The Annunaki Are A Mythical Race From The Planet Nibiru. Tyrants Or Saviors Of Humanity? - Alternative View

The Annunaki Are A Mythical Race From The Planet Nibiru. Tyrants Or Saviors Of Humanity? - Alternative View
The Annunaki Are A Mythical Race From The Planet Nibiru. Tyrants Or Saviors Of Humanity? - Alternative View

Video: The Annunaki Are A Mythical Race From The Planet Nibiru. Tyrants Or Saviors Of Humanity? - Alternative View

Video: The Annunaki Are A Mythical Race From The Planet Nibiru. Tyrants Or Saviors Of Humanity? - Alternative View
Video: Does Planet 9 Exist? 2024, July

There are many theories about the appearance of people on Earth and among traditional theories there is a legend about the mysterious race of the Annunaki from the planet Nibiru, who are the creators of people. The existence of the planet Nibiru has not been proven by scientists, and therefore the mystical race of the Annunaki demigods also remains in question, but there are many on the planet who believe precisely in the fact that people were created on Earth by these creatures. So who are they, the saviors of humanity or tyrants for whom people are just subjects?

The Annunaki theory sounds pretty fantastic and could the mythical demigods really be our creators? The mention of the race from the planet Nibiru originates in the tests of the ancient Sumerians, who are considered a fairly advanced civilization and they describe that they received their knowledge from some gods. But it is not possible to check the reality of the existence of the Annunaki, and that is why many consider the race to be a fantasy of the Sumerians. But what if they were real?

At the beginning of the 19th century, an English archaeologist named Austin Henry Layard discovered some Sumerian tablets on which this race of demigods was described by the Sumerians, but many of the ancient texts have not yet been translated and answers to many questions may be hidden in them. The texts are so complex that they take a very long time to be translated into modern language. But some of the texts say that several representatives of the Annunaki were on Earth and lived in the area of Mesopotamia.

The Annunan race is mentioned in many myths, and one of the most significant is the epic of Gilgamesh, where people act as executors of the orders of the gods who instructed to build an ark for salvation from the Great Flood. There is a connection with the Bible here and if a large number of people believe in the biblical texts, then why should they not believe in the Annunaki race? If this is so, then people and animals could not have been saved by any wooden ship, but by a spaceship built with the use of high technologies. Pretty fantastic, huh?:-)

There is no doubt that if these demigods existed, then they came from another planet and some sources indicate the planet Nibiru. But why have we still not found sufficient evidence of the existence of this system, or the demigods deliberately hide it from our eyes? If the Annunaki helped the Sumerians with development and gave them their knowledge, does this mean that it is not worth treating the demigods as tyrants, but they helped humanity in development for thousands of years, or maybe they changed their attitude towards their creatures and we are really in danger danger, as some modern supporters of the existence of the planet Nibiru and the creatures that inhabit it say?

You know, I do not have answers to many questions and one can only fantasize about the possibility of the existence of other civilizations. But what if, the Annunaki never left Earth and still protect their creations and prevent the death of our civilization?

Or maybe they don't care about our development and they give us technology in pursuit of their own selfish goals, because that's what they are demigods? And I will end my article with the thought that if they exist, then humanity is not yet ready to accept such information and our society proceeds from more scientific realities. Society is ruled by skeptics who don't believe in anything but the power of money and don't care about the rest.