Self-hypnosis Or Why Doesn't Intuition Exist? - Alternative View

Self-hypnosis Or Why Doesn't Intuition Exist? - Alternative View
Self-hypnosis Or Why Doesn't Intuition Exist? - Alternative View

Video: Self-hypnosis Or Why Doesn't Intuition Exist? - Alternative View

Video: Self-hypnosis Or Why Doesn't Intuition Exist? - Alternative View
Video: Life-Changing 8 Hr. Sleep #Hypnosis: Get Clarity, Truth, & Answers From Deep, Untapped Higher Self 2024, September

First, let's decide what I am so boldly in a hurry to refuse!

In the minds of people, intuition seems to be something unknown, ephemeral, random and not particularly amenable to training or development.

Everyone in life had a feeling and with it the knowledge of something that was about to happen. If such phenomena occur, then rarely so much that they remain unnoticed by us. As a rule, we evaluate such events as coincidences, moreover, our guesses do not always come true.

For some, intuition borders on foresight. Someone calls it "flair, scent, scent."

It is believed that this is the first thought (image, sensation) that came to mind.

Most psychologists are inclined to think that intuition can be trained with the help of awareness, attention, involvement, trust in oneself, in one's feelings.

Psychics are more inclined to define intuition through clairvoyance, the development of the third eye.

Both offer fun exercises for developing intuition.

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For example, leaving the entrance, try to guess who you will meet first on the way - a man or a woman. Or play heads and tails, trying to anticipate the outcome. It's even easier to guess who is calling or from whom the message came.

Psychics give more fun instructions for developing intuition - from aromatherapy to enlightenment. There are also more familiar ways. Of the simple ones - to train in guessing the value of playing cards. Or develop sensing by touching objects and trying to feel them.

For the advanced, it is proposed to develop and open the "third eye". The techniques are also different here. One of the simple ones is looking at photographs of unknown people and trying to determine their fate or what they do, who they work.

All this somehow works for someone. Sometimes giving some results, and more often being meaningless fun and a waste of time.

So is there really the notorious "intuition" or is there something else behind this word?

The lack of a working methodology and stable results speaks only of one thing - intuition does not exist!

I have been teaching people self-hypnosis for over five years now. The essence of self-hypnosis for me is that a person not only plunges into a hypnotic state on his own, but, above all, can establish a dialogue with his subconscious.

Indeed, why do we need self-hypnosis if it is used only for relaxation or solving some non-essential tasks, such as improving well-being or improving sleep?

Moreover, you have to do everything yourself!

Why not entrust all the routine work to your subconscious mind, leaving behind the ability to manage these processes at a conscious level?

Then it is possible to use the help of the subconscious not only in solving urgent problems, but also in the development of the very "intuition" about which we are talking!

But what if you ask the subconscious to keep track of, for example, negative situations not only in their development, but also in anticipation of the future?

So much for your "intuition"!

If you agree with the subconscious about an understandable feedback channel, then this will work proactively, warning a person about possible negative events.

The options for such an agreement may be different. Often people without self-hypnosis have such a channel of communication with the subconscious. But, as a rule, it is not environmentally friendly, because a person does not know that this subconscious mind is giving a signal, in an attempt to warn of the impending negativity. Since in such cases the subconscious mind is easiest to reach through pain, a person may suddenly have a headache, or he may hit (yes, with his little finger on the nightstand!). A person is not inclined to evaluate such incidents as intuition. And completely in vain!

So, in hypnosis and self-hypnosis with the subconscious, you can agree on an environmentally friendly way of informing. For example, from the latter, the client asked the subconscious mind to choose an understandable and attention-grabbing option.

The subconscious mind suggested a rather funny way - twitching his nose when it is worth stopping and thinking about what he is doing or about to do.

It's so simple - not the third eye, not images and thoughts, but a physical effect on a very sensitive and noticeable part of the body.

And what happened? Here are the first impressions of this setup:

“Miracles, I react differently to situevins. The eyes seem to look from the side. The ears are listening until I can describe how. I leave unhealthy emotions to their owner."

And here's another, about the situation on the road:

“Let's go, talk. And then for no reason, no reason twitched. I think, "What the hell?" I’m not driving, but I always drive ahead and follow the movement. We overtake the car and then the traffic cop brakes us. Our carrier grappled with him, although there was no apparent reason."

Sounds like the notorious "intuition" works? Yes, one to one! Only this is not intuition at all, but the work of the subconscious.

And this work is not a whim of accidents, but a valid agreement with the subconscious! With a proven methodology and stable results.

Do you understand now why, at the beginning of the article, Varvara's nose was not torn off? Because the very nose warned Varvara where it was dangerous to stick it!

From which, by the way, we can conclude that this saying about Barbara is not about a curious person, but about one who has absolutely no connection with the subconscious.

And so that this does not happen to you, develop better not "intuition", which does not exist, but a dialogue with the subconscious. And do it not anyhow, but with the help of hypnosis and self-hypnosis. This will allow you not only to feel the danger in advance, but also to look at your persistent negative habits in behavior, communication, and life. And of course you can fix them!