly drowns out the individual uniqueness of the personality, as a result of which people cannot say for sure what they really want and do not know what they are capable of.

In order to deprive a person of the ability to control external intention, it is only necessary to separate the mind from the soul, which was done. Throughout the history of mankind, a tremendous amount of work has been done to separate the soul and mind. The mind constantly improved the language of its designations, moving more and more away from the language of the soul. The pendulums of religion, just like the pendulums of science, pulled the mind in different directions, but as far as possible from the true essence of the soul. The development of industrial and information technologies in the past few centuries has finally severed the connection between soul and mind.

The influence of pendulums is especially great now, when everyone reads books, listens to the radio, watches TV and receives information from the Internet. Humanity has accumulated an enormous amount of knowledge and the same amount of delusions. Delusion holds as steadfastly as knowledge. The main loss of a person is the severing of the connection between soul and mind. Only a select few are achieving true success in business, science, art, sports and other areas. Everyone is used to this state of affairs, and it never occurs to anyone that this is not normal.

It makes no sense for us to “save humanity”. I just want to suggest to you, dear Wanderer (I do not indicate the gender), to ask yourself the question: “Why is he (she) and not me? What do I need to be one of these chosen ones? I am not the wizard Goodwin, so I will not arrange magic rituals for you, but just give you an answer. You have everything you need. You just have to take advantage of this. You are capable of anything, only no one has told you about it yet.

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You are capable of creating magnificent masterpieces of art, making ingenious discoveries, achieving outstanding results in sports, business, and any professional activity. To do this, you just need to turn to your soul. She has access to any knowledge, works and achievements. You just haven't asked her about it yet. All the great geniuses of art, science, business, created their masterpieces only because they turned to their souls. And the worse is your soul? Nothing!

Any masterpieces speak the language of the soul. Whatever you do, your work will only impress if it comes from your soul. The mind can build a new version of a house from old bricks, but that doesn't surprise anyone. The mind can make a perfect copy, but only the soul can create the original.

All you need is to accept the fact that your soul can do everything as an axiom, and then allow yourself to use it. Yes, it’s just that simple, and at the same time incomprehensible. And you still allow yourself the luxury of having. The determination to have depends only on you. You are capable of anything.

This statement makes you doubtful. But you do not doubt when you are told that you do not have enough abilities, opportunities, some qualities, that you are not worthy, that others are better than you. You easily take for granted statements that put up a high wall in the path to your goal. So do yourself a favor (not me!), Let yourself know that you deserve all the best and are able to achieve everything that you desire with all your heart.

The very fact that you deserve all the best and are capable of anything is hidden from you very carefully. You are being told that you will be naive if you believe in your unlimited possibilities. But the situation is quite the opposite. Wake up and shake off the obsession. The game will be by your rules if you consciously exercise your rights.

No one can forbid you to do this, but your usual worldview and pendulums will convince you in every possible way that this is impossible. There will be all sorts of reasonable arguments in favor of the limitations of your capabilities. Discard these arguments and adopt the "unreasonable and baseless" argument: together, your soul and mind are capable of anything. After all, you do not lose anything. How much have you accomplished within reasonable reasoning?

You have only one life. Isn't it time to shake up the heap of long-held beliefs that may turn out to be false, and you will never know about it? You just won't have time to find out. Life will pass, all possibilities will be exhausted, and all the benefits of this wonderful life will go to others, even to a few, but not to you.

It is up to you to exercise your rights or not. If you allow yourself to have, you will have it. You need to start by believing in the unlimited possibilities of the soul and turning your mind to it. False beliefs interfere with this, many of which are hacked in the Transurfing model.

One of these beliefs goes something like this: "The hardest thing is to defeat yourself" or "The hardest thing is to fight yourself." Or such a carnivorous saying: "You must be able to step on the throat of your song." This is one of the greatest delusions of humanity. How can, and why should you fight this wonderful, amazing and wonderful creature that lives inside you ?! The bad does not live inside you, but on the surface. It's like a dust deposit on a painting. If the dust is wiped off, a pure soul will open.

The creature that hides under the many masks and costumes you wear has miraculous virtues. The challenge is to allow yourself to be yourself. Did the masks you wear help you achieve success, well-being, happiness? You don't need to change yourself, it will be just another mask. If you throw off the masks imposed by destructive pendulums, the treasure hidden in your soul will be revealed. You really deserve all the best, because you are a truly wonderful, amazing, unique creature. Just allow yourself to be so.

Do you like works of geniuses of art, science, business, sports, stage, cinema? You can become one of them. You like the works of a genius precisely because they are born of his soul. Others will like your creation in the same way only if it comes from your unique soul. Everything that is ordinary, mediocre, is created by the mind. The creations of the mind, like the mind itself, are not unique. Only your soul is unique. You own a real treasure. Any of your brilliant creation can be born only by your soul. Let your mind let her do it.

Vadim Zeland